Time To Save The City, Part One!

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Kayla and the others run on the rooftops of the city. Macaque teleports next to her. 

"Alright, so, we're going over the plan again. Mystic Monkeys and Lee, you'll be on team Stupid. You lure the guards away from any of the hot spots that we need to sneak in with. Red Boy, Ao Bing and Ne Zha, you punks are with me on team Fire and Ice."

"How come we're on team Stupid?" Wukong complains, before  falling off a building. He clambers back up, looking embarrassed.

"Aaand that's why. Listen, after you all distract the Guards, Macaque and Lee are all gonna sneak in and get Mei, and then open a portal to get as far away as possible. Now, there's a chance the Jade King will try to follow once he knows Mei is gone." 

"And what do we do then?" Ne Zha says. Kayla skids to a stop on a roof top. They have a clear view of the castle. Black and green make up the marble pillars, and black encompasses the rest of the castle. Kayla sighs.

"We wing it, duh!" She gets a running start, and jumps off of the building, using her ice powers to create small pillars of ice for her to hop on. Macaque sighs, as Ne Zha groans. The team splits up. Wukong and MK land on top of the closest station outpost. Wukong hangs from his tail, grinning mischeviosly. He clears his throat, and the Kukachii warriors turn around, glaring at him. Macaque creates a shadow, which knocks the warriors to the ground. Wukong and Macaque look at each other. 

"You were off time." Macaque says matter-of-factly.


"Were too!"




"Oh crud." MK says, before face palming. "Macaque, you have to go save Mei! Wukong and I have got things covered."

"Yeah, bye bye EMO MONKEY!" Wukong sticks his tongue out at Macaque, who pounces on him. They wrestle.


Kayla and her team all sneak through the hallways of the castle. The reach the throne room, and look around. Ao Bing and Ne Zha take out the guards, and Red Son and Kayla both sneak up to the throne itself, and Kayla snatches the staff. 

"Just gonna take this, so nothing bad'll happen." The four all group back together.

"Wait, if the Jade King isn't here, then where is he?" 

Macaque and Lee both sneak about the hallways, Macaque blending in with the shadows, and Lee doing a surprisingly good job at doing so as well. The search the rooms, until they stumble upon a room with guards in the front. 

"Alright, this should be where  Mei is being held. I'll take care of the guards, and—" Lee knocks the guards out with their claws. They look at Macaque. 

"What were you saying?" Macaque looks shocked. "Oh, the guards. Sorry, I kinda already handled them." Lee chuckles bashfully, blushing a bit. They kick the door down and eye Mei, who's tied up to chains. She looks tired, and wears a wedding dress. Lee gasps, as Macaque rushes past, and uses his shadow staff to break the chains. Mei opens her eyes, and gasps in shock. She stumbles, and Lee catches her.

"Hi there. I'm Lee, I'm a good guy. I'm here with your friends to save you." Lee grins. Mei looks confused. She stands, and shakes her head.

"Macaque? I-Wait, you guys CAN'T BE HERE!"

"Why not?" Macaque says. His ears twitch, and he turns around, ready to defend himself if needed. MK and Wukong both wave. Mei runs over to greet him, giving him a hug.


"Yeah! Would'ya believe that creep tried to marry me?"

"Yeah, he was gonna sacrifice you to his god." Mei looks scared.

Macaque chuckles. "Alright, we can greet each other back at home. For now, we need to get far away. MK?" MK walks towards the window and uses his energy to open a portal to the human realm. The group all jump through.


Kayla freezes in place. 

"Ahh, stealing, are we?" The Jade King says. "You know, your friend's wedding is today. It would be shameful if her friends were not to give a gift." 

"Sorry, but I object to this wedding." Kayla hands the staff to Red Son. "You three get as far away as possible. Keep Mei safe."

"I won't leave you here." Ne Zha says. Kayla grabs his hand.

"Hey, I'll make it outta here. I'm tough." The three leave, and Kayla and the Jade King glare into each other's eyes.  The Jade King removes his robes.

"Well, I didn't need my staff to fight you, Bingxue. Now, no more holding back. Show me your power." Kayla snarls, then charges at him. Their fists collide, as they balance each other out.

"You are still weak. Your power is nothing compared to mine." The Jade King kicks her across the room.

"Yeah, yeah... I've heard the same old same old. Amuse me, punk." Kayla says, standing up. The Jade King snarls. Kayla throws her robes across the room, and reveals her scale covered arm.

"Ahh, the revealing curse. Seems it is working." Kayla summons ice daggers, and throws them at him. He dodges. Kayla punches his chest, which sends him flying into the wall. She creates and ice dagger and aims it at his neck.

"This ends here. I will no longer let you cruse this land, or another, with your presence!" He crushes his body into the wall. He chuckles.

"You are right." He grabs her arm, and uses it to throw her into the floor. He floats above her menacingly. She clambers to her feet, as he summons a spear out of his energy. Kayla chuckles, then appears behind him, kicking him to the floor. She traps him in ice.

"Huh. You really are all talk." She stands on top of him. He growls.

"ENOUGH, you INSOLENT CHILD." He breaks free, as Kayla backflips onto the ground. "I have other things to attend to." The Jade King stands, then gets a glimpse of the sky outside. He sees MK wink at him as he closes the portal. The Jade King breaks the glass, then rushes towards the portal. Kayla chases after him, but a large gust of wind pushes her back. The Jade King stabs at the portal barrier, as it weakens. Kayla creates her ice shield, and stumbles forward against the wind. The portal opens, and the Jade King and his army all pile through.

"Oh no. This is bad. Like really kinda sucks bad." 

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