Chapter 12

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Becky's first day in the palace had gone fairly well. She had met lots of new people and learned a lot of new things. She had spent the day shadowing Rosemary and had picked up quickly on things. Due to this Rosemary had allowed her to prepare the Princess's night wear and set it out for her on her bed. What Becky did not anticipate is that she would be running face to face with the Princess and better yet that she herself would end up scared hiding behind her curtains.

Of course Becky found herself tossing and turning that night running that scene in her head over and over. She continued to degrade herself mentally for being so silly and resorting to hiding as she used to do when she was a young child. This scene was not the only thing that was keeping her up.

She couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful face that looked down at her when she opened her eyes from behind the curtains. The big round eyes that invited her in and those rosy lips that beckoned her closer. The warm feel of her fingers grazing her chin and the warm breath that smelled so sweet warming her face. She remembered the way her heart skipped a beat at the way the Princess looked at her with such intensity, it caused her stomach to feel butterflies. She could have remained there forever and although in that moment their connection felt eternal, it also felt like it ended all too soon.

Becky wondered why she felt so captivated by the Princess and why she couldn't stop thinking about her. She had never felt like this before and this new feeling had her confused. She wondered if maybe she felt like this towards her because she was grateful to her for giving her this opportunity and just really looked up to her as the soon to be new ruler of the country. Whatever it was, Becky was determined to explore the new found feelings and find the true source of them.

The next day Becky continued training with Rosemary who had taken a liking to her. She had promised to help her succeed in her new position and was beginning to feel like a mother figure to her. After helping with the morning duties, she followed Rosemary to Freen's room to begin her morning routine. Rosemary barged into the room motioning for the Princess to wake up as she began drawing open the curtains. She motioned for becky to begin stripping the bed although Freen was still in bed.

As usual Freen laid face down in her pillow covering herself from the sunlight. She grumbled as Rosemary joined becky in stripping the bed. "Come on Princess. You'll be late for breakfast." Rosemary hastened. She pulled the cover from Freen's body and walked out to gather new sheets. Becky stood near Freen's bed nervously gathering sheets and pillows as she stole glances at Freen. She couldn't help but notice how beautiful Freen looked and felt butterflies seeing her beautiful profile in that black silk gown.

The gown wrapped around every curve so well and her beautiful chest rose up and down with every breath. Becky stopped for a moment to admire the sight before her as the sunlight beamed down at the Princess and created a cascade of sunlight before her. Becky stood there biting her lip and taking every detail of the scene before her.

She was so mesmerized, she failed to see that Freen had now opened her eyes and watched her intently. As they made eye contact, Becky bit her lip and clutched the pillow in her hands harder. Becky could see Freen studying her up and down as she herself ran her eyes up and down the Princess before her.

"Come on girl don't just stand there, help me finish making the bed." Rosemary interrupted walking in with brand new bed sheets. Both girls broke out of their trance and looked away from each other. Becky walked to the top side of the bed to help Rosemary as Freen slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom to begin her morning routine. As she walked away Becky continued to steal glances at Freen in her night gown until she disappeared from her sight.

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