30 Even more beautiful

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After an evening filled with food, laughter, music and dancing, the newly married couple stood together on the terrace to breathe in the cold night air. The sky was clear and the countless stars twinkled above them as they took a moment just for themselves.

Damian had his arms wrapped around his wife while Sanja rested her head against his chest. She loved listening to his heartbeat. So steady and calming. Almost as if it was beating just for her.

She sighed contentedly. And Damian knew how much she was enjoying this moment. She felt the same way he did. It was a wonderful feeling to be connected on this new, highest level.

"What's on your mind, Lady Priest?" he asked softly as he pressed a small kiss to her hair.

"Just this... How special this whole day has been, despite the incident. And that I love you so much." she replied softly after lifting her head and looking deeply into her husband's warm eyes for a moment.

"I love you too. And I agree with you... It couldn't have been more beautiful." Damian said.

Then he touched her face with his hand and stroked it gently. He just loved seeing the soft smile on her lips. Somehow that smile was still special to him.

Slowly, he pressed his lips to hers. Sanja smiled even during the kiss, she was so happy to have found this man, or rather that he had found his way to her beach.

"We should go back. The guests must be wondering where we are." Sanja eventually said, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

"But not for long. Because I want to spend the rest of the night alone with my beautiful bride. I won't be able to wait much longer," he replied.

"I feel the same way," she said and stood on tiptoe to steal another kiss.

Hand in hand, they went back inside where they continued to dance for a while. But eventually it was time for them to say goodbye to the first guests. Ultimately, only Rhea, Paya and Garro were left.

"We just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I know how much you all contributed to making this day as beautiful as it was. We are very grateful that you are part of the family." said Damian.

"You're very welcome. Really. It was a pleasure. And speaking of family... Did you finally tell him?" Rhea asked, looking at Sanja with big eyes.

"Tell me what?" Damian wanted to know.

His confused gaze met Sanja's. She didn't have the slightest idea what Rhea meant either.

"I don't know. Rhea, could you be more specific?" Sanja then asked.

"Well... I thought you wanted to tell Damian and us today that you were expecting." she replied as she frowned.

"What? But what makes you think that? I'm not expecting." Sanja said.

"Sweetheart, are you so sure about that? I mean... We can all see it. We just didn't say anything because we assumed it was supposed to be a surprise." Paya then said.

"I... Excuse me? You really think... Can that be? I would have noticed..." Sanja stuttered as she looked up at Damian.

His mouth was hanging open. He, too, was taken completely by surprise by what he was hearing.

"The signs are all there... You've noticed yourself that you've gained a little weight. It's just not for the reason you thought. And then you're sensitive to smells, but you're eating more often than usual. In addition, you have mood swings." Paya explained.

"Oh my god! You're right! Damian! We might be having a baby!" gasped Sanja.

"Might be? My beloved, I'm quite sure. It all makes sense. We're going to have a baby. Not a maybe!" he replied with a grin before kneeling on the floor in front of his wife and placing his hands on the right and left side of her stomach.

He smoothed the fabric of her wedding dress and then pressed a loving kiss on it. They had probably just been blind or hadn't been paying attention. But now... now the truth seemed to wash over them and make the already beautiful day even more marvelous and richer.

And maybe it was a sign from heaven. A sign that someone was watching over them and sending them a little angel of their own to love.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now