Chapter 22

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Becky woke up feeling very homesick after receiving a letter from Irin last night. They had just celebrated Nop's birthday and had a family celebration at their favorite park. Becky sat at the edge of her bed re-reading the letter over and over hoping she could have been there to celebrate with them.

Hi Gummy bear!!
Hope you have been well these past few weeks! Sorry I haven't written earlier, but I've been so busy with my new job. Yes I finally got a job! Aren't you so proud of me? We are finally adults!! And before you ask, yes I took a job at Tee's company. I'm starting off as a personal assistant, but if all goes well I can move up and actually start making some real money.
I hope everything is going well with you. How is your job going? Hopefully you have made friends and are not being an introvert as usual. How is working for the Princess? Is she nice? Is she pretty? Are you friends? Probably not huh, she's too high up to ever be friends with us peasants. Haha, just kidding!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that mom and dad say they miss you. Nop misses you the most though. He cried every night for a week after you left. He still waits by the window every evening hoping you might change your mind and come back.
We just celebrated his birthday at his favorite park! Mom made double fudge chocolate cake and dad made his famous grilled prawn. Tee also came and we played football and tag and just had the best time. I wish you could have been there. If you get some time write us a letter and tell us about your adventures. I hope to hear from you soon!
                                       Xoxo Love,
                                        Gummy bear

Her heart hurt every time she read the part about Nop waiting for her and her eyes stung with unshed tears as she pictured her family at the park enjoying each other's company. She had been so consumed with her new job and with her relationship with Freen, she hadn't allowed herself to miss her family.
She wiped her eyes and headed out of the room to continue her daily duties.

Freen was busy buried in a work book when Becky came in to deliver a quick snack. "Hi, sorry to bother you but I brought you a snack and some water." She placed the plate of grapes, cheese and crackers along with a large cup of water on Freen's desk. Freen's face immediately brightened at the sight of Becky and she dropped her book to greet her.

"Hi beautiful! I missed you! Why were you gone for so long?" Freen captured her in her arms as she began planting kissed on her cheeks. Becky smiled as she allowed Freen to sit her on her lap. "I was just reading a letter from my family." Freen looked at Becky's somber face and frowned. "What's the matter baby? Is everything okay?" She looked at her fingers twirling them around each other as she suppressed the tears begging to fall down.

"Everything is fine.... I just miss them." She said her voice cracking. Tears began to fall down her face as she hurried to wipe them off. "Awww baby, it's okay. Don't cry. Please don't cry, I hate to see you sad." Freen wipes the tears from her face and embraced her hard placing kisses on her salty cheeks. Becky hugged Freen back and said, "I'm sorry bb, I didn't mean to cry." Freen rubbed her back as she thought of a solution to make Becky smile again. After a minute of brainstorming, she gripped Becky by the waist and forced her to look into her eyes. "I have an idea! Come follow me!"

Freen grabbed Becky by the hand as she led her out of the study. They walked hand in hand down the hall until they reached the kitchen. "Wait here." Freen disappeared for several minutes before reappearing and continuing their expedition down the hall. "Where are we going!" Freen smiled mischievously and said, "Wait and see. She led her to a part of the palace Becky had not seen before as they came up to a large wooden door. Upon opening the door, she found herself in a sort of garage with several different vehicles.

"Woah!" Becky admired the extravagant assortment of vehicles she had never seen before. "Are these all yours?" Freen chuckled at Becky's amazed expression saying, "Not really, they're my dad's. But this one..." she led Becky to the left side of the room where she uncovered a small blue scooter. "This one is all mine." She smiled proudly lifting her eyebrows up and down waiting for Becky's reaction. Becky looked from the scooter to Freen and began to giggle.

Freen frowned crossing her arms as she stared at Becky. "What's so funny?" Becky continued to giggle as she approached her. "Nothing baby, it's cute." Freen deadpanned her and pouting put her fists to her hips in an upset stance. "You're making fun of me." She whined stomping her foot on retaliation. Becky approached her laughing grabbing her wrists and pulling her into an embrace. "I'm not baby, I just think you're cute." She continued laughing as Freen huffed in frustration.

