32 Meadow and creek

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The warm wind blew through the grass and leaves as Damian chopped wood. It was tiring work, but he didn't mind. He liked having to exert himself. And he liked even more to see his pregnant wife approaching with a small basket.

She looked so beautiful. He hadn't actually thought it was possible, but the pregnancy gave her a certain something extra. Whenever she stroked her bump she had that special smile. It was full of love and joy and expectation.

The ivory-colored dress she was wearing also swayed in the wind as she walked across the meadow to the edge of the forest where Damian worked.

"Hello, my beautiful." he said as he lowered the axe to give her a kiss in greeting.

With his free hand, he caressed her baby bump. As always, he was delighted to be able to feel their baby so clearly. He could hardly wait to get to know the new little person. The two of them lay awake together again and again, talking and brooding about what features their child would have. They also talked about names, even if that was difficult. It was an important task to find a name, a suitable one, for the new life.

"Hello, beloved husband. We've brought you something for lunch. Hungry?" Sanja replied as she put her hand on his neck.

"Very much so. Give me a few minutes. I just want to finish these few pieces," he told her.

"Okay... Take as much time as you need." she said and moved a little away from the danger zone.

Sanja placed the basket on one of the large boulders before walking down to the small creek that separated two meadows. She carefully took off her shoes and stepped into the water. It was so refreshing and a real blessing for her aching, slightly swollen feet.

She gathered her dress up so that it didn't get wet as she walked up and down the stream. Of course she heard Damian chopping the wood, but she also noticed how often he paused in between.

In those moments, she felt his gaze on her and knew what he was thinking about. And she was right. Damian couldn't help but soak up the sight of his gorgeous wife. The way the sun shone on her skin and the way the wind brushed through her long hair. The color of the dress she was wearing made her look like an angel.

And whenever he wasn't looking at her, she was watching him. Like when he was practicing archery, his muscles flexed. She loved to see the little beads of sweat running down his skin.

Just as he was about to take a break, he saw Chiquita and Keke come running towards them. They were in the other meadow and, as always, they seemed to sense Sanja's presence.

"Oh hi, precious." said Sanja as the foal came towards her.

She carefully stepped out of the water so that she could pet Keke. The two of them had a special bond from the very beginning. Just like Negro, his daughter trusted Sanja unconditionally.

"You've grown so much. And so pretty. Really. You're the best mix of your mommy and daddy. Maybe our baby will be just like that." she said gently as Keke rested her head against her belly.

"I'm sure it will be." Damian said softly as he approached them.

Sanja turned her head towards him and gave him a smile. She was actually very sure too and couldn't wait to find out if they were right.

"Go and have fun. Good girls." she said before stepping back into the creek.

Damian held out a hand to help her.

"Let's eat something." he said as they walked over to the basket and he took the blanket inside to spread it out.

"This is such a beautiful day. Do you still have a lot to do?" asked Sanja as she leaned against her husband after they had eaten.

"Probably another half an hour. And then I'll kidnap my wife. I thought we'd go for a ride in the carriage. Negro needs the exercise and who knows? It could be our last chance before the baby arrives," Damian replied and gave her a kiss on the hair.

"I like that. I wonder if she'll keep us waiting." she said, running her fingertips over her bump.

"I think he'll take his time." he laughed as he placed his hand next to his wife's.

"Still convinced it's a boy?" Sanja asked with a laugh.

"Of course... Just like you're convinced it's a girl." he replied.

"I'll tell you what... Since we can't agree on a name... You get to decide when it's a boy and I'll choose the name for a girl. What do you think?" she said.

"Sounds like the perfect deal." he replied.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Where stories live. Discover now