Chapter 18 🔞🔞🔞

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Freen had spent the day working on her studies but she was clearly distracted thinking about Becky. She spent most of the day spacing out and daydreaming about holding her and kissing her again. She had gotten so lost in her memories of being with Becky her face had become flushed and she had become hot in her own clothes.

Her studies teacher had noticed Freen's abnormal behavior and dismissed their studies early, sending her to rest thinking she must have come down with a cold or spiked a fever.

Freen was excited to now to be able to spend time with Becky and possibly get a chance to kiss her once more. As Freen quickly rushed down the north wing towards her room, she was abruptly stopped by someone calling her name.

"Freen!" She quickly stopped and cringed at the voice coming from the room nearby. She moved her shoulders up in anticipation for what was to come next.

"Come. Now!" She slowly turned back and walked into the large tea room. She stood at the entrance of the large open door peering in to see the Queen sitting in a large maroon sofa with a tea cup in hand. She inched forward slowly as her mother suspiciously eyed her from head to toe.
"Yes mother?" She softly replied praying that she would not task her with something that might impede her meeting with Becky.

"Where are you headed off to in such a hurry? Are you not to be studying right now?" Her brow raising in question as she sipped her hot tea.

"I was just ... headed to my room. Studies finished early today so I was going to continue studying in my room. I have a... um big paper to write and it's due tomorrow. Better get started on that. Excuse me.." She quickly spun around to leave the room but before she could head out, her mother stopped her in her tracks.

"Wait!" Freen clenched her jaw in anticipation waiting for her next words. "Make sure you finish your paper before 6pm tonight. We have some special guests joining us for dinner that I would like you to meet. Once your father returns from his meeting we will begin preparations for tonight. Wear something nice."

Freen turned to look at her mother briefly who had returned to reading her novel and sighed. She continued on her way to her room and wondered who could be coming over.

Once Freen had reached her room, she called for Becky to join her but instead she was greeted by Rosemary instead. "Did you need something Princess? Rosemary asked.

Freen looked puzzled at her presence and asked, "Where is my first maiden? I requested her." Rosemary was slightly taken aback by the sudden rejection of her. "Becky is doing some house preparations just before the special dinner. Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Freen sighed disappointed and shook her head. "No. I will be studying until dinner. Please see it that no one disrupts me."
"Yes Princess." Rosemary walked away with her head bowed and headed back to finish helping with the preparations."

Freen crossed her arms in disappointment and huffed as she bit the inside of her cheek. "So close." She stayed there sulking for a moment and without a second thought she walked to the door determined to find Becky.

After several failed attempts at finding her throughout the palace, she came to a small hallway by the throne room. There before her was Becky, placing some gardenias in one of the pots nearby. Freen instinctively smiled and quietly crept forward.

"Boo!" She said poking her index fingers into Becky's sides. Startled, she yelped in fear and covered her eyes hugging the nearby wall. "Sorry, it's just me. I didn't mean to frighten you." Freen grasped Becky's hands and uncovered her eyes earning a smile from her.

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