8 The rumble of the storm

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They hurried back and forth as fast as they could to prepare everything for the fast approaching storm. The dark clouds could not mean anything good. A disaster was about to happen. Sanja could simply feel it. She had experienced storms too often, but only a few were strong enough to cause massive damage. Hopefully they would be spared.

As if they had never done anything else, they worked side by side so that everything was ready quickly. It started to rain after just a few minutes. Yet the rain that poured down on them was more like a flood. The gates of the sky had opened and it poured down heavily. The wind whipped around and the trees around the cottages bent so much that they were already creaking. 

After less than a minute, Damian and Sanja were soaked to the skin. There was nothing more they could do now. What was going to happen was going to happen. They hurried back into the cottage to protect themselves from the elements.

Damian had trouble closing the heavy wooden door behind them, the wind was so strong. When he turned around, he saw that Sanja was already taking off her dripping wet clothes. Suddenly he froze. It was unexpected.

"Are you all right?" she asked quietly as she turned to face him.

She almost laughed at the sight of his face. Damian stared at her, dumbfounded. As if he had seen a ghost or perhaps an angel.

"I... Yes... You're just... so beautiful..." he whispered softly as he found his voice again.

"Oh um... Thank you. Maybe you should change too." she said shyly, lowering her gaze as she wrapped herself in a towel.

Then she offered him a towel too. His presence was so natural to her by now that she hadn't even thought about it as she began to undress. Without answering her, Damian also stripped off his wet clothes. The warm air radiating from the fireplace surrounded them both.

Damian stepped behind Sanja and took the towel from her hand. Their fingers brushed against each other. Sanja looked up at him when she felt a spark, as she had so often recently. His eyes were almost warmer than the fire in the fireplace.

Her breathing quickened as she saw him slowly licking his lips. Involuntarily, she did the same. The crackling of the flames and the loud howling of the wind was all that could be heard. At that moment, she wasn't worried about what might be happening outside. Instead, her body let her know that it had a new desire.

Her eyes began to wander. Inch by inch down his body. The scar had faded by now. For a split second, Sanja wondered if the island was already affecting his healing. Normally, according to the elders, it would take years. And only if you had found your true mate.

 Damian leaned towards her just as Sanja stood on her tiptoes. Their lips met in a little, tender kiss. But that wasn't enough for either of them. Sanja kissed him harder as his strong, large hands pulled her closer. She opened her mouth to deepen the kiss. Damian's chest rumbled as if a wild storm was raging inside him too.

He began to taste her on his tongue as the towels slid to the floor. Her naked breasts nestled against his defined chest as they explored each other with hands and fingertips.

Slowly they sank to the floor, still kissing. Damian caressed every single inch of Sanja's velvety soft skin. She moaned into his mouth as impatience and heat rose inside her. Slowly, she slid her hands down his back. As she felt every muscle, everything inside her yearned for relief.

A little sheepishly, she finally slipped a hand between them and reached for his hard, throbbing member. Panting, she guided Damian to the part of her body that was most in need of pleasure. So velvety and soft and at the same time so hard.

He penetrated her body with a slow stroke. Sanja cried out with lust. The sensations in her body were so overwhelming. Damian looked into her caramel-colored eyes and almost lost himself in them as he began to move. Nothing had ever felt so right. It was as if she was his counterpart that had been waiting to be completed.

Time no longer made sense. The rumble of the storm, the thunder and the loud rain... neither of them were aware of it anymore. All they saw, felt and tasted was the other.

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