13 Conversations

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"Sanja beloved... if you just keep staring at me, we'll never finish," Damian said with a small mischievous grin when he felt her eyes on him again.

The two of them were in the process of making new arrows and spears for hunting and fishing. Garro and Paya had set off for the mine again. They were still keeping their distance. And that annoyed Sanja more and more, even though Damian and her grandfather kept telling her that things would work out.

She simply couldn't stand it when someone behaved so rudely. Especially not to someone who meant so much to her. It was like they were treating her personally with disrespect.

Sanja blushed dark red. She was almost embarrassed to have been caught and distracted from her actual work. But only almost. After all, he was now the man at her side. And wasn't she allowed to stare as much and as long as she wanted?

The sight of his strong arms... the way his muscles tensed when he pulled a bow. How little beads of sweat trickled down his body as they worked in the midday sun. How his lips curled into a small smile whenever he discovered something new about the island or about Sanja... It could all be quite distracting.

"It's your fault," she finally replied.

"How is it my fault?" Damian wanted to know.

His gaze literally pierced into hers, making it difficult for her to even remember the question.

"Well... It's your fault that I can't concentrate. The sight of you distracts me. I don't think that's going to change." she explained, blushing even more.

"Ah! Would you prefer it if I sat further away from you?" he asked.

"Don't you dare." said Sanja in an offended tone.

"Damian, a word, please." they then heard Erwindro call over to them.

"Alone, please. I'm sure you still have some work to do, Sanja. These arrows are not your best work." He laughed as Sanja also rose to follow Damian to her grandfather's cottage.

She looked up at Damian with a furrowed brow. He just gave her a little kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry." he whispered to her before following Erwindro inside.

Of course, she immediately wondered what her grandfather wanted to discuss with Damian in private. He didn't usually shut her out. Every time the men talked, she was there. What had changed now? Sanja continued to ponder and work on the weapons while the men disappeared inside the cottage.

"Sit down, my boy. I'll make it quick," Erwindro said to Damian as he sat down too.

"What can I do for you?" asked Damian.

"I just wanted to thank you for your unfailing help here. It's nice to welcome a new face here after all the recent losses. I can tell that you are very good for my little Sanja. She really blossoms when you are around.

But... well, I'm sure she's told you that I'm worried about the future. I haven't gone into details because I don't know anything for sure... but I know that my end is near. That's why I wanted to give you this. A gift from the island, so to speak. When the time comes, you will know what to do with it.

I know you can protect her, Damian. You can convince her to do what's necessary. The time is soon. Maybe in a few days. That's why I'm going to prepare everything today. But I don't want Sanja to know about it. I don't want her to worry any more than she already does.

Go into the forest, maybe to the waterfall and spend some time alone. She deserves it. Give her a few more fond memories of this place. It could be the last chance," said the grandfather after handing Damian a small pouch.

Damian looked inside curiously and was immediately confused. But this confusion only lasted for a moment. As he stared at the contents, an image formed in his mind. An image of the future... An image that quickly changed when he realized that Erwindro was clearer with his riddles this time.

A few minutes later, Damian stepped outside again and immediately saw Sanja pacing nervously. She waited impatiently for him to return. She instantly rushed to him.

"What was this secret conversation about?" she asked straight away as she stroked Damian's upper arms with her hands.

"Your grandfather wants us to spend some time alone. You've been working hard lately and you deserve a break. What do you think about going swimming with me at the waterfall?" Damian replied as he pulled her close.

"That sounds tempting... But I can't drop everything," she said.

But Damian could see how much she liked the idea. Sanja bit her lower lip.

"Come with me, my love." he murmured, leaning down and brushing his lips against hers.

Her resistance quickly melted. With every kiss Damian placed on her skin, it became less. It was that moment when he realized it was probably the best thing he could do for her. And for Erwindro too... He wanted to do him this favor because he knew that they both only wanted to protect the most important thing. And that was Sanja.

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