Chapter 9

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Freen was so uninterested in the maiden selections she disassociated and was spaced out looking at the detail on the red carpet before her. "Hello your highness, my name is Becky." The small timid voice caught her attention. It sounded a lot like the voice of the beautiful girl she had ran into earlier. Freen's gaze immediately shot up to look at the girl before her and sure enough she was face to face with the beautiful stranger. She quickly sat up in her chair and placed all her attention on the girl's presentation.

The young girl seemed too young to be applying for a maiden position. Freen was used to seeing older widowed women working as maidens and she was immediately intrigued. She listened intently as the young girl introduced herself and her abilities. She could see her mother was not impressed with the young girl as she did not have much experience and was ready to dismiss her.

"Thank you, we will let you know if you are selected." The Queen said dismissing the girl. A sudden unexplained urge filled Freen and she felt she needed to talk to the young girl again. After several other presentations, the Queen dismissed the maidens from the room to allow for deliberation.

"I have made my selection." The Queen declared. "We will have the 65 year old from Borahn, she has great experience."
Freen was astonished by her mother's declaration. "Wait, what do you mean? Do I not get a say in this? Why did I spend all day sitting here listening to these women if you were not going to allow me to pick my maiden." Freen spewed passionately.

The thought of her losing the opportunity to have the young girl she ran into as her maiden stirred passion in her. The Queen looked surprised and curious at Freen's outburst.
"Since when are you so interested in selecting the help? Just a few minutes ago you sat there looking bored out of your mind and now you are outraged you have no choice in the picking of the new maiden?"

Freen felt a little embarrassed at her mother noticing her sudden interest. She quickly replied, "I already invested a lot of time sitting here listening to this nonsense. I will also be the one spending all day with the new maiden, I believe I should have a choice in who that person will be."

The Queen looked at Freen with a questioning look and pondered the request. After a minute she finally asked, "Fine, who is your choice." Freen doubted her reply for a second, but quickly doubled down. "I want the 20 year old girl from Dortah." Freen stated.

The Queen looked surprise at her reply and questioned, "Why would you want her? She has no experience and is very young." Freen looked at her mother with determination and defended her choice. "You said I should be more involved in the palace affairs and practice for when I am Queen. This is my decision. I believe her youth and strength will make her a great worker if she is properly trained."

The Queen questioned within herself Freen's decision, but was intrigued at her daughters sudden interest in the palace affairs. "Fine, if you believe this is the best choice for your maiden then we shall put it to the test. You will soon learn your lesson." The Queen said with a knowing smile on her face.

Freen's face filled with annoyance and determination at her mother's snarky reply. "Servant, call in the young maiden from Dortah!" the Queen instructed the staff nearby.
The servants scattered to find Becky and guided her into the throne room. The young girl stood before the Queen and Princess shaking from nerves. She was unsure as to why she had been called in before them as she had believed it was impossible for her to be selected as the Princess new maiden after seeing how qualified and experienced the other women were. Her mind flashed back to her run in with the Princess and she became filled with fear at the thought that she might be in trouble for almost running the soon to be queen over.

"Congratulations, you have been selected by the Princess as her new first maiden. You will begin your servitude effective immediately. You will train with Rosemary the grand maiden and will be rewarded with your recompense at the end of your servitude. All of your basic needs will be provided by the palace such as food, dress, a bed and any other basic needs. If you have any questions direct them to Rosemary. You are dismissed." The Queen declared.
Becky stood there astonished at the news and was too surprised to move. Freen looked from her uninterested pose towards Becky and studied her.

After a minute the Queen called for Rosemary. "Rosemary see that she is assigned her sleeping quarters and provide her with her toiletries. She will shadow you for the week until she is able to manage on her own."
"Yes your majesty." Rosemary replied bowing to the Queen as she dismissed herself. She held on to Becky motioning her to follow behind her. Becky bowed to the Queen and Princess and followed behind Rosemary.
Freen watched her leave and smiled at the accomplishment she felt. She couldn't wait to talk to the girl again and was so excited at the thought that she would be spending everyday with her.

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