Chapter 14

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After lunch Freen headed to her art studio to partake in her favorite hobby. She set up her ease and painting equipment in front of the small blue sofa located in the center of the room. After getting her set up ready, Freen called for Becky as promised. Becky walked in and took in the surroundings of the new room and admired the paintings along the walls.

With a timid smile, Becky looked at Freen and said, " You called for me Princess?" Freen looked Becky up and down taking in all her features and in a low voice said, "I need a model, sit." She motioned for the small velvet sofa in front of her and awaited for Becky to sit down.

Shocked by Freen's request, Becky looked from the couch to Freen and began to protest. "You want me to model? I don't now how to model." Freen stood from her chair and walked towards Becky. She took her left hand and guided her to the sofa gently pushing her to sit down. Becky sat uncomfortably at the edge of the couch looking down and fidgeting with her hands.

Freen towered over her and gently picked up her face to look at her. She leaned down towards her and slowly whispered in her ear, "Relax." With that command Freen pushed Becky back into the sofa to allow Becky to become more comfortable. She then tilted Becky's chin up and fixed a strand of hair from her face.

Becky's breathing had slowed down and had become labored. Becky started at those 2 pearls looking down at her with such intensity her mouth began to feel dry. Becky gulped as Freen's hand moved from her face down to her neck and stopped at her collar. Freen licked her red lips and played with the top button on Becky's uniform. Freen looked from the button to Beck's eyes and asked, "May I?"

Becky shook with anticipation and her voice cracked as she hesitantly nodded and said, "Ye..Yes." With Becky's consent, Freen slowly began unbuttoning her uniform shirt one button at a time. Becky stood still in nerves and anticipation and let out a shaky breath just as Freen reached the 4th button on her shirt. Becky nervously grasped the couch beneath her as she held her breath in anticipation. Freen leaned forward into Becky's face filling her nose with her intoxicating scent and whispered, "Perfect."

Freen tilted Becky's face to look towards the easel and walked away as her fingers slowly grazed against Becky's face.
Becky let out the breath she had been holding in and attempted to regulate her breathing. Freen now sat at the easel taking in the beautiful sight before her. She picked up a charcoal pencil and began sketching the model before her.

Becky relaxed into the sofa and admired the sight of Freen sketching her. She wondered if the paintings displayed through the room were painted by her. The more time that went by the more Becky relaxed into the sofa. Eventually Becky found herself dosing off and closed her eyes falling asleep in the couch. Freen stopped her sketching as she noticed Becky had fallen asleep.

She stared in awe at how beautiful Becky was and wondered if she had a lover. Freen watched as Becky's chest rose up and down with every breath. Her mouth felt dry and she found herself licking her lips. She continued her painting until she was done taking long pauses in between paint strokes to admire Becky sleeping. As she finished, she signed her name at the bottom of the painting and wiped her hands clean.

She walked over to Becky and gently sat next to her careful not to disturb her sleep. She leaned in close to her face and examined her features taking in her sweet scent. She slowly took a piece of her hair from her face and placed it behind her ear keeping her hand on her face.

Slowly Becky stirred from her sleep and blinked her eyes open confused at the blurry figure before her. Becky rubbed her eyes and noticed that it was Freen who loomed over her. Startled, Becky realized she had fallen asleep and quickly apologized to Freen. "I'm so sorry, I seemed to have dozed off." Becky said with a red hue now covering her cheeks from embarrassment. "You were a perfect model." Freen said taking her hand from Becky's face and stepping back. Becky followed Freen across the room with her eyes and fixed themselves on the painting before her. She stood up to get a closer look and was amazed at the beautiful painting.

Freen had captured Becky perfectly sitting in the sofa taking a nap. Becky blushed at how innocent she looked in the painting and reached to touch the painting. "It's still wet, don't ruin it." Freen rushed to stop her hand from reaching the painting. Becky looked down at Freen's hand on her hand and looked up at her awaiting her next move. Freen cleared her throat and removed her hand from Becky's while she looked away. "Sorry, it just looked so realistic. You are so talented." Becky said smiling and admiring the painting.

Freen could feel the heat in her face from the blushing and replied, "It's not that great, I was short on time." Becky could tell Freen was trying to downplay her talent and she quickly countered her comment. "You are very talented. Your paintings should be sold and hung in museums for everyone to enjoy." Freen shyly smiled and quickly changed the subject. "Do you do partake in any art activities?" Becky looked at her and shook her head. "No, I'm not great at any crafts or art. I'm more of an adventurous person."

Freen looked interested and replied, "Well, what type of activities do you like to do?" Becky was a little surprised that Freen was interested in her life as she was merely a commoner. "I like to fish, tend to our farm animals, playing football, singing and martial arts. Freen chuckled and said, "We are pretty different, I like to partake in arts and relax. We both like to sing and play fight. I like to play piano and sometimes I like to sneak into the armory room and practice fighting with the weapons."

Becky's eyes lit up at the sound of a piano and weapon fighting. "You have an armory room and a piano? I love playing the piano! I've never had one, however when I was younger my parents had bought me a small old wooden piano from the market. My father taught me how to play a few songs but I'm not very good at it. I would love to be able to see a real piano and play it one day." Freen smiled sadly at the thought of Becky never having seen a real piano.

"I have been playing piano since I was 5." Freen shared. "I can show you the music room and show you how to play a real piano." Becky gleamed with excitement at the thought of playing a real piano and quickly replied "Wow! I would love to do that, that sounds amazing." Freen smiled at the thought of spending more time with Becky showing her one of her favorite hobbies, like playing the piano. Next time I sneak into the armory room, I'll bring you along and maybe we can spar with each other. I'll show you some cool moves.
Becky's smile spread from ear to ear as she quickly approached Freen with her pinky out. Freen a little startled, stepped ack and looked down at Becky's finger presented before her. "Pinky promise?" Freen felt butterflies in her stomach at the cute action by Becky and smiled her face flushed. She wrapped her pinky around Becky's and promised.

They stayed there for a minute looking into each other's eyes while holding pinkies. Eventually Becky broke their trance by looking down at her feet nervously and clearing her throat. Freen fixed herself as she let go of Becky. "I should get going and finish my duties." Becky said shyly. "Will you require anything else of me?"

Freen shook her head and said, "Not at the moment." She dismissed Becky and walked over to admire her masterpiece. She knew exactly where she would be hanging the new painting. She would place it in her room facing her bed so she can see it every morning and night. She smiled feeling accomplished that she not only got to spend time with Becky, but that she was beginning to become more comfortable around her. She couldn't wait to spend more time with her and show her all her hobbies.

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