Chapter 48

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Becky walked to open the front door and see who was knocking. "Oh, hi Friend! What do I owe the visit to?" Becky smiled as she opened the door allowing her to walk in. "Hey Becky, it's nice seeing you." She leaned down and gave her a quick hug. "Sorry to stop by so early but Freen asked me to drop a few things off for you." She reached in her tote bag as Becky nodded. She carefully pulled out a bouquet of red roses with a card attached. Becky's face brightened as she gleefully reached for the beautiful bouquet. "Eeeeee! They are so beautiful!" She squealed as she dove her rose into them and took a big whiff. "Ahhh! They smell so sweet!"

Friend smiled politely as she nodded in agreement. She couldn't deny that she was a little jealous and wished she could be the one gifting Becky flowers. She watched in awe as the beautiful brunette stood admiring the bouquet, enamored by its sweet scent. Friend swallowed her jealousy and put on a smile for Becky. "There's a note attached as well." Friend croaked as she pointed to the white envelope. Becky opened the letter and read it silently to herself unable to contain her smile.


I'm sorry I won't be able to see you today but my mother is practically holding me hostage in here. Tonight is the graduation party and everyone important will be attending. She's been busy all week getting preparations ready and having me try on different dresses. I'm so exhausted, but I'm ready to get this day over with. I really wish I could see you and kiss your beautiful soft lips. But I promise as soon as we are together again you won't be able to get me off of you! I know tonight my parents will be announcing my engagement, but I promise I will not let Billy touch me. I'm all yours baby and soon we will be together! Wish me luck!

Lots of hugs and kisses,

Your baby <3

P.s. I hope you enjoy your gifts 💋

"You okay?" Friend asked as she watched Becky's smile fade into a sad expression. Becky forced on a smile and nodded quickly. "Yeah, why?" Friend looked at her sympathetically and said,  "You seem a little sad." Becky sighed and reluctantly admitted her feelings to her. "Tonight is the announcement of Freen's engagement." Friend nodded in understanding and smiled sadly at her. "Yea, it's all they've been talking about at the palace. The Queen has been frantic all week preparing for the party. But if it makes you feel better, Freen doesn't seem excited at all."

Becky nodded thoughtfully and forced a smile. "I also have this for you." Friend reached into her bag and pulled out a sealed Tupperware and tumbler and handed it to Becky. Becky placed them on the dining table and opened them to reveal milk tea and an assortment of breakfast food. Becky's face lit up and she smiled from ear to ear. "She sent my favorite breakfast foods." Friend nodded as she explained. "She had the chef prepare these early this morning especially for you." Becky gushed with pride and love and quickly sipped on the milk tea closing her eyes as she enjoyed the sweet fast in her mouth. "Mmmm. 100% sugar, just like I like it." Friend laughed as she watched Becky enjoy her drink.

"Well I should be going now before anyone notices I'm gone." Becky nodded and walked her to the door. "Before you go... can I ask you a favor?" Friend looked at her thoughtfully and nodded. "Of course, I'll do anything for you." Becky smiled and swallowed hard. "Do you think you can sneak me in to the palace tonight?" Friend's face turned into shock and she quickly shook her head no. "No way! Why would you want to sneak into the palace? Are you crazy?!" Becky placed her hand on Friends arm and put on her best puppy dog eyes. "Please Friend. I can't just sit here and wait for my girlfriend to get engaged."

Friend backed away and tried walking out the door but Becky stopped her as she reached for the door knob. "Wait! Please don't leave without agreeing!" Friend turned back to look at her as if she had lost her mind. "Are you suicidal? Do you know what you are asking?! Do you know what would happen if you get caught and if they found out I helped you?" Becky continued to put on her best begging face and pulled on Friend's shirt. "Please Friend, I promise I won't get caught. No one will see me and I won't tell anyone you helped me. I have a way of getting inside, I just need you to keep an eye out for me as I make my way inside." Friend breathed in and stood there weighing her decision as she shook her head and looked at Becky.

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