True Power.

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The Jade King enters Mei's holding quarters. He wears a simple robe. Mei pants heavily, before attempting to break free from the chains again.

"There is no use. Resisting will only waste your strength." Mei groans, as sweat drips from her face. 

"What do you even want?" She snarls. The Jade King chuckles.

"I want my powers. You, dear Green-Eyed girl, are my key."

"I have a name," Mei snaps back. The King tilts her head to face his. 

"I am aware. But no matter. You will be wed to me by the end of the week." Mei grimaces. The Jade King turns around and leaves.

"THAT'S SUPER GROSS, PUNK!" She screams, before the door slams shut in her face.


Macaque stares out a window, overlooking the city. Lee looks at him from the ground level, and climbs up the loft. They sit next to the black furred monkey, who looks at Kayla. 

"I'm sure she'll get better." Lee places a hand on Macaque's shoulder. Macaque turns away. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't do talking. Not about my feelings." Lee sighs, taking their hand off of Macaque's shoulder. Macaque groans. "Fine. I'm worried about Kayla. She seems to be getting worse. Knowing her, she'd usually bounce back in a few days. But this... it's not good. So yeah, a little worried." Macaque puts his head in his shoulders.

"I have a feeling she will be able to lead your team soon." Macaque looks up from his hands, and smiles at Lee. Genuinely. Wukong scoffs, to which Ne Zha takes notice.

"There is no denying she is the rightful leader at the moment, Wukong. She's the one who is destined to stop the Jade King." Wukong simply mumbles to himself. Red Son groans, pinching his temple.

"Now is not the time to argue. Mei needs to be saved and our only way of doing that is by using Kayla's power. She is my mentor, and she WILL save your friend along with stop the Jade King." Ao Bing retorts, folding his arms. Wukong sighs. 

"Fine. But if she does any more weird stuff, I'll come up with a better plan, and stop the Jade King himself." Macaque glares at Wukong. Lee scratches their head, then comes up with a plan.

"Hey, guys, what if Wukong, MK and Ne Zha all go out to get food? I mean, we'll need to restock," Lee says, before climbing down from the loft. Ne Zha sighs, and stands to open the door to the outside. Lee sighs. "Uhh, stay safe!" 


Kayla hops to her feet, wearing her usual training gear. Her right arm, is of course still transformed. She rubs her head. As she looks around, she sees a strange omni-colored room around her, blue and purple and pink all swirl around her. She hears footsteps. 

"You and I are becoming one, Kayla. I fear the revealing spell is increasing in it's haste." Kayla sighs. 

"And what do I do to slow it? Isn't there anything in our minds, some sort of spell?" Bingxue shakes her head somberly. She looks at Kayla's arm, then smiles. 

"You will feel better. We are , as your father says, 'strong-willed.'" Kayla chuckles. 

"True, that is true. But I came here cause I need help. How can I stop the team from arguing? I feel like we're breaking apart, and I'm coming on too strong." Bingxue hums.

"Well, as my descendant, you should know. But, as a bit of advice, try to be less, hum, off-putting. You come across as cold and mean occasionally, but show your team that in the most dire situations, you are a leader. Which also means, you MUST face the Jade King." Kayla scratches at her scales nervously. Bingxue places a hand on her shoulder. "I know you are afraid, but so is everyone else. They're counting on you. And, a bit of advice, use ice on that new arm of yours." Bingxue shows Kayla her arms, the same scales and claws on hers. "It makes the itching stop, and you look cooler." Kayla gasps in awe, then grins.

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now