Chapter 43

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Freen made her way to Becky's home as fast as she could hoping and praying that she would find her there. Once she arrived to the home, she knocked on the door several times before someone finally opened the door. Irin stood at the partially opened door looking at Freen with hesitation. "Hello Irin, please tell me Becky is here!" Irin looked at her and contemplated her next words. "You shouldn't be here Princess." Freen looked at her exasperated and with a pleading look she begged Irin. "Please Irin, tell me where Becky is." She stepped closer to the door her hands together in a pleading manner.

Irin looked behind her towards the stairs and contemplated saying something. "She asked us not to tell you where she is." Freen looked at her with tears in her eyes as she continued to plead. "I love her Irin. I can't loose her. I just want to see her again and if she still wants me to leave, I'll go home with a broken heart." Irin looked at her state and took pity on her. She hesitantly opened the door surrendering to her pleas and proceeded to let her in. "She's upstairs, follow me." Freen's face lit up and she thanked her profusely. "But if she asks you to leave you have to leave." Freen nodded in agreement as she anxiously made her way upstairs.

Irin knocked on the bedroom door before opening the door. She peaked her head in saying, "Bec, don't hate me but there's someone here to see you." Becky rolled her eyes and sighed quietly. "I'm not in the mood Irin, I have to finish packing." Tears ran down her face as she took a seat on the bed and began folding a T-shirt. Freen pushed her way in and stood staring at her with tears in her eyes. "Are you really leaving?" Becky looked up shocked at the sound of Freen's voice and began stammering. "W..what are you doing here? How did you leave the palace?" Freen stared at her as tears ran down her cheeks.

"None of that matters, please tell me the truth. Were you going to abandon me without even a goodbye? Don't you love me?" Becky stood and walked towards her as Irin left them alone to speak in private. "Baby, you know I love you. You are my first and only love." Freen looked at her with a sad face and pleading eyes. "Then why did you leave me?" Becky sighed as she took her by the hands and pulled her closer. She wiped her tears and rubbed her cheek lovingly. "Baby, I had no choice. Your mother fired me and warned me to leave the country. After your engagement with Billy, I knew we had no chance. My heart broke and all I want to do is leave this place that reminds me of you and our love that can't be." She cried as she spoke and shook as Freen tried comforting her."

"Did she hurt you?" Becky shook her head as she embraced Freen. "No. She told me if I got in between you and Billy I would not only be hurting you, but your family and the country. She said our love would bring shame to your family. She warned me to leave the country and gave me my pay and some extra to disappear. I tried to reject the pay but she forced it on me and warned me about causing problems for my family. So I left and plan to leave tonight." Freen caressed her head and kissed it gently as anger filled her heart. How could her mother be so evil? She comforted Becky and begged for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry baby. You don't deserve what she said and did to you. I will not let her get away with this." Becky created some space between and looked down at her hands on hers. The engagement ring was prominent causing her to look down at it. "It's okay Freen, you won't have to worry about me. You should do as your parents say and forget about me." Freen became upset and raised her voice in anger. "No! I will not let them dictate my life anymore! Since I was young they have told me what to do, but I will not let them tell me who I will spend the rest of my life with. I love you Becky and I am willing to fight for you. Do you love me?" Becky looked at her sadly and nodded. "Of course I love you." Freen took her hand pulling her closer. "Then prove it. Fight with me."

They looked into each other's eyes fiercely as Becky spoke. "How?" Freen racked her brain and said, "We need to find that document that my father signed and destroy it. Then I will talk to my parents and convince them of our love. If they refuse, then I will forfeit my reign over and they can find another successor. Friend should be able to help us find that document and give us information about the Chen's. We will need help and should prepare for a war. Contact all of your friends and we can have them support us. Are you ready to fight for us?" Becky looked scared but nodded in agreement. "I'm ready." Freen kissed her and hugged her tight. "Good. In the meantime I will send Friend to take you to a safe house nearby later tonight. You can stay there and meet there when I can get away. I will be in contact with you frequently and make sure you have everything you need. But please keep a low profile for the meantime." Becky nodded and hugged her.

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