Chapter 58

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Friend snuck into Freen's room once the Chen's had retired to their rooms but was surprised to find Freen curled up in bed silently crying. She approached her and took a seat on the bed next to her. "Freen? What's the matter? Are you missing Becky?" Freen continued to cry silently until Friend forced her to look at her. Her face looked disheveled and puffy from crying. "We have to meet Irin and Tee now, can you get up?" Freen looked at her disheartened and shook her head no. "What's the point?" Friend gave her an annoyed look and stared at her. "What do you mean? What about Becky? We have to find her." Freen stared at Friend with glazed eyes and handed her the letter Becky had sent her and turned around to lay back in bed. Friend took the letter in her hands and read it with a confused expression.

"What? This doesn't make sense. Are you sure this is from Becky?" Freen nodded. "No this can't be true. This must be Romanan's doing." Freen looked at her with exhaustion and sadness. "That's Becky's hand writing. Maybe we were wrong and she just became tired of hiding and decided to leave." Tears began running down her cheeks again. "No, no. This makes no sense. C'mon we're showing this to Irin and Tee and see what they think." Freen remained in bed until she was forced out by Friend and dragged out. "I know this is your first heartbreak, but you can't be this naive." Friend scolded her as she pushed her forward. Friend felt pity for Freen knowing she had never been in a relationship before and lacked social skills but she couldn't help feel frustrated at how gullible and naive she was. "Put some fight into it Chankimha." She huffed as she dragged her along.

They approached the meeting spot and found Tee and Irin sitting down almost dozing off. They seemed tired from the day of searching the city and were glad to be resting. They sat up as they were approached by Friend who was dragging a depressed Freen along. "What's the matter with her?" Irin asked looking over at Freen in confusion. Friend rolled her eyes and handed the letter over to her. Tee and Irin read it with confused looks on their faces before looking over at Freen and Friend. "What the hell is this? Where did you get it?" Irin asked. "Well apparently it's a breakup letter from Becky to Freen. She got it from Romanan and she seems to believe it." Irin and Tee shared a look of doubt and looked over at Freen in annoyance. "You don't actually believe this is true right?" Irin asked with incredulity behind her tone.

Freen remained quiet making Irin scoff and shake her head. "It's her handwriting." Freen whispered looking down at her feet in defeat. "I know it's her handwriting! That means jack shit to me. I know Becky and she would never do something like this." Irin huffed as she silently re-read the letter. "What if she just got tired and decided to leave?" Freen tried to speculate but was met with a fiery Irin right in front of her. "Are you dense?! Do you even truly love her?" Tee was now in between them holding Irin back and trying to calm her down. Freen was taken aback by Irin's sudden rage and simply kept herself back enough from her reach. She was small but very scary. "Babe, calm down. Of course she loves her." Tee whispered as she held Irin in place and rubbed her upper arms. "I don't know so much anymore. First she lets her family kick her out of the country, then she hides her and after all she put her through she doubts her character and is content with playing the victim while Becky is out there somewhere alone?!"

Irin breathed in hard as she tried to calm down while everyone looked at her with concern. "Babe, calm down. It's not her fault, they are both victims here. Victims of their parents, the Chen's and society in all. Let me remind you they are both new to this kind of love and are trying their best with the cards they have been dealt." Tee reasoned into Irin's ear as she hugged her. "I'm sorry Freen. We're both just tired and a bit frustrated with the situation. We know you love her." Tee said as she looked over apologetically at her. Freen had tears at the brim of her eyes as she watched them and they slowly rolled down her face as she spoke. "No, she's right. I'm a failure and weak for letting this happen to her. I was too afraid and naive to say or do anything and now she is in this situation because of me. I've been beating myself up about it and let my insecurities believe that I don't deserve her and that is why she left. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for failing your family in taking care of her. I'm sorry to Becky for doubting her love for me and hurting her. I need to find her! I need her!" She began crying hard and she was breathing hard as they all watched her.

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