The One in the Ice.

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If you have not watched Monkie Kid: Season 3, I'd advise you to do so, as this does have spoilers from the official show. And no, I don't own this show — maybe shoulda' said that before, heh. I also changed a bit of the dialogue, but besides that, let's get into it!

[Once the Monkie Kids retrieved the rings for the Samadhi Fire, they activated the ritual. We learned the Samadhi Fire was absorbed into Mei, who leaves in hopes of learning how to control it. Macaque used its energy to break free from the Lady Bone Demon, much to Sun Wukong's infuriation. Macaque decided to leave, knowing he's not involved in, this. But MK's words resonate in his mind.]

"I'd never abandon her when she needs me... We're heroes...

Macaque pants, tossing around in his bed. 

         "Kayla, the key to balance is to master your focus."

                  Whispers.                              "Kayla!"

"I only want to keep you safe!

Macaque screams. He pants, looking around him. Safe. He was far away from the Lady Bone Demon, but why was he... afraid? Like he could sense something. 

"I can't stay here. I have to go back."


Lady Bone Demon stands there, as she hears a portal open behind her. She sighs.

"Have you retrieved our weapon?" The figure steps out of the portal, the 'Mayor.' He hauls along a large item, finally placing it down on the ground.

"Yes, my Lady. But, are you sure of this? I-"

"Do not question my judgement, lackey." He bows. "Fate has brought me the perfect champion. Now, the Six-Eared Macaque shall face his punishment for his betrayal. And the Samadhi Fire will be mine." The mayor uncovers the tarp, as it reveals to be Kayla. 

"Poor girl. It seems destiny chose a separate fate for her. But no matter, she shall be a good ally." Lady Bone Demon stares into the ice. 

"Rise, Bingxue, and let your cold heart consume this world. Achieve your destiny." Kayla awakens.

[I hate to disrupt the flow but:]

Monkey King arrives some time after, as the Lady Bone Demon simply smiles. 

"Ahh, your timing couldn't be more perfect, Sun Wukong. It appears your quest to use the power of the Samadhi Fire to destroy me hasn't gone quite according to plan."

"I didn't need the Samadhi Fire to put you away last time. Figured I could make do without it."

"Yes, but my power has far surpassed what it last was. You may be surprised at what I have in store."

"Surprised? Hah, you humor me."

"Hmm. Your plan is to fistfight a child?" 

"We both know that's not what you are."

"Ahh, it's not me you're to fight. You see, fate has a different plan for you." LBD simply smiles at Wukong, as he powers up. Kayla flies forward, her fist colliding with Monkey King. He is sent flying backward, but stops himself. 

"Who the—" Kayla bolts straight for him, using her ice ability to punch Monkey King into the ground. She pants heavily, as she rubs her head. 

"Where is he?!" She shouts, as Wukong flies back into the sky. 

"Who?" He looks at her in confusion. She shouts, launching ice daggers at him. He dodges, punching Kayla into the Bone Mech. She quickly recuperates, and they collide. 

"You're bluffing. You're hiding HIM! ALL OF YOU ARE!" They take to the skies, various attacks and such lighting up the sky. Ne Zha and MK are on ground level, as Ne Zha watches the commotion. 

"What's going on?" MK asks. Ne Zha looks on in shock. 

"Oh no."

"W-who's that?"

"She's... not important."

"Well, she's clearly evil!"

"...I fear Monkey King was right. The Samadhi Fire's the best chance we have at stopping her. The fool never should've taken off on his own. Let's make this quick. Get in, get Monkey King, and regroup with the others."

"Wait! What if... what if Monkey King is better off without us? What if we just get in his way?"

"I've known Sun Wukong a long time. He is not the loner he pretends to be. He seems important to you, so I can only assume you're equally as important to him. If there's anyone who he needs right now, it's you." Ne Zha looks fearful. 

"Remember the plan, Kid."

MK clenches his fists in anger. 

"Where is MACAQUE?!"

"Oh, you know, Macaquin' around! Basic stuff!" Monkey King retorts. Kayla launches Monkey King into a mountain, as he winces. 

"Well, you're certainly stronger. Wish we had met under better circumstances, you're a cool gal!" She grabs his foot, and sends him flying into the Bone Mech. He tries to stand, but the 'Mayor' pins him down. Kayla lands next to the Lady Bone Demon, and this is when Monkey King is able to get a closer look at her.

"Bingxue..." Her eyes glow a haunting blue. "What have you done?!"

"Wukong, I simply helped this girl achieve her destiny! Now, she's my best warrior." 

"You don't understand, her power... It's, not safe. If she loses control—" Kayla uses her ice to trap Monkey King, who turns into a bird just before he can get caught, which leaves the 'Mayor' in the ice.  Monkey King attacks the Lady Bone Demon, and they engage in a fierce battle, while Kayla frees the 'Mayor'. He looks at her curiously, as she turns away. The 'Mayor' takes off, teleporting through the skies.

They've subdued Monkey King, but he attacks the 'Mayor,' sending him to the ground where MK and Ne Zha are. He sends LBD into the Bone Mech. He clutches her throat. 

"Stop! If you destroy me, you destroy the host! Have you become so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless, innocent child?" Monkey King growls.

"You've given me no choice. All the time you spent locked away, you haven't changed a bit! I'm going to finish you, like I should have done a long time ago. I told you, you should've stayed buried!"

LBD looks fearful. " I've come too far to let you ruin everything again!" She sucks the possession from the 'Mayor,' just before Monkey King is to end her. The possession takes over his body. 

"Yes. Fate has delivered me the perfect champions. Now, the Samadhi Fire shall be mine."

"But, h-he was... winning!" MK yells.

"Mmm, sweet child. Now you know how pointless your attempts at trying to stop me are. The Samadhi Fire will be mine, and I will use its power to reforge this world." She turns to her warriors. "Go."

Ne Zha sees them both chasing him and MK, and he turns to MK. "Boy, get back!" and before MK can do anything, he's sucked into a shadow portal.

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