Chapter 54

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Becky's head hung low out of tiredness as she sat tied on the chair. She had gone in and out of consciousness as she awaited someone to release her. Her legs were numb, her stomach growled in hunger and her bladder begged for release. She looked up suddenly as the door opened and one of the captors approached her. "Are you here to release me? You can't keep me in here forever." He began untying her until she was fully free from the ropes. She groaned as she rubbed the sore spots where the rope had chaffed her and stretched her sore limbs. "Shit." She said as she tried to stand but was quickly brought down by gravity.

The man picked her up and almost dragged her out of the room. She tried keeping up but her legs were dead and failed to support her weight. He moved her to a separate room in the large house and laid her on the bed. It was a medium sized room with minimal furniture and one window that out looked onto a field. The windows were barred with metal grates to prevent her escape. There was a small bathroom in the room the size of a small closet big enough to host a toilet and a small shower. The man left without a word and locked the door behind him. She laid there waiting for her legs to fully function before sitting up. She stood carefully limping her way into the bathroom and relieved herself before heading to the door to check if it was locked. She juggles the knob hoping it was opened but sighed in disappointment when it did not budge. "Ugh. Freen where are you?"

She walked to the window and tried to pry it open but the metal bars prevented her from leaving. She walked around the room looking for anything that might help her or any thing she might be able to use as a weapon but it was to no avail. She eventually gave up and sat on the bed eventually falling asleep. After a while the door opened and a tray of food was placed inside and the door was closed immediately. She began yelling barraging the men for holding her hostage but gave up after a few minutes when her energy left her. She wanted to eat the food in front of her so bad but decided against it not wanting to take anything from them. She eventually fell asleep again due to her low energy.

After a while the door opened again but closed once they saw she had not touched her food. She simply laid there on the bed praying for Freen to save her. After another hour the door opened again but this time Romanan stepped in and he looked upset. She sat up and looked at him with despise and waited for him to speak. "Why haven't you eaten your meal?" He questioned angrily. "I'm not hungry." He looked at her up and down and could tell she was not looking well. If he wanted his plan to go well he could not kill her yet. He knew that Freen would forgo everything and ruin his plans if she found out he had killed her lover before the wedding. Becky's stomach gave her away at that moment and growled loudly.

He looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Don't lie to me little girl. I will have supper brought up and you better eat every last piece or so help me." He raised his hand in a threatening manner before turning to walk away. "I will not eat. I rather starve and die than let you have your way." She spat angrily at him furrowing her brow at him. He turned and approached her quickly slapping her hard on her left cheek. She gasped at the unexpected impact and held her cheek in pain. He was breathing heavily and bent down to face her. "You will do as I say or you will pay the consequences. You and your little lover." He walked away slamming the door and locking it behind him. Tears ran down her face from the pain and she cradled in the bed wishing Freen was beside her to comfort her. "What have we gotten ourselves into Freen?" She questioned as she cried silently into the pillow.

Minutes later the door opened and this time a young woman walked in placing a tray of food on the nightstand beside her bed. Becky sat up looking at the girl as the girl gently smiled bowing as she approached her. "Hello, I brought you food." She gently said as she stood nearby waiting for Becky to eat. Becky examined the girl curiously but simply laid back down and closed her eyes. "Will you not eat miss?" Becky opened an eye and looked at the girl begging for her to eat. "No. Now leave." She closed her eyes again but opened them again when she noticed the girl had not left. "What are you waiting for?" The girl smiled nervously and played with her fingers. "I can't leave without your empty tray." Becky sighed and closed her eyes again. "Well you better sit down because I'm not eating."

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