Chapter 45

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"So what's the plan?" Becky asked as Freen fed her a forkful of pancakes. She wiped the corner of Becky's mouth with a napkin as she pondered her question. "Hmmm not sure yet. For now you will stay here and I will come to visit you when I can." Becky nodded as she swallowed. "We have to think of a solution quickly." Freen nodded in agreement as she fed Becky another forkful.

Bon Bon was lapping his food bowl clean close by. "I know one thing for sure, we need to find that contract and destroy it." Becky looked at her concerned and questioned her. "Where do you think it could be?" Freen looked at her with a serious complexion and shook her head. "I would assume in a safe somewhere back at their home." Becky took Freen's hand in hers and rubbed her thumb across reassuringly. "Do you think you will be able to get it?" Freen scrunched her face in worry and shrugged her shoulders. "I can only try. It will involve help from Friend and I would have to stay over at their mansion for some days."

Becky furrowed her brow and dropped her head. "It will only be for a few days until I find the contract. I'll be back in no time!" Becky shook her head slowly. "I don't like this, it sounds dangerous. What if they find out?" Freen could see the worry in Becky's face and she quickly assured her. "Don't worry cupcake, I promise to be careful. I will only go to scout out the area. Besides, Friend will be there to show me where everything is." Becky pouted as she looked at her with pleading eyes. "What about me?" Freen cupped her face and looked at her with adoring eyes. "You my love will stay here and wait for me." Becky frowned and crossed her arms.

"I want to help too!" Freen rolled her eyes and stood up taking her in an embrace. "Fine, you can come up with a plan on how to help, but you cannot leave here."  Becky smiled feeling glad to be able to help. "Okay!" Becky said with a cheeky smile. Freen smiled and shook her head as she leaned in for a kiss. "Now hurry up and finish breakfast as it's getting late and I must leave soon." Becky nodded as she dug into her plate and Freen watched her lovingly.


At the palace Freen was just finishing up her studies before heading to lunch. She planned to sneak out to see Becky and have lunch with her. Freen walked into her study to drop off her books when she heard the door open. She turned to find her mother at the door watching her. "Mother. Do you need something?" The Queen looked her up and down and looked down at her books. "How are your studies coming along?" Freen looked at her annoyed and shrugged. "Fine." The Queen stared at her for a moment before proceeding with her next sentence. "I have spoken to your professors and they have agreed to move your exams up so you will graduate in two weeks. We will have a party to celebrate your graduation and will announce your engagement to everyone. We've decided to have your wedding on your birthday in a few months."

Freen stood shocked and approached her slowly trying to digest the information she had just received. "Wait, what? Why!? It's too soon, I don't want to marry on my birthday!" The Queen looked at her in displeasure and shook her head. "Come now Freen, let's be mature here. Just do as you are told and stop being so dramatic." Freen's face flushed with anger as she bit her tongue to avoid going off on her.
She knew she had to figure out a way out of this situation soon. She dropped her books on the desk and walked out of the room leaving her mother behind. "Freen..." She ignored her mother's call and continued walking to her room. She locked the door and ignored the knocking from her mother later on. She waited a while before calling Friend to her room.


"It's me Princess." Friend stated as Freen quickly opened the door and pulled her in. "Friend I need your help." Friend looked at her a little concerned and asked, "With what?" Freen looked at her intensely as she replied, "I need you to help me find the contract my father signed over to Romanan forcing me to marry Billy." Friend hesitated before replying. "What you are asking for is a death sentence! Do you know what would happen to either of us if they found out what we were up to?" Freen looked at her exasperated before pleading with her. "I know what I'm asking from you is a lot, but you are our only hope. You saw how they disposed of Becky so easily and now they are making me marry Billy for the rest of my life. I can't deal with losing Becky and never seeing her again. I know you love her too... please help me give her a happy life."

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