Chapter 55

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Becky opened her eyes when she heard the door open. The room was dark but there was a faint light coming from outside the door. A shadowed figure stood at the door watching her. She couldn't make out the features of the person in front of her as the room was dark and the light filtering in was blinding. She rubbed her eyes, blinked and focused her eyes on making out who was standing at her door. They closed the door and approached her slowly. She hugged the covers pulling them up to her chin in fear of the person and waited for them to speak. They took a seat on her bed and reached for her hand. The room smelled sweet of the woman's cologne that reminded her so much of Freen.

She dared to be delusional as the woman slowly stroked her hand. "Freen?" The woman smiled showing 2 distinct anterior teeth resembling ones of a cute bunny. "Hey babe."

"Freen?! Is it really you?!" Becky sat up taking Freen by the arms

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"Freen?! Is it really you?!" Becky sat up taking Freen by the arms. "Baby! I missed you! How did you find me? How did you get in? How..." Freen placed a finger on her lips and shushed her. "Shhhh... it's okay. I love you." Becky felt confused and had so many questions. "But..." Freen kissed her shutting her up and waited for her response. Becky hugged her and kissed her back hard. She pulled her towards her desperately unable to get enough of her lips. They pulled away only to catch their breath as their foreheads leaned on each other. "I missed you." Becky breathed onto her lips. "I missed you more." Freen replied taking her lips again. She removed the covers from her and slowly mounted her as she slowly kissed her neck.

Becky leaned her head to the side exposing her neck and giving her better access as Freen hungrily kissed and nipped her tender skin leaving red marks behind. Becky clutched the sheets under her and let out a desperate moan. Freen became more impatient and hungry for Becky and slid her hand under her shirt cupping her breast. She removed the bra and shirt hastily and took a moment to admire her half naked girlfriend before her. She bit her lip in desire before diving in to suck on her left breast. She licked, sucked and nipped both breast, squeezing the opposing one causing Becky to arch her back. "Ahhhh.. Freen." The sound of Becky's desperate need only fueled Freen more making her move up to Becky's soft neck and kiss her way down to her abdomen.

She continued to kiss and nip at her lower abdomen as she began to remove her shorts. She exposed Becky's bottom half causing her own clit to pulse as she hungrily looked down at her next meal. "You look so yummy." She worked out in a low hoarse voice and leaned down taking her legs into her hands and spreading them. She began kissing the inside of Becky's thighs bringing out a pained moan from her and causing her to twitch. Freen held her legs tightly as she leaned in bringing Beck's center closer to her. Becky could feel the heat coming from Freen's mouth into her center and became tense in anticipation. Freen smiled feeling Becky's desperation beneath her and began licking her folds up until she reached her clit. Becky squirmed underneath her gripping the bedsheets below tightly. "Fuck." Freen smiled proudly and continued licking and flicking her tongue on the small bud.

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