Chapter 16 - The plan

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Annabelle's POV

It was the middle of the night. There were Collin, Brandon, Spencer, Emily, and Colleen. "Do you know why I have summoned you guys here?" I asked. "I always have a reason." "Is this about Kelli?" Emily asked. "Because I never really liked her to begin with." "Correct." I said. "Do you know what I'm asking of you?" They all just stared at me like I didn't know what I was talking about.

"The semi finals are tomorrow." I said. "I wanna make sure they win. And when they make it to the championship, they won't be ready to see a wolf on the team. They will turn on her. They will fear her. They will try to kill her."

"But, Annabelle." Collin said. "What did she ever do to you?" "She killed my cousin." I said. "She knew what she was doing. She started the fight. She just had to assist her ally. And she was just discovering her ability." "Alright, but what if it doesn't work?" Collin asked.

"That's when we come in." I said. "We will be the ones to try and kill her. I get the final kill though. She's my enemy. She's my cousin." All their mouths dropped. "You guys were related all this time?" Spencer asked. "I wish we weren't." I said. "We both are French, but she is more Portuguese and Native American and Native Americans are werewolves. Long ago, we vampires would dominate, but they'd repopulate like crazy. We'd always try, but then one day, they almost wiped us out. It was sort of like a revenge for killing their parents and stuff."

"But why are you so interested in killing Kelli?" Collin asked. "Alright." I said. "Another lesson. The clan that Kelli is in is the singing clan. Not the harvest clan. She is a singing wolf. She is one of the few left. No, make that the only one left in the singing clan. We never touched the harvest clan."

"Yea, so?" Brandon said. "She can sing. What else is new?" "She can reach notes higher than the average person." I said. "She can use her ability to her advantage. You know how her name it's mentioned over the intercom a thousand times about her catching or hitting?" "Yea." Brandon said. "She used her ability." I said. "If she does tomorrow, then tell me. They will be home team. So, be close to the dugout on their side. Let me know if you hear anything about her ability."

"How will we know?" Spencer asked. "You will hear her." I said. "She'll be panicking and will be talking to Katie all the time about 'what if whatever' and all that shit. And if she mentions the full moon, then at the end of the game, tackle her and pin her down. Make sure she has no way of escape." "And if she's prepared?" Collin asked. "What if she has something that's preventing her transformation?" "Then, if you detect anything that prevents her from transforming, take it from her." I said. "Outfield shades, tuning fork necklace, anything. Even if she can't wear jewelry during the game, she still will most likely put that thing back around her neck."

"So, how should we start this without being suspicious?" Brandon asked. "Yeah, what if?" Spencer added. "I'm with them as well." Collin said. "How?" "Well Collin, she trusts you the most." I added. "Before anything, I want you to talk to her and say that you just wanna congratulate her and tell her how great she did, because I have no doubt she'll do great. Then attempt to hug her. Hug her only if I see the tuning fork necklace around her neck at the end of the game."

Collin's POV

"Wait, How did you know she has a crush on me?" I asked. "She barely talks to you." She laughed. "I can read her mind like all vampires can." Annabelle said. "Then why can't I read her mind?" I asked. "Because you're not related to her." Annabelle said. "I'm he only one that can read her singing werewolf mind because I'm her freaking cousin. Only if you're related to a singing wolf, you can read their minds here and there. But you guys, I'm sorry. You're shit outta luck." "Ouch." Spencer said. "That's some deep shit. Can I say 'shots fired' please." He laughed. I punched his shoulder.

"I was only kidding, dude." He said. "Yeah, Chill out, bruh." Brandon said. "So, we will see if they win tomorrow." Annabelle said. "And if they do, then everything will go according to plan. And you're gonna hug Kelli to get that damned necklace from her whether you like it or not, Collin." "If I have to." I said. "I'll hate to hurt her though. She's always been a good friend." "And make her think that." Annabelle said. "We all good?" We nodded. "Good," she said. "I'll watch her semifinal game. I'll let you guys know if we need to do the procedure or not. See you boys tomorrow." She ran away in a blur. As did all of us. This was the perfect plan.

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