The Green-Eyed King, Part One.

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[thank you all for so many reads!]

Ao Bing and Kayla are meditating together, Bai He as well, just for fun. Suddenly, a loud noise emanates from the city. Kayla opens her eyes, and heads outside. Macaque appears as well. The four of them see a giant, crab-spider like being storming the city. 

'Really? A moment of peace ruined by another bad guy? This sucks." Kayla says, sighing. "Alright, Ao Bing, stay with Bai He. Stay safe." Her and Macaque rush towards the center of the city, where they meet up with the other Monkie Kids. Mei catches up to them.

"Guys! There's some weird spider crab thingy attacking the city. We tried to fight it off but, uhh, well..." She motions to Red Son, who is lying on the floor in a crumpled position. Kayla winces. 

"So, how are we supposed to beat this thing?" Kayla says, looking to one of the others for an idea. Nothing. They don't know.

Kayla looks up, and swears she see's a golden-orange blur in the sky. "Is that... could it—no, that's the fourth time this week!"  She rubs her eyes. The 'blur' goes through the body of the beast, then emerges, dealing another attack to it, causing it to explode into smoke. The others brace against the impact of wind, but Kayla runs towards it and searches the area. A pit settles in her stomach.

"I-I swear, I saw him." The smoke clears. Kayla clenches her fist, then sighs. "I'm seeing things. My training must be making me tired."She turns to leave, before she's tackled by a being, who sends her flying backwards, into Mei, unfortunately. The girls prepare to fight back, but—

"MK?!" They both say, staring at the black furred monkey. His tail flips in the air eagerly. 

"OH! MEI! KAYLA! I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!" He hugs them tightly. 

"We missed you too!" Kayla says, as Mei takes a picture of them all.

"Oh, Monkie Man! The Monkie Kid is back!" Mei says, as the others group around him, all talking and giving him hugs. Kayla looks into the distance, and sees another blur in the sky. MK also looks over, and chuckles. 

"Monkey King's gotten slower. Or I've gotten faster, either way, I'm only here because I wanted to see you all. Seems like you all needed some help." He chuckles, as Monkey King lands next to him.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just catch up somewhere that's not the middle of the road." Kayla says.

—At Pigsy's Noodle shop— 

As MK gets chewed out by Pigsy for missed work days, Monkey King goes on about their 'heroic' adventures and training sessions. 

"And then, we went to ANOTHER mountain range, which was taller than the last..." Mei dozes off. Kayla sits in the back, looking sad. She missed MK, but something feels... off. That monster was hardly like something any of them had seen before. She'd definitely need to do her research on that, because whatever it was, it didn't seem like it was from this world. 

"Isn't Tang Sanzang's great library somewhere? Maybe it has some old tomes and stuff on that monster... hmm."

Kayla stands up and walks towards Monkey King. She has a plan.

"Hey, Monkey King, so I was curious if some of us could crash at your place, like a sleepover?" MK and Mei perk up. 

"SLEEPOVER?! YEAH!" They both exclaim. Pigsy groans, as Wukong shrugs. 

"Sure, why not. It won't be that bad." 


It's worse. Bai He, Ao Bing, and Red Son were also invited. MK and Mei run around like 5 year olds. Kayla chuckles, then looks around, and sneaks away when nobody's looking. She uses her ice to make bridges off to other mountains and soon enough, after hours of searching, she finds the library. She lands in front of the doors, and walks inside.

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