33 Day and night

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The sun was already high in the sky when Sanja finally rolled out of bed. The heat was really bothering her this late into her pregnancy, even though she usually never had a problem with it.

She felt sweaty and sticky, which meant she took her time washing herself with the pleasantly cool water in the bathroom. Sighing, she stroked her bump as she got dressed afterwards. The baby was very active and the mommy-to-be wondered if it would be the same as soon as she and Damian could hold their little darling in their arms.

Humming, she braided her hair before slowly and carefully making her way down the grand staircase. She always had one hand on the banister to be on the safe side, as she hadn't been able to see her feet for a long time.

Sanja waddled into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat before making her way to the library with a plate full of goodies. She had spent many hours there over the last few days. It was one of the coolest rooms in the house. And she also searched through the many books for a lovely name for the baby. She already had a good idea, but who knows... maybe it was possible to find a more suitable name.

Damian did the same whenever he had the chance. He took the matter of the name just as seriously as his wife. He wanted his son to go through life with a fitting name that had meaning.

After taking a new book from the shelf, Sanja sat down in the comfortable wing chair and rested her swollen legs on the ottoman. It was pleasant, she thought. And she also enjoyed the peace and quiet to the fullest, knowing of course that it would soon be over.

"Hello my darling." she heard her husband's voice say after a while as he came into the room and smiled broadly at her.

The pride and love in his gaze was something Sanja would never get enough of.

Damian came over to her so that he could give her and their baby bump a long kiss. He then knelt down next to his family so that he could stroke her belly as usual.

"I've missed you. Where have you been for so long?" Sanja asked as she brushed her fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry, Sanja. I'm just trying to get as much work done as possible before the baby comes. I really want to be able to just spend time with you. Can you forgive me?" he replied, looking at her with his big, dark eyes.

"Hmm... I'll think about it... But I love how impatient you are." his wife laughed.

"You're just as impatient, love. Do you want to come with me later to pick up the crib or is it too exhausting for you?" Damian wanted to know.

"I'd love to, but I think it's better for our daughter if I rest," she replied, making a face.

Damian couldn't help but laugh. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry. Our son comes first. And you'll be the first to see the crib when it gets here. Are you making any progress with the name search? For my part, I had the perfect idea this morning. And I think you'll love it," he said.

"Of course I will, because I love you. Too bad you have to wait to use the name because we're having a girl." Sanja explained and poked his nose.

"I love you too and we'll see. But now relax. I have to do some paperwork before I leave. Do you need anything else? Water? Some fruit?" he wanted to know.

"No, we're fine. I'll just watch you work and distract you from time to time," she said as she pulled her husband close so she could kiss him.


Even at night, it was still incredibly hot, making it difficult for Sanja to sleep. But Damian didn't manage to either. The nervousness inside him made it almost impossible to rest. All his thoughts were focused on Sanja and the baby. He wanted everything to be perfect. And so he spent hours preparing for it all.

Damian felt the bed move and Sanja threw the sheet aside before she tried to get up.

"Do you need help?" he wanted to know as he sat up wide awake.

"Yes... I can't get up and I have to go to the bathroom." Sanja sighed as she tried in vain to maneuver herself out of bed.

He quickly jumped out of bed and went to her. He gave her his hands and helped her to stand up.

"Thank you, beloved... I'll be right back. Try to sleep." Sanja said and caressed his cheek.

Despite the dim light, she could see how tired he was. How much she wished he wouldn't put himself under so much pressure. It couldn't be good for him. Besides, she suspected that he would be even less able to relax with the baby.

Damian decided not to say anything but just nodded. He was exhausted and could have easily fallen asleep standing up.

Slowly, he lay down again. Sighing, he buried his face in the pillow that smelled of Sanja as he waited for her to come back to bed.

But instead, after a few minutes, he heard her voice.

"Damian? I need your help!" she called out.

He was immediately wide awake once more. He jumped out of bed and hurried into the bathroom.

Sanja held onto the sink with both hands. Her breathing was rapid.

"What's wrong?" Damian asked just as breathlessly.

"I um... My waters have broken... The baby's coming." she replied, wide-eyed.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now