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[Sorry this was late, I JUST got my Business's Articles of Organization filed... so yeah, but other than that, enjoy!]

[A few weeks after LBD was defeated, Kayla and Macaque started a new life, mainly living with Monkey King for a while, then being kicked out, they turned to MK, who thankfully got them a home. Kayla and Macaque are currently at Flower Fruit Mountain, both meditating. Kayla thinks it's a challenge, a wild notion to Macaque...]

Silence passes through the mountain range. Monkeys play amongst themselves, as MK and Wukong sit on rocks, timing the two. 

"It's been 4 HOURS!! When are they done?!" MK says, groaning loudly. 

"Give them more time, they're harnessing their mystic energy, or some stuff like that." He looks at the stopwatch. "But yeah, it's pretty boring. Wanna bail?" 

"I would, but Kayla asked me to be the 'time-guy,' whatever that means." 

"Aww, Monkie Man's lookin' out for his bestie! How cute." Wukong pats MK's head with his tail. "Hey, I betcha I can get Kayla to snap, it'll be way more fun!" Wukong whispers in MK's ear.

"Hey, has anyone seen my staff?" Monkey King says exageratedly, leaning on Kayla's head. She remains unfazed. "Wow she's good."

He scratches his chin, then gets an idea, a bad one. He starts to poke her, sit on her, whatever a monkey like him would do. "I bet this is REALLY annoying!"

"Monkey King, leave Kays alone," Mk says, folding his arms. Monkey King simply rolls his eyes, as he leans back on his tail.

"And since when did YOU start caring, huh, MK?" MK scratches his neck bashfully.

"We've been friends for a while, I've always cared!"

"Uh-huh, 'FRIENDS,' huh?" MK sputters in response.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Dunno. Buuuut, I've got another plan!" He leaves all of a sudden, then returning, hiding something behind his back.

"There's no possible way she'll be able to resist..." He pulls out a fresh bowl of warm ramen. MK looks at it with awe in his eyes. 

"No, Monkey King! I won't let you do this!"

"Aww, come on bud! It's for the greater good!" He heads towards Kayla.

"Ohh my, a bowl of ramen, straight from Pigsy's Noodles! And, it's the most meaty, noodle-filled brothy goodness in the world!" He gives it a large sniff. "Ahh, yeah, this warm bowl is bound to fill up ANY warrior! Oh well, guess I'll eat it all up!" The smell wafts over to Kayla, who clenches her fists. 

"Yep, eating this ramen now! Wow! It smells SO GOOD!"

Kayla stiffens as her stomach growls. Macaque opens an eye to observe the situation, chuckling.

"You all know that's a terrible idea, right?" His