Chapter 15 - Preparation

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Elizabeth's POV

There was a mandatory meeting at Kelli's place in the woods. There was a bridge that led to the hideout. It was one of her father's quad trails. I texted Kelli.

Elizabeth: Kelli. Where the hell are you?

Kelli: I'm at the other end of the bridge.

Elizabeth: So, who's gonna be there?

Kelli: Rachel, Jason, Mary, and Katie.

Elizabeth: Who?

Kelli: Katie. She is willing to help us.

Elizabeth: Can we trust her? Because I heard what happened with Collin. That's pretty much why.

Kelli: Yes. She talked to me about it after softball practice after everyone left. She literally took the time to get to know my history.

Elizabeth: And how is Jason going to help us?

Kelli: You didn't witness any of this, did you? You never even thought of asking how I was holding up. I would have told you everything.

Elizabeth: Bullshit. I knew. You didn't even tell me anything.

Kelli: I have been trying to get ahold of you. You ignored me all this time.

Elizabeth: Okay, stop accusing me of what I never did. I never knew.

Kelli: Don't act like you don't even know.

Elizabeth: Just let me know when everyone's here.

Kelli: Everyone is here.

Elizabeth: Fine. I'll be right there.

I put away my phone and ran over the bridge as soon as I got to her house. I followed the path that led up to three girls and a boy. "So, you must be Jason." I said. "And you, must be Katie. I've heard about you two. I'm watching you guys." "Alright, chill out, kid." Kelli said. "Let's not kill each other." She gave me the death stare. I rolled my eyes and listened.

"So, when's the championship game?" Jason asked. "It's on Friday if we win tomorrow." Katie said. "We will need Kelli catching since Gaby isn't doing well." "Well, the thing is, I got this necklace from Sr. Janice." Kelli said. "This is supposed to help me with high frequencies. Higher than humans and higher than the average werewolf. The problem is, I can't wear jewelry during any sports game. They won't let you play. So, besides these shades, I won't be able to hold in my transformation much longer. Annabelle said that she'll be watching the game and when I transform, she will be ready to take me down. First, she'll try to expose me. Then, she'll try to kill me."

We all were stunned. Well, except me. I didn't care anymore. This was getting stupid. I didn't see why Annabelle hates Kelli so much. "Did you tell us why Annabelle hates you so much?" I asked slyly. "I was in a fistfight with her male cousin." She said. "He started it and he punched me so hard in the stomach, that it knocked the wind out of me and I transformed. I didn't know it until I saw scratch wounds in his stomach. I didn't remember much of the fight, but Annabelle was pissed. I was only 11 at the time. I didn't know what I was doing. How's that for an explanation?"

They all were silent. Rachel had a blank, but remembering look on her face. Jason, Mary, and Katie's looks were priceless. They were like they heard a gunshot. Then here's me. Not caring at all. This was stupid. I'm just not what I seemed months ago. They should've figured that out by now.

"Anyways, we should be prepared for the worst." Katie said. "She's teaming up with Collin, Brandon, and Spencer. We need to find them first." "Oh, of course." Mary said. "She's in our world cultures class. She literally teamed up with those boys and is song the best she can to ruin our lives."

"Then, we should start tomorrow." I said. "We need to prepare for the full moon that's on Friday. So, we need to think of ideas. Just to stall her so she doesn't get the chance to murder your face. She even might be one step ahead of us." "So we have to act fast if you guys don't want her to murder my face." Kelli said.

She looked at her phone. "It's about time you guys left." She said. "My mother will be home soon and she'll be acting suspicious. We don't want that." "Yea, good idea." Katie said. "Bye guys." She ran away in a blur. So did Jason. Then it was the three of us. I morphed into my form and ran home, leaving Rachel and Kelli behind.

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