Chapter 52

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Freen woke up feeling exhausted. She had drank a little too much trying to get through the night. She had spent the entire night avoiding Billy and keeping an eye on Romanan. She couldn't help but feel like he was watching her the whole time. She grabbed her head as it was pounding and the room was spinning a little. "C'mon Freen, get up. If you still want me to deliver breakfast for Becky I have to finish my duties first before everyone wakes up." Friend began changing the bed sheets as Freen rolled off the bed. "Mmmmmmm."

Friend rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Shouldn't have drank so much last night." She reprimanded as she continued to gather the sheets and Freen headed to the wash room. After a quick hot shower, Freen stepped out in her robe as Friend finished her last duty. With a clothes hamper in hand Friend questioned Freen. "Besides the breakfast, is there anything else you want me to drop off or tell Becky?" Freen rubbed the tiredness off her face and smiled. "Just tell her I love her and that the Chen's should be leaving later today. I will sneak out to see her tonight."

Friend nodded before heading out. It was still pretty early so Freen decided to go sit on the bed and come up with a plan to end her future marriage. It was going to be difficult but she knew she could do it. All she had to do was outsmart Romanan and manipulate Billy into giving her what she needs. Something gave Freen the idea that Billy was naive to his father's manipulations and genuinely loved her and thought she wanted to marry him. 'That poor idiot. Him and his father have no idea what they have coming to them. They messed with Freen Sarocha Chankimha.' She thought to herself.


Friend pulled up to Becky's hideout home and noticed the gate was open. She shook her head and reprimanded Becky in her head. 'How can she be so careless.' She walked in through the gate and noticed the front door was also wide open. "What the..? Where is this girl?" She walked inside and noticed a cold bowl of ramen sitting on the table and some chopsticks in the floor. "Bec?" She walked to the room and knocked before coming inside. The room was empty and the bed looked like it had not been slept on. "Becky?" She said into the empty room. She walked into the bathroom and looked inside the closet before heading out into the living room again. She stood there for a moment contemplating and wondering where she could be. "The garden? But so early? Maybe Bon Bon needed to go out for a walk."

She walked outside and went around the house calling Becky's name. "What the..? Where are you Bec? Her heart started beating faster but she decided to go back inside and wait to see if she would show up. As she was headed inside, she noticed a piece of white cloth on the floor. She picked it up and unfolded it but she noticed a faint strange smell coming from it. She brought it closer to her nose but immediately removed it when she felt dizzy and nauseous. "Whoah! What was that?" She carefully examined the handkerchief and noticed a 'C' embroidered on the corner of the cloth.

"Hmmm... this looks like... no! No!" Her face went pale and she felt her strength leave her. She walked back inside and sat down for a second taking in the information. "No please Becky, no. Don't tell me he found you." She whispered to the air as she sat in shock. After a few minutes of her sitting in silence with tears running down her face, the sound of screeching tires was heard. Shortly after Bon Bon galloped inside followed by Irin and Tee. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" Irin walked in a little surprised and her face turned to concern when she noticed the tears running down Friend's face.

"Umm.. are you okay?" Tee asked hesitantly as she and Irin shared a look of confusion. "Who are you and where is Becky?" Friend gathered herself and wiped her tears. "You must be Irin. I'm Friend." Irin walked closer to her still hesitant to approach her. "How do you know who I am?" Friend looked at her with sympathy knowing what she was going to have to share with her about Becky's missing whereabouts. "Well.. besides Freen and I, only her sister knows about this place. You also look exactly like what she described." Irin nodded hesitantly.

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