Chapter 39

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Freen arrived back at the mansion and headed inside. Billy had talked her ear off on the ride back but she was too upset to engage with him. She made an excuse of needing to finish packing and headed into her room. She laid on the bed upset and began to question her relationship with Becky. She thought Becky loved her but lately it felt like she was in competition with her new friend.

"I shouldn't have brought her here. We have barely spent any time together and she spends most of her days with Friend. I know her seeing me with Billy and him touching me must not feel great, but she should know that I only love her. I hate that I can't just be with her, but I'm not sure my parents will approve. I have to do something before I lose her. I just can't lose her..." Freen hugged her pillow as tears filled her eyes thinking of what she should do next.

'Knock, knock'

Freen sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes as she pretended to be asleep. The last thing she needed right now was her mother or a servant coming to look for her. She laid quietly hugging her pillow with her eyes closed hoping the person behind the door would leave. After a few seconds she heard the door to her room open and lock. She frowned slightly trying to listen and decipher who and what someone was doing in her room. "Please don't let it be mother." She silently prayed in her head.

The bed sunk with the weight of the person lying down next to her and she felt their arm wrap around her as they spooned her. Her eyes shot open and her heart raced as she began to question who had just laid down with her. A small soft face burrowed in the back of her neck and began placing small kisses as a very familiar comforting scent filled her. Her body relaxed immediately giving in to the comforting feeling but stiffened as the sad memory of earlier that day filled her. Tears began to fill her eyes again and she bit her lip trying to contain them.

Becky rubbed her hand up and down Freen's arm in a comforting manner and continued to kiss her neck and cheek. When she saw Freen was not responding to her affection she pulled Freen to face her and placed her hands on her cheeks. "Baby... look at me." Freen looked up at her with glossy sad eyes, her lip pouting. Becky wiped her cheeks and kissed them slowly. She began kissing her lips and pressed her forehead against Freen's. "Babe, talk to me. I don't want you to be sad." Freen continued to pout and in a whiney voice said, "I thought you were on a date with your new girlfriend?

Becky looked at her and frowned. "I only have one girlfriend and it's you. Friend is just a good friend." Freen looked at her annoyed and huffed. "That's not what it looked like to me. I hate it when she touches you and makes food for you." Becky rubbed her cheek and kissed her face and lips. Freen's cheeks remained puffed out in annoyance. "I know you do, just like I hate it when Billy touches you and takes you out on dates." Freen looked up at her and began to protest. "We don't go out on dates..." Becky looked at her and dared her to deny it.

"Well... looking back it could be seen as a date. I don't like him touching me, he is just overly touchy." Becky looked at her annoyed. "With only you." Freen opened her mouth to speak, "No.... Well, I guess. But he's just a friend, more like a family friend." "And Friend is just a friend." They looked into each other's eyes for a moment and they both sighed in acceptance.

"I guess we both have 'friends' who are overly friendly. And we both don't like it." Becky nodded and rubbed Freen's back. "And I guess we both have allowed them to come between us by being too nice and not setting boundaries." Freen nodded and placed her arm around Becky's waist. "So you don't like Friend? Are you still my girlfriend?" Becky smiled and shook her head at the silly question.

"No I don't like Friend, I'm in love with you. Of course I'm still your girlfriend, are you still mine?" Freen looked into her eyes and pouting she shook her head yes. "Good. Can I have a kiss?" Freen nodded and leaned in capturing Becky's lips into hers. They kissed as they rubbed each other's back in a comforting manner. Becky pulled away and pulled Freen into her chest as she slowly patted her head.

"Can I be honest with you?" Freen nodded as she closed her eyes comfortable in her arms. Becky took a breath before coming clean. "I'm scared of losing you." Freen opened her eyes and looked up at Becky with a frown on her face. "Loosing me? To who, Billy?" Becky sighed and nodded. "To Billy, to your parents, to society." Freen moved back to fully face her and looked at her baffled. "What do you mean?" Becky bit her lip and took a deep breath. "Come on Freen, you know what I mean. I heard Billy likes you and is looking to court you." Freen made a face of disgust and shook her head. "I don't care if he likes me, I don't like him like that.

"You might not want him for a boyfriend, but both of your parents do." Freen continued to shake her head in denial. "I don't care what they want, they can't force me to be with him. How do you know this?" Becky stayed quiet for a moment and looked up at Freen. "There's been talk amongst the staff. Apparently they've overheard conversations between Mr. Chen and your dad. They want him to be your husband." Freen sat up appalled and shook her head. "No that can't be, I barely know the guy. Who told you this?"

Freen looked long at Becky and narrowed her eyes. "Friend. I knew it. She must be spreading rumors to try and separate us." Becky pulled Freen down and placed her hands on her cheeks in an attempt to calm her down. "Baby, calm down. Listen, Friend is not out to separate us. She doesn't even know we're together. She admitted to liking me, but I let her know me and her are just friends. She is actually a nice person if you took the chance to get to know her. If you don't believe the rumors that's fine, but you can't deny that Billy likes you. And if you think about it, he is perfect for you in your parent's eyes." Freen began to stir, but Becky quickly settled her down and made her listen.

"I know this is not fun to listen to or admit, but you are a royal. You are soon to be a Queen and you need someone at your side to help you rule. Billy is rich and also soon to rule over this land. It makes sense that your parents would naturally want to get you two together. And unfortunately I am merely a maiden and a woman. I have nothing to offer you." Freen became upset and grabbed Becky's arms. "What are you saying?! I don't care what Billy is, I don't want to be with him. I love you. I want you. You have a lot to offer. Your love alone is more than enough for me." Becky smiled as Freen pulled her into a hug and began kissing her.

"Thank you baby, I love you too. I appreciate your affirmation but I'm afraid that it might not be enough for your parents. You deserve someone of your stature who you can build a family with. Maybe I'm just in your way." Freen's face flushed in anger and she took Becky by her shoulders and stared into her eyes. "Are you kidding me? I don't need anything but you. If I don't have you, I don't want to be Queen. I want to love you and build a family with you." Becky blushed and she hugged Freen burying her face into the crook of her neck. "Do you really mean it?" Freen hugged her tight and nodded.

"Becky do you not realize that you make me so happy? I was so sad and alone before I met you. You bring love and light into my life and if I don't have you... I don't want this life." Becky's eyes began to tear up as her voice cracked. "But what if one day you get tired of me and you leave me like my parents did?" Freen lifted Becky's chin up and looked lovingly into her sad teary eyes. "Becky, I could never get tired of you. I need you in my life to go on. I think about you all day and want to be with you always. I don't know why your parents left you, but they made the biggest mistake of their lives by losing you. I'm not going to make that mistake." Freen leaned down and kissed her lips several times and hugged her tightly.

"I know that it may not be the best situation for us, but once it comes up I will tell my parents the truth and hope that they will accept me for me. Then everyone will know that we are together. As for now, I just want to love you." Becky nodded as she hugged Freen and nuzzled into her chest. " I love you babe, I'm sorry for everything. Thank you for loving me." Freen kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tighter. "I love you too bb, I'm sorry too. Thank you for loving me back." They continued hugging and kissing slowly enjoying each other's company.

+++++++++++ To be continued +++++++++++

A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the hiatus, I was feeling a little overwhelmed with the negative comments and had a lot of anxiety thinking about continuing. I read all of your positive comments and decided to continue the story for myself and if anyone still wants to read you are welcome to do so. 🙏🏼

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