"Okay, okay I'll stop. I'm sorry baby, forgive me?" She separated herself by holding her by the arms in front of her as she pouted awaiting Freen's response. Freen huffed as she pretended to be upset pouting her lip even more. "Maybe this will help." Becky pulled her in, capturing her lips in hers as she cupped her face rubbing her thumbs on her cheeks. Freen dropped her guard and kissed her back running her hands on her back. They kissed slowly but passionately for a minute before Becky pulled away.

"No come back! Why did you stop, I was enjoying that." Freen whined as she reached to pull her back in for a kiss. Becky smiled as she played hard to get, "Babyyy.... stop.... what were you going to show me?" Freen continued kissing her as Becky wriggled in her embrace. "Okay, okay. But you owe me some more kisses later." She placed one last kiss on her lips before letting go.

"As I was saying before someone rudely made fun of me...." She playfully stared down Becky as she walked over to the scooter. "This is Mrs. Suay, my beautiful scooter." Becky chuckled at the name putting her hand over her mouth in an attempt to suppress her laughter. "Are you making fun of me again?" Freen looked at her, mouth agape stunned at her constant playful mockery. "I'm not laughing! [pfffft] You named your scooter Beautiful? How... sweet." Freen raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms and with her head tilted back in an unamused expression she said in a pouty voice, " I was 16 when I named her. I got her for my birthday if you must know. Humpf"

Becky couldn't help but melt at the sight of Freen throwing a fit like a small child. She quickly approached her and pinched her cheeks saying in a baby voice, "My baby is so cute! I just want to pinch 🤏🏽 those big angry red cheeks." Freen let Becky pinch her cheeks as she stood there pretending to be upset. "Baby don't sulk." Becky wrapped her arms around her as she waited for Freen to look at her. "Babyyyy... come on. If you stop sulking I promise to give a surprise later." Freen looked at her briefly with interest in her eyes trying to read her face. "What kind of surprise?" She said pouting.

"A good surprise, but you're going to have to wait." She kissed her 3 times consecutively as Freen dropped her facade. "Okay I'm better now. I wanted to show you my ride because I know you've been missing your family and I thought that maybe we could go see them." Becky looked puzzled at her proposal and knowing her parents would never let her leave the palace, she wondered what antics Freen had in mind.

"What do you mean Freen? You know your parents would never let us leave the palace and even less allow you to go see my family. Freen shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Who says they have to know?" A worried look spread over Becky's face as she pondered the riskiness of the idea and the possible consequences. "I don't know Freen... this seems risky. The Queen would definitely be very upset if she found out."

Freen took her by the hand and pleaded with her. "Come on, who's going to tell her? I'm not, are you?" Becky shook her head pondering the idea. "Okay then it's settled, all we have to do is sneak out."
"Sneak out?" She cringed at the thought. "Yes baby sneak out. Like we did last time, but this time for a little longer."
"But what if she comes looking for you, or what if Rosemary comes looking for me." she said in a panicked voice.
"Don't worry baby, I talked to Rosemary and she's going to cover for us."

"Rosemary! You told her?!" Freen smiled at her panicked expression and assured her. "I didn't give her details, but I told her you and I would be unattainable for the afternoon and if anything comes up to cover for us. Rosemary has known me my whole life, she's covered for me before." She winked at her assuring her further. "So are you in?"

Becky looked at Freen's expectant eyes pondering the idea. "Ummm.... Okay, let's go."
Freen captured her in her arms as she enthusiastically said, "Great! Let's go!"

A/n: Sorry for the delay, I've been super busy at work and the weather has been pretty cold here so that doesn't help. Also been struggling with writer's block as this is my first time writing and I feel like I'm not very good at it. Hope ya'll are enjoying so far. Stay warm everyone😊🧣❄️ -your very tired author

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