Chapter 53

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Becky tried to grab her head but she noticed her hands were tied. She was groggy as she tried to open her eyes but the room was dark. "Fuck." She was sitting on a chair tied down and despite her pulling she could not break free. She tried to look around the room but the lights were off and she could only make out the light beaming from the cracks in the door.

She could hear footsteps and muffled conversation outside

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She could hear footsteps and muffled conversation outside. She tried concentrating on the voices to try and make out who her captor was although she already had an idea. She listened intently to no avail as the conversation was distant and she could only make out a very faint sound. She tried focusing again and trying to remember what happened yesterday but her head felt heavy and it pounded with every heart beat. Her body felt so heavy due to the chloroform she was drugged with. "Shit, I have to get out of here." She tried getting free once again but was unable to get her self loose.

After several failed attempts, Becky sat feeling sad and hopeless. "Freen." She whispered to herself hoping Freen was out there looking for her. 'Does she even know I'm missing? How will she ever find me? Irin! Please Irin, go to my home and tell her I'm gone.' She was having a mental breakdown when she suddenly thought of Freen and how worried she will be when she finds out. How will she look for me with the Chen's and her parents in the way. She suddenly was filled with rage and decided that if Freen couldn't come to save her, she was going to save herself. She began rocking the chair in hopes of making her way to the door.

She rocked it to the right slowly making her way forward. After a few minutes she stopped to take a break and observe her progress. She had only moved inches and she was already tired. "Fuck!" She clenched her teeth and began rocking even harder. She rocked so hard at one point that her chair tilted over unexpectedly knocking her sideways. A loud thud was heard as she cringed from the impact. "Ahhh...." She groaned with eyes closed. She could now hear footsteps making their way quickly to her, she opened her eyes to stare at the door. She awaited for her captors to reach the door opening it quickly. A pair of tall brute men entered looking at her in surprise before speaking to each other in a different language. They spoke between each other before one of them finally reached down to pick her up. "Who are you?" She questioned them in an alarmed voice and watched them look at each other deciding what to do.

"What do you want with me?" They spoke again in their native language and decided to leave. Becky became upset at them ignoring her and began to yell. "Answer me! Who are you?! Who sent you?!" They stopped in their tracks and one of them turned to adress her. He bent forward only inches from her face and put his finger to his lips. "Shhhh. Wait" he said in a foreign accent motioning with his hand for her to stay. Becky looked at him exasperated and watched as they left. "What the fuck?! Let me go!!" She yelled behind them but they simply closed the door. She continued to yell and fight the chair to get loose but only accomplished to get herself tired. After an hour of struggling, she gave in to the exhaustion and just let her head hand loose in front of her. She remained like that for a while until she eventually could hear more noise outside. Judging by the hustle and bustle, she determined it must be morning and people were now waking up.

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