Chapter 18 - Temporary

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Kelli's POV

My friends hugged me. "We are so proud of you, Kelli." Mary said. "You played awesome." "Yea, you go girl." Rachel said. "Miss me?" "You watched!!" I exclaimed. "I didn't know you were there." "Yea." Rachel said. "You did amazing. Awesome home run! Awesome catch!" "Thanks guys." I said. "Now to prepare for the championship. I'm so excited." "But be careful." Jason said. "You will flip anyways so keep it to a minimum." "I won't be able to control it you know." I said. "Control what?" My mother asked. "My excitement and determination." I said, playing along. "People will think I'm crazy if I go too much overboard."

"Good call." My mother said. "Well, I'm so excited for the championship game." "I'm catching." I said. "Even better." My mother said. "Well, let's hit the road. You have homework to do." "Agreed." I said. "Bye guys. See you tomorrow, Mary." "You too." Mary said. "And I'll miss you, kid." I said to Jason. "You too, Kelli." He said. He hugged me. "I'm really sweaty you know." I said. "Eh, I couldn't care less." He said. We laughed.

I got in the car with my mother after putting my gear in the car. "Great job, Kelli." She said. "Thanks." I said. "I'm really tired. I'm really sore." "I feel you." She said. "You worked hard. You did awesome. You played well." "Thanks." I said. I'm gonna try to rest from this little headache."

After we exited the parking lot, I put on a sweater and put up the hood just in case. I rolled down the window and sighed. I looked in the side mirror and then looked up. I saw the moon in its waxing gibbous phase. I sighed as I let my eyes turn yellow. Slowly, I let my bottom canines grow sharp in my mouth. And then the top. It's not painful when I choose to transform. Then, I let my wolf ears take its place on the top of my head as my human ears disappeared into my head.

Soon, we were home. I saw my mother crash on the couch. I giggled into my hand, hiding the canines. As I walked upstairs to take a shower, my mother fell asleep. I could hear the snoring from the top of the stairs. When I reached the bathroom, I took off the sweater. I looked in the mirror to see how different I looked. I took the elastic band out of my hair and started the shower.

...time skip...

I got out of the shower and got dressed. Soon after I got ready and setting my alarm, I completely crashed on my bed. I wondered how the championship would turn out. What team would we play? How would I do under the full moon. I honestly never played under the first night of the full moon. All these questions circled in my head as I fell asleep.


Annabelle's POV

I never got to see the game. I had other things to attend to. So, this morning in Algebra, Kelli walked in, sat down, and put her head on the desk. I tapped her on the shoulder. "What?" She asked all cranky. "Did you guys win?" I asked. "You'll know on the intercom." She said. "Listen, I didn't sleep at all last night. I fell asleep trying to do homework three times and I didn't get it done until frikkin two in the morning. I had three hours of sleep. Thank god, Coach B let us take today off. We have practice tomorrow and Thursday. And we have something for Maribeth and Gabby for their graduation. So, I'm gonna sleep in World Cultures today since Mr. Rose isn't here."

"Wow." I said. "That's the most you've talked to me." "Is that an accomplishment?" Kelli asked. "Well, all we do is fight." I said. "Because you wanna frikkin hurt me so bad." Kelli said. "Just take a break would ya? You've been at it for three years so far and still I've beaten you. Why are you so determined?" "I never break a promise." I said. "I never break a promise to my close cousin." "Oh, the one I had to save my own kind from?" Kelli asked. "Yeah." I said. "And remember, this is just a temporary truce. Don't think I'm trying to make amends with you." "I know." Kelli said. "I'm just playing along so I won't get my ass kicked by the teachers."

Then, the intercom came on. After the prayer and pledge, there were the real announcements. "Yesterday, the Lady Saints Varsity Softball team advance to the championships with a win of 4-3. Eighth Grader, Kelli Silvers, hit a home run in the bottom of the third along with great hits from Lauren Melchionda, Jill Blake, and Gabby Fantasia. Kelli Summers played a phenomenal shortstop and will be back behind the plate on Friday night. So, be there for the game. Sacred Heart is counting on you. Thank you, Sacred Heart. Have an ecstatic day." The intercom clicked off and the class started. All I knew is that I was only being nice to her because of the faculty. Out of the school is war. It has always been war.

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