Through the Portal!

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Kayla wakes up, panting heavily. She grabs her bed, and looks around. She sits up, seeing the bandages wrapped around her chest. She winces and rubs her head, then looks at her hand. She covers her mouth with her other hand. 

"Okay, don't freak out. It's just you have scales. AND CLAWS. It's fine. Just, well, become left-handed. Uh-huh." She looks at her clock. Evening time. She sighs. She looks over to see Ne Zha, sleeping in a chair. Her eyes glow blue. 

"Ne Zha..." She shakes her head, and blinks a few times. "Who's the random guy in my room?" Ne Zha opens his eyes, and looks into hers. They look at each other for a moment. 

"You're awake?" Ne Zha stands, and almost trips. "Oh, uhh, I apologize, your friends wanted my help. I must have, uh, fallen asleep." He looks away, and Kayla chuckles nervously. 

"It's fine, and sorry about the time I attacked you under LBD's possession."

"Do not worry about it. I... should leave you." Kayla's eyes glow blue again.

"Ne Zha, I may be in a new body, but I have not forgotten you." Kayla stands, inching her way towards him. He helps her balance. 

"My dear, your presence still captivates me. I, know I had disobeyed the Jade Emperor. But I still mustn't."

"Nobody has known for a long time. Why worry now, Lotus?" She leans in. Ne Zha pushes her away. 

"You are not the same. I know it. Your host does not love me anymore." He finds an image of her. "I feel it."

"Give her time."

"Bingxue, you never cease to leave me in such awe. I hope to see you again soon." 

"You will." Kayla's eyes revert back to their normal color. She looks at Ne Zha, who is helping her stand again. 

"Uhh, thank you? How did I-"

"You blacked out while walking. I caught you. You will need to hide your transformation." He finds a pair of long robes. 

"Ugh, these are Ao Bing's," Kayla groans. 

"You do not have much else. Now, please, you have to rest. You are not in any state to stand."

"I'm stronger than I look, and besides, I'm hungry. You can support me, right?" Ne Zha nods. He helps her walk out of her room. 

"Hi everybody, what's with the sad faces?" They all look up at Kayla, and instantly cheer up. MK is the first to hug her tightly, then the others as well. 

"I'm surprised you're awake. That attack was quite powerful." Ao Bing says. "And, you have my robes?" Kayla an Ne Zha look at each other, then look away. 

"I was cold," Kayla says blatantly. Macaque feels her head. 

"No, you still have a fever, you need rest." He says, folding his arms.

"I'm fine! I'm hardly even sick!" She coughs a bit into her arm, then glares at Macaque. Ao Bing sighs. 

"That was my favorite robe..." MK pats him on the back. 

"I used to take care of you when you were sick, so I know you need rest. Please Kayla." Kayla groans.

"Fine. On a separate topic, has anyone come up with a plan to save Mei?"

"Yes, but they're all really dumb." MK says. 

"Oh, and DON'T FORGET NE ZHA thinks he knows EVERYTHING!" Monkey King yells.

Kayla sighs. She sits on the couch. 

"I just wish I hadn't gotten so upset. He ticked me off, that stupid Jade King. And the only reason he took Mei is because I let down the barrier and almost got myself killed. A-and..." She clenches her fists, digging them deep into her skin. "I can't have you all get hurt, or worse. What if–"

"Ya know, I prefer to leave the what if's to the future me," Monkey King says, folding his arms. "It leaves me with more time to plan instead of worrying."

"Which must be how you end up doing such stupid things," Ne Zha mutters.

"I have to admit, I agree. Sure, Wukong's a complete idiot, buuut, there is something insightful to learn from his words," Macaque says, folding his arms. "Don't beat yourself down, kiddo. We will find a way to get her back." Kayla nods. 

"Doesn't the Jade king have some kind of weakness? Anything, like maybe we can sneak past him?" Kayla asks, looking at Ne Zha. He shakes his head.

"No.6 He can sense you coming by looking through the sky. It tells him all he needs to know."

"And how would you know?" Ao Bing snarls, folding his arms.

"I attempted to fight him in my anger. For... Bingxue herself. I ignored my training and techniques that day, and I lost. I should have never become so blinded by my rage." Kayla gazes at him, with a sorrowful, longing look. She hesitantly puts her hand on his shoulder, to which Ne Zha simply turns away from her.

"So I'm guessing we could have two options, go in there all 'guns blazing' and fight every bad guy we see, or... find a weak spot, which could be impossible." Macaque says.

"If only we had a way to enter the realm..." MK mumbles, and Kayla perks up.

"That's IT! Oh, MK, you are a genius!" Kayla rushes to her room, and the others glare at MK with suspicion. Kayla appears from the room with the book in hand. 

"This thing should have information on where we need to go! And I think I saw there was a way to open a portal!" Kayla flips to a page in the book. "There! It says, there's a way to find a weakened position in the barrier from where a portal last opened." 

"Which was in the sky..." Wukong chimes in. The others groan.

"Alright, which of us can fly for long periods of time?" They all look at Ao Bing. He sighs. 

"Fine. I will do this because I MUST." He shakes his head and walks off. Probably bitter because he doesn't have his favorite robe.

"Alright! So, we just have to find a way to open the barrier. We're already one step closer!" Kayla cheers. 

"What's the next step?" MK asks, leaning over Kayla's shoulder. 

"Well, it says we need to use a powerful blast of energy to open the portal... But who could do that?" They all look at her this time. She groans. 

"I can't do it! I'm sick! Besides, MK is WAAY stronger than me," Kayla says, as she chuckles awkwardly. She tugs on her sleeve. 

"...Okay then. MK will open the portal." Macaque retorts, eyeing Kayla suspiciously. 

"Great! We should leave Pigsy, Sandy and Tang to watch over Bai He and protect the city. I'm guessing Red Son is preparing, so we should too. This may be a long trip. ONLY pack what we need," Kayla goes on and on about any other bits of information, and the others listen intently. She's a good strategist.


Deep in the pits of the Haunted Realm, The Jade King sits at his throne. He looks impatient. 

"Bring me the girl." His voice echos throughout the chamber. Moments later, Mei is brought into his throne room. He gives his best interpretation of a smile.

"Ahh, please, don't hurt her. We need our guest to be treated well, hmm?" Mei snarls. 

"You... YOU CREEP! I can't believe you would just capture me! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"

"Yes, the grand Descendant of the White Horse Dragon. You have power that may even rival mine. Granted, I am impressed."

"I don't care, UGLY face! What do you even want?! My power?"

"I care not for your powers. I want my full strength."

"Weird you want your 'strength' but you're stuck in this old, smelly realm." The Jade King snarls. "Yeah, how you like that smack talk?"

"You were not permitted to speak to me." Mei winces. He regains his composure. "Please, do take her to her quarters. I want her well rested." 

"JUST KNOW MY FRIENDS ARE COMING TO STOP YOU!" Mei yells, kicking and screaming as she is dragged out of the room. The Jade King chuckles. 

"I am well aware."

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now