Chapter 13

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Freen sat in the library working on her studies but she found herself engrossed in the thought of her interaction with Becky this morning. She knew it wasn't just her imagination running wild; she had definitely caught Becky staring at her when she slept. This thought made her excited and nervous at the same time. She hadn't stopped thinking about Becky ever since she met her and she knew that she was playing with fire by entertaining her new found feelings but she was willing to get burned if it meant getting closer to her.

Freen's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." Freen called out turning to look at the door. Her eyes lit up as she saw Becky's small frame come through the door. "Excuse me Princess, lunch is ready." Becky said timidly. She awaited meekly for Freen's reply. "I will be there shortly." Just as Becky was turning to leave, Freen stopped her. "Wait, I have not dismissed you." Becky turned back and bowed her head apologetically. "So we never finished our conversation. Tell me what brings you to work at the palace at such a young age? Does your family not mind?"

Becky looked up at Freen and swallowed before she replied. "I don't live with my family. My mom and dad live in Tehran and I have not seen them since I was young. I need the money to venture out on my own and hopefully find them." Becky replied. Freen was astonished at her revelation and wanted to know more. "If you don't have a family, who cares for you?" She questioned. "My best friend Irin's family took me in amidst the war and have become like a second family. They were sad to see me go but are very supportive of my future plans. I didn't get much of a chance to say a proper goodbye, but plan to visit them once my service here ends. Freen nodded taking in the new information. "May I ask you something Princess?" Becky requested.

Freen looked surprise at the request and curiously nodded. "Why did you select me as your maiden. There were dozens of other more experienced candidates." She asked nervously. Freen looked at Becky as her cheeks flushed and quickly turned her gaze down to her desk. "I... figured your youth would mean you have plenty of energy to be a good servant. Now that you have become accustomed to the palace, you will need to be around me more to serve me." Freen said. "Now I should head to lunch but will require your assistance later." She said standing up to leave. Becky bowed her head as Freen passed her to leave for the dining room.

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