Chapter 56

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Becky woke up to Fiona at the door again with a tray of food. She walked over to the bed and set it down. She walked out and came back in setting down a towel and some toiletries. "Good morning. Did you sleep okay?" Fiona asked smiling at her. Becky sighed before answering. "It was okay." Fiona watched her and noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She looked pale and depressed. "I brought you some things so you can take a shower." Becky looked over at the towel and other objects she brought at looked away uninterested. Fiona looked at her with sympathy and tried to remain chipper.

"Will you eat this morning?" Becky did not look like she had an appetite but looked over at Fiona who had hopeful pleading eyes. "Do I have a choice?" She said sarcastically. Fiona rushed over to hand her the tray and placed it in front of her. She motioned for her to eat encouragingly and watched with a smile as she poked at the food and placed a forkful in her mouth. "How is it?" Becky looked at her annoyed and shrugged. "It's food." Fiona's smile dropped for a moment but it picked up quickly masking her disappointment. "I made it myself." Becky felt a little bad for being so cold to her but she was not in the mood to fraternize with her captors. "Tell me something Fiona, do you know how long they'll keep me here?"  She looked at Becky meekly and shook her head sadly. "No, but the longer you're in here the better. I've seen a couple of people come and never be seen again."

Becky gulped in concern. "You seem like a nice person, why would you work for someone like the Chen's?" She fiddled with her apron and spoke softly. "Umm.. I don't really have a choice. When the Chen's took over Tehran, they destroyed our small town. My father was forced into their army and I haven't seen him since. My mother died giving birth to me so I was left alone at the age of 3. I was taken in by some kind neighbors but eventually they were forced to flee and couldn't take me with them. I was taken to live with my uncle and he got me here as a means to survive. Ever since then I just maintain these living quarters for the staff and occasional "guests". Becky looked at her analyzing her and wanted to dislike her but knew she was just another one of Romanan's victims trying to survive. "Hmmm. So why couldn't you go live with those neighbors?" She shrugged and smiled sadly. "They had to sneak out of Tehran and I was too young to join them. They didn't want to risk putting me in danger or getting caught. They were frantic to rejoin with their lost daughter."

Becky nodded and recounted her escape from Tehran. The bitter memories of her family's separation fueled her  anger for the Chen's.


Friend walked into Freen's room and handed her a glass of water. "Thanks. Alright so we are only here for a few days. I told Billy I wanted to spend more time in Tehran before our wedding but told him I was tired for the rest of the evening. I need you to help me look around the mansion for any signs of Becky or clues to her whereabouts without getting caught." Friend nodded nervously. "You're not turning back on me now are you?" Friend shook her head and put on a brave face. "No, of course not. Becky needs us." Freen analyzed her but then took a sip of water satisfied with her answer. "I do however think we need to have a plan. What if we get caught?" Friend said pre cautiously. "I forgot to mention, I talked to the captain of our army and he has already sent out men to search in Gilan for Becky and is sending men to look here in Tehran. He has to be very cautious to avoid any suspicion from my father or Romanan or we could be starting a war. I promised him we would be very careful and keep him updated. He said he would have men posted nearby to keep an eye out as well."

"What about Irin?" Friend asked. "She will be coming to Tehran tomorrow and we will regroup to make a plan for them to search for her around here. Tee is getting some of her contacts to help her find some where to stay and give her any leads. Roman is not home now and he might be with Becky. I need you to help inform our men tonight so they can track him and follow him around. We also need to sneak into his office while he is out and see if we can find anything including that contract." Friend looked scared but simply nodded. "Just promise me you'll be careful Freen. Romanan is not someone you want to mess with." Freen looked at her fiercely and spoke unimpressed. "Neither am I."

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