Chapter 3 - Snowed in

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Collin's POV

I stayed beside Kelli. She was sound asleep. Well, unconscious to be exact. Next thing I knew, there was Kelli's friend. "Hey." I said. "You're Rachel?" "Yeah." She said. "Where's Kelli?" "Right here." I said. There she was, lying on the ground. She ran over to her.

"Kelli, wake up." Rachel yelled, shaking her. Then, I saw a hand grab her arm. "Cut the crap, Rachel." Kelli said. I swear I heard a dog growl. "Good." She said. "You're awake. Why now? You almost exposed yourself."

I cut them off. "I'm sorry to interrupt." I said. "She doesn't look exposed. What's going on?" Rachel face palmed. "It's a long story." "Yeah." Kelli said. She managed to get up. I saw her take off her shades. "This is all you get." She said. She opened her eyes. Her eyes were yellow. I couldn't help but stare.

"Okay." Rachel said. "Snap out of it. Kelli, you cut the crap." "I just want to know if you were okay." I said. "Yeah." Kelli said. "I'm fine. A lot has happened since you transferred. Don't sweat it, kid. You'll get back in the swing of things."

They started to walk away. "Wait." I said. "There's a dance in April. Wanna go with me?" She was hesitant. I saw her blush. "I don't know." She said. "I need to check my schedule. You see I am on many teams, maybe three if I make varsity. But I have a town game at four thirty. The game will end at six and I'd have no time to get ready."

"I don't care." I said. "Uniform or not. It's fine." Then, we all got alerts on our phones. it said: warning. Snow storm warning. Get to shelter immediately. This is urgent. No one will have time to go home.

"Good thing I have clothes to change into." Kelli said. She smiled. I rubbed my eyes. Her teeth looked like canines. Rachel gave me the death stare. But really. This is impossible. Kelli and Rachel look completely different. I wonder why Kelli was like this in the past hour.

Then, snow began to fall. "Fuck." Rachel said. "Quick. Get in the SAC." We ran in with our bags and closed the doors behind us. The three of us all sat on the bench. "Damn." Kelli said. "That snow is falling down fast. Wait. Where are the coaches?"

She was right. They were all gone. It was just the three of us. Kelli was pacing around the building. She walked into the gym. "If Mr. Duchaney was in here." Kelli said. "Or, Mrs. B. That would be great."


Kelli's POV

I was pacing back and forth in the gym. What if he finds out? I don't want him to see me as a monster. I looked out the window. It was snowing. But the sky was clear. The moon was there. It reflected off my yellow eyes.

"Hello?" I called. "Duchaney? B? You guys there?" No answer. "Anyone?" I called again. There was still, no answer. I slumped onto the bleachers. "No ones here." I said. "Just the three of us. What do we do?"

"Listen to music?" Rachel asked. "Sure." I said. "I volunteer." I went through my bag and retrieved my iPad. I clicked on the pandora music app and clicked on the Imagine Dragons station. The first song that came up was Animals by Maroon 5.


Rachel's POV

"Ahh." Kelli said. "This is my jam!" I shook my head. "Yeah." I said. "Knowing you, it fits you quite well." I grabbed her iPad charger and plugged it in. I then placed it on the bench and we started dancing to the music. Might as well take advantage of this.

"This is awesome." Kelli said. "Dome league is almost over and it's February vacation. What else could go wrong?" "I know, right?" I said. Then, there was this part in Animals. It was close to the part when the lead singer howls. I waited.

Then, when the part came on, Kelli let out this majestic howl. She smiled. We all laughed. Collin was shocked. "Don't ask." I said. "Just sing." We all laughed. The song ended and we all clapped.

"Nothing is worse than being snowed in." Kelli said. I looked outside and the snow was blocking the doors. Next thing I knew, there was Kelli on her knees again. This ain't good.

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