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[This was fun but took a WHILE... mainly because I moved, so sorry!]

Kayla wakes up to a pleasant smell emanating from the kitchen.

"Oh, Macaque's cooking... nice..." She mumbles, turning over in the bed. She suddenly perks up. 

"WAIT MACAQUE?! OH NO OH NO—" She stumbles out of the bedroom, still in her pajamas.

"MACAQUE WAIT NO DON'T—" She looks over to see MK, Mei, and whatever Monkey King is doing here.

"Don't what, Snowflake?" Kayla looks at the stove, and then at her father.

"Uhh, you're, well, cooking. And nothing's on fire this time."

"Yeah, I learned over the past few, uhh, hundred years." He chuckles lightly, turning to look at Kayla. "Oh, and, you may wanna get ready for the day."He says, aluding to Kayla's informal wear. She looks down at her pajamas, a monkey onesie with a white shirt underneath that has banana prints on it. She hears laughter as her face turns pink.

"SHUT UP! Fine, I'll change..."

She heads to her room, as she grabs a brush for her hair. Memories flash through her mind. She chuckles as she wraps her blue-white scarf around her neck. 

"You stinkin' monkey... glad I love ya." She sighs to herself, looking in the mirror. "Alright Kay, get out there, and have a great day! Go change someone's life, or yours! Yeah!" Macaque hears her shout from her room, and chuckles. 

[This is the best I could do, I can't draw, sorry! And I know the creator ships MK x SWK, but no, I don't support

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[This is the best I could do, I can't draw, sorry! And I know the creator ships MK x SWK, but no, I don't support. And yes, her hair is white from the remnants of the LBD's possession. AND NO I'M NOT THIS BORING—]

She comes out of her room, adjusting her scarf. 

"Alright, how do I look?" Mei whips out her phone, taking pictures of her as Monkey King gives her a thumbs up. Macaque, who's now done cooking, nods in response. "What about you, MK?" Monkey King says, giving him a nudge. 

"I-I mean, sure, it's a bit surprising, cause you aren't in your, uhh, training clothes! But you look great!" MK replies, scuffing his shoes on the floor. Kayla chuckles, running a hand through her hair.  

"Yeah, Mac and I went shopping last week, with the money we earned. We just got a job moving furniture." Kayla shakes her head, fiddling with her scarf a bit. "But Da-erm, Macaque, what DID you cook?" 

"Banana pancakes!" He places plates on the table as Kayla looks at her serving skeptically.

"Uhh, these aren't toxic, are they?" Macaque shakes his head. 

"No, KAYLA, they aren't. And, to prove you wrong, I'LL take a bite first!" He stuffs his serving into his mouth, chew a bit, then nods. 

"Okay, Macintosh, that tells me nothing." 

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now