Chapter 21 🔞🔞🔞

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Morning had come slowly for both Becky and Freen. They had spent most of the night tossing and turning after their disagreement from yesterday. Although Freen tried to stop thinking about it, all she could hear was Becky's angry voice yelling at her. She cried for several hours until eventually sleep succumbed her.

Becky spent most of the night beating herself up mentally for going off on Freen. What was she thinking? Freen did not mean to invalidate her feelings, she was just naive to the situation. Becky hoped she could apologize and put the situation behind them. She would have to let go of her ego and raw feelings about her parents and ask for forgiveness in the morning when she would inevitably see Freen.

Becky walked in quietly into Freen's room hoping to delay their encounter and began to slowly open the curtains to the windows. She quietly began removing the sheets to the bed, stopping every few seconds as Freen stirred in her sleep. "If I can just remove all the top sheets and just leave the last pair, I can wait until she's in the shower to come change them and I won't have to see her until later." Becky thought to herself.

She had removed all but the last sheet covering Freen successfully without waking her. All she had left was to remove some of the pillows next to her head and she would be in the clear. As she was reaching for the last pillow, she yelped in fear as Freen grabbed her by the wrist.

Freen's right hand held on to Becky's left wrist as she extended herself over Freen. Looking down at a now awake Freen, Becky found herself face to face with her. She gasped nervously as they stayed that way reading each other waiting for the other to make a move.

"What are you doing?" Freen questioned. "I... I  umm... was just changing your sheets." Freen narrowed her eyes in confusion and asked, "Without waking me?" Becky racked her brain trying to find a good excuse for her sneaky behavior. "Well it's Sunday, the last day before you have studies tomorrow so I figured you might want to sleep in."

Freen looked at Becky suspiciously reading her facial expressions trying to decipher if she was telling the truth. Unable to decide if she was lying, she decided to believe her. "I did not get much sleep last night." Becky looked remorsefully into her eyes. "You have dark circles under your eyes and they are puffy." Freen reached with her left hand to touch her left eye bag.

She looked down sadly remembering how sad she had been last night. Becky could she the sadness in her face and instantly felt horrible. Could she have been crying? Crying for her?
"I... I'm sorry about yesterday."

Freen looked up at her seeing the remorse in her eyes and pulled on the wrist she had been holding on to. Becky toppled over onto Freen as she was embraced fully. After the initial shock, Becky giggled at the action. "What are you doing?" Freen continued to squeeze Becky in a sweet embrace as she began planting kisses onto her temple and the top of her head. Becky laughed uncontrollably as she fought to escape the human trap she was held in.

"Freeeen!" [giggle] "Stop it!" [giggle] "Muah. Muah. Muah." Freen continued planting big smooches on her cheek and top of the head. "I missed you babe." Becky stopped squirming and allowed Freen to hold her. Becky pushed up on Freen allowing her face to hover over hers. "I missed you too." She leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

Freen enjoyed the sudden affection and took her face in her hands kissing her longer and deeper. Soon her tongue was inside dancing against hers in an intense battle. "You always taste so good." She grabbed her by the waist, flipping her on her back as she mounted her.

Her hands were quick to begin exploring her body as they were consumed in an intense make out session. "Mmmmm" Becky moaned into her mouth as she slipped her hand up her shirt and began squeezing her breast. "You drive me crazy!" She dug her face into Becky's neck kissing and nipping the tender skin ferociously. "Aaaahhh! You're so good baby." Becky squirmed in pleasure underneath her.

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