Before the Blizzard.

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[The fitting song for this scene:]


"I don't want to bother you, but master, are we there yet?" They young girl asked. She wears a traditional warriors outfit, excluding the weapons. She was instructed not to bring them. 

"We're getting close. Almost there." The individual smiled, rare for their stoic, serious personality, especially when fighting. But not for Kayla.

"Are we lost? You know you aren't the best with maps," Kayla quips. Her mentor halts, body language showing they're quite flustered. 

"No, of course not!"

"Oh, hey guys, the 'Grand' Six-Eared Macaque is LOST!" The girl screams into the mountains, her voice echoing around the area. Macaque flushes fiercely, before covering her mouth with his hands.

"Fine, we may be a little... sidetracked, but we'll be there soon! And not so loud, you're hurting my ears!" He uncovers her mouth, as she cackles.

"Poor immortal-monkey dad, wit his six sensitive ears, boo-hoo" She says, with fake sympathy.

 Macaque gives her a soft smile and then turns back on the path, his expression changing to a grim, almost guilty one.

"Hey, kiddo?" Macaque says, as Kayla admires the cave. 


"You know, about the thing with Wukong and I..."

"Yeah, how you said he went power-hungry and challenged the greats?"

"You already know I have to stop him, right?"

"Yeah, and I already told you I can help! I've been training my whole life, and, and, I'm strong! Perhaps stronger than you!"

"Kid." Kayla looks at the floor.

"Sorry Master." Macaque clenches his fists, as he stops walking. They find themselves in an open cavern, as water drips from the ceiling. Purple wisps of shadow emanate around his figure.

"Uh, I didn't know we were sparring!"

"Yeah, friendly little fight, huh?"

"...Alright then!" Kayla clenches her right fist, and watches as it turns into ice. They stand, facing each other. Whoever attacks first, is bound to go down. Macaque knows there's water in the area, and that's not good.

Kayla charges first, knowing this was a mistake. Her fist collides with Macaques shadow-ridden hand, as her eyes widen. She managed to move him an inch, but not before being thrown into a wall. Her ice fist shatters, as she rubs her head. Once she comes to, Macaque is already charging at her.

She leaps into the air, landing further away from his stance, using water molecules to float in the air. Macaque halts, regaining his composure. 

"She's faster... But not as fast as me."

"What? Can't keep up? I though you were part of the Brotherhood once!"

He disappears into the shadows, sending Kayla into defense mode. She activates her ice abilities  once again. He's gone...

...Not. His Shadow Monkeys rise from behind, and the real Macaque appears underneath her, grabbing her ankle and pulling her into his Shadow Portals, as she's flung around the room, back and forth through the portals, until finally landing on the ground, not very gracefully.

She ambles to her feet as Macaque stands in front of her. She holds her ribcage in pain.

"Ahh... That's a new move. When'd you get that one?" 

Macaque simply gives a fake smile. "Well? Are you giving up?" She regains her composure, a determined look making her eyes glow blue.

"You know me, I'm not quitting just yet!"

Macaque charges once again, his figure phasing between shadow and normal. Kayla braces for impact, as she gets a roundhouse-kick to the chest. The impact sends her though the mountain, and she braces, using the water molecules to halt herself. She lowers her arms, panting heavily. She's floating in the air, and has a clear vantage point of the mountain range.

Macaque flies out of the hole, and attacks Kayla again. They take to the skies, exchanging blows and such. Kayla get's launched into mountains, hills, the ground, the sky even, until she's worn out. 

"Alright, you win. Well played, Macaque." She holds her arms to her ribcage, before being blasted into the cave again. She falls to the floor. 

"Macaque, are your six ears not working? I said, you WON."

"I hate to do this..." Kayla looks confused. "Really, I do kiddo."

"What do you mean?"

"You're a great student, and an even better daughter. But I can't let anything happen to you."

"And nothing will. I'll be by your side, this whole time!"

"...No, you won't."

Macaque rushes her to the middle of the cave, where she stands, attempting to use her powers to protect herself, a shield. Macaque summons his Shadow Monkeys once again, as they attack Kayla's ice 'shield'. 

"Why, Macaque? We're friends, family!"

"I have no friends."

"Well, you... got me!" She strains under the pressure. "Unless, you're playing a sick prank, in that case, 'Caq, Let me go!" 

"Sorry kiddo. I really am." Kayla causes the ice shield to implode, sending the Shadow Clones flying. She sends  concentrated ice blast of pure elemental energy towards Macaque, who used a Shadow Portal to deflect and re-focus the blast, unfortunately, towards Kayla. She can't look him in the eyes, shutting them tight. As if she accepts her fate.

"Macaque-" Is the last thing she utters, before being frozen in place. 

Macaque stumbles towards the girl, placing his hand on the ice. He looks down at the floor, a teardrop falling from his face. Then another. 

"I'm sorry, Bingxue. I love you." He exits the cave.

[As the course of years pass, over 500, she remains in the ice, memory forgotten. Time passes, as the area flourishes with nature, life, and waterfalls, the seasons ebbing and flowing. Yet she never does. It's a sad fate, indeed, being lonely for years, not knowing when time passes and such. Yet, that is not the end of this tale...]


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