The New Mentor! Part one.

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[After Kayla's odd warning from her dreams, the others worry about the future. Kayla is trying to find the mentor to train her, much to Macaque's irritation....]

"Come ON!! What else did she even say?!" Kayla says, tugging on Macaque's scarf. 

"You should be able to know that for yourself! Besides, I told you everything word-for-word already, ten times!"

"But who's my mentoooorrrr?! It's gotta be someone who's super strong and cool, and totally awesome, yeah?!" Macaque pulls his scarf back. 

"I said, you'll find out soon enough! Now quit tugging, you'll ruin the fibers!" Kayla plops oon the floor, looking miserable. Bai He pats her head.

"Thanks little sis. Fine then, Macaque, go to work and leave your poor helpless children here alone in a dangerous city with no mentor." 

Macaque shrugs.

"Alright. See you later." 

"Wait! THAT PUNK! My guilt trip didn't work..."

Mei and Bai He play Monkey Mech outside the ramen shop. 

"Please, Mr. Tang, gimme a hint!"

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who your teacher could be, Kayla."

"B-But you're the guy who knows everything! You're like the smart nerd in the spy movies! You HAVE to give me something!" She shakes Tang violently. Pigsy chuckles.

"Ugh, fine, I'm going on a walk." Kayla steps out of the area, storming away. 

"Stupid mentor training stuff. Why'd there have to be some 'great' evil trying to kill us all? Oh, I'll never find a teacher!" She kicks the floor.

All of a sudden, she runs into someone. A man. He falls, and Kayla helps him up. 

"Sorry, are you okay?"

"Of course!" The young man says. "Though it would be best to be wary."

As he looks up, he has light blue hair, a white and blue jacket, and a pair of jeans. He seems to have a smile on his face. 

"It's you." The young man says. 


"I mean you're the one who's been helping save the city." Kayla sweats.

"Oh. Yeah, that," She looks away sadly. "Uhh, heh, sorry. I've just been looking for a teacher for a while now, and I'm desperate... and my mind is other places."

"I can see." The man chuckles.

"Hey, I didn't ask for YOUR opinion!" He still laughs.

"You're a funny person." Kayla still scowls. 

"Yeah, yeah. Now, excuse me, I'm tryna walk here."

"If you don't mind, I'd like some food. I was wondering if you can treat me with a meal—"

"No. I am NOT—"


She pays Pigsy for another bowl of ramen, who simply grins.

"Ya know, Tang, you could learn a lot from these two." He looks at the man.

"Who is that?" Bai He asks. Kayla shrugs.

"Some punk I ran into on the street who wants compensation through food." 

"Well, he certainly does have an appetite," Pigsy says, pointing to the 6 empty bowls of ramen on the counter. "Maybe could out rival yours."

"NO WAY! I am PROUD of my 13-bowl eating streak!" Kayla pouts. The man finishes his bowl.

"Thank you young one, for such modesty. You know, I haven't got a place to stay, and I have no friends. I was wondering—"

"Nope! Goodbye, forever!" She literally kicks him out of the store. "Leave 5 stars!"

She sighs, dusting off her hands satisfyingly. Everyone in the room stares at her.

"What?" She looks back out at the entrance. "Ughh, fine." She brings him back in. Well, drags him.

"So I can stay with you?" The man looks excited.

"Sure. Fine. Wait 'til I explain this to Dad."

"Dad?" The man tilts his head. 

"I-I meant my old mentor. Yeah, we're so close, I call him Dad, but it's not like he's my Dad, hah no!"

"Well, it would be nice to meet this mentor. Maybe I can learn his ways."

"No. Ugh, come on, Bai He, we've gotta get a room for this guy." 

Kayla opens a door leading to a dusty room.

"I thought you said it was a small storage space," The man says.

"Yeah, I guess we store more stuff in here than I thought." The closet, well, it's stuffed with items. Even stuff they don't need. "Well, we'll have to clean it out, so..." She hands the man a box full of scarves.

"What is this?"

"Oh, that's our dad's. Just, uhh, put it on the couch," Kayla says from the closet. She pops her head out and shakes off any dust. "Well, guess the three of us are gonna have to do some cleaning." 

[I've gone forward a few hours in time because I'm busy, and have to finish this chapter, sorry (XP)]

Macaque enters the house as Kayla, Bai He, and the stranger in blue are clearing out the closet. They all stop and stare at each other. 



Kayla prepares another cup of tea. Macaque takes it and thanks her.

"How are you alive?" Macaque asks.

"I was gifted a pardon from death. I was told I had to 'teach' someone, so I was sent to the mortal realm. I'm just surprised you're here," The man replies. Kayla clears her throat, as Bai He sits in her lap.

"Uhh, pardon me, but who is this guy?" She asks. 

"I am Ao Bing, Son of the Dragon Of The East. I... used to be evil, but upon my resurrection, I've changed. But... I'm surprised at how... weakened Bingxue has become." Kayla sips her tea. "I sense her power in you, yet it is... ahh, how should I say this... less of a snowstorm, more of a  snowFLAKE." Kayla coughs.

"SNOWFLAKE?! I'M NOT A SNOWFLAKE! My power has enhanced in the past 500 years!"

"500? An odd duration... But never mind that. You require a teacher, then I am glad to become one for you." Ao Bing stands. "Well, I will prepare my resting quarters. We begin tomorrow." He walks away.

"Great. I hate him." Kayla says. Bai He giggles.

[Part two coming soon, like actually soon, sooner--]

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