Chapter 7 - More Suspicions

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Kelli's POV

It was Monday and it was day 12 on the block rotation. I had chorus first. Olivia and I were the only eighth grade girls in this group. I walked out of the main building in the freezing cold and walked to the music center. It's March. It should be a little warmer by now. So anyways, I walked in and our teacher wasn't there. All that was there was a note. She had to go somewhere. So, I walked to the chairs and got out my iPad and listened to music. I usually get my notebook out and write music, but I haven't been writing lately because of the recent events. The coffee house, the incident with Collin, and now Allie is getting suspicious again. Can things get worse?

I fixed my skirt as a new song came on. It was called Dancing With The Wolf. I decided to listen to it. It was about a cheater in a relationship. 'jeez' I thought. 'that's some deep shit.' Apart from that, it was pretty catchy. So, I pressed the thumbs up button on the touch screen so it can play again at another time. But holy crap, that was really deep in meaning. The lyrics definitely told the story. 'I need to learn that song.' I thought. I then looked at the time. It was 8:39. We had to go. I then got up and packed my stuff in my bag. I then got a headache from my wolf senses acting up. I actually heard the bell ring from a while away. "We gotta go." I called to everyone.

They looked at me like I was crazy. "Guys, the bell rang." I said as I walked out of the door. They didn't go until they saw people walk out of the door to the school. I looked back and everyone else was just getting out of the music center. I sighed as I walked into the school and through the stairwell to World Cultures in Mr. Rose's class. I say down next to Mary. This time, her hair was dyed a dark auburn. "So, what do you think?" She asked. "Looks really good." I said. "I'm thinking about dyeing my hair auburn again. "You should." Jason said, walking in. "I agree." "Do you even know what I just said?" I asked. "Well yeah." He said as his eyes flashed red. "Oh yea." I said. I cracked the muscles in my neck. "Don't do that to much." Mary whispered. "You're gonna transform if you keep that up."

"I know." I said. "I get it. Where's Mr. Rose?" "I don't know." Mary said. "All the teachers are disappearing. Mr. Sapir wasn't there at argumentation and debate." "Then Mrs. H won't be there for health and Mr. Stella for math." I said. "I'm happy at the fact Mr. Stella isn't going to be here. Not H." I looked back to see Collin with his friends. Spencer, Nick, and Brandon were staring at me and whispering. They looked suspicious. Next thing I knew, one of them got out of their seats.

I quickly turned away. "What's going on?" I whispered. "What do you mean?" Mary whispered. "Behind us." I whispered. She looked behind her and quickly turned back. "Nick and Spencer are walking towards us." She whispered. "And so is Brandon." "Why?" I asked. "I don't know." Mary said. "What did you do?" "I didn't do nothing." I said. "I can't see why they are doing this." Then I saw a hand on my desk. I looked up to see Nick looking at me straight in the eyes. "Are you sure, Collin?" He asked. "She sure is acting strange." Collin didn't say anything. I finally started to talk. "What the fuck do you want?" I demanded. "Ooh, ain't you feisty Wolfie?" Nick said slyly. He looked down at my crescent moon necklace. "Where did you get that?" He demanded. "I made it." I said. "Do you have a problem?"

"Yeah, I do." He said. "I want to know why you've been acting strange around all of us." Then I saw his eyes glow red. 'Fucking kill me now' I thought. 'another vampire' "I haven't." I said. "And how do you know?" He asked slyly. I stood up, pounding my fists on the desk. "Listen." I demanded. "I don't know what the fuck you want from me and why, but just fuck off." I felt my eyes starting to change color. I held it in and went to go out of the classroom to get a drink of water on the middle floor. However, the door was closed on me. I looked to my left and there was Brandon. "Hey, remember that chick who was shadowing and was in this class with us?" He asked. "She had really light auburn curly hair and she threatened you." "I need a name to a face." I said. "It won't ring a bell."

"Are you sure?" Brandon asked. "You don't remember Annabelle?" I knew it. I looked back and shot Collin a glare. He looked at me like 'WTF' and I stormed over to him. I pounded my fists on the desk. "What did you do?" I whispered. "Kelli, calm down." Jason called from his desk. I then shot him a glare. 'eyes' he said telepathically. 'I don't care, Jason' I thought. I turned back to Collin. "Okay, spill." I said. "What did you tell them?" "Nothing." He said. "Then why are they talking about Annabelle?" I demanded. "Ooh, she knows." Nick said. "Shut the fuck up." I screamed. "Kelli, calm down." Carlie said. "You're just gonna make things worse." "No." I said. "They know my nemesis. Well, I know he does." I turned back to Collin. "Answer me." I said.

However, I saw his eyes turn red and he actually turned. I saw fangs and his skin turned as white as a ghost. He was about to bite my hand off. I quickly put my hands up. "Whoa, hold up." I said. "Since when?" "Since forever." He said, smirking. I backed up, panicking. "Oh, look." Spencer said. "She's scared. Why are you scared?" Spencer went for my necklace. I knew I had an extra in my bag, but this kept me from transforming. The other one has a tuning fork of over 20000 hertz. If I had that on, then I'd be more exposed and protected at the same time. I tried to dodge, but he grabbed my necklace. He then held me closer. "Creep." I spat. "You say this means the most to you, right?" Spencer asked slyly. "Well, duh." I said. "I made it. It should have value with the effort I put into making this." I couldn't believe it. He let go of the necklace. "Okay, now leave it alone." I said. "You creep. I feel violated." I sat down in my seat. I wished it didn't happen again.

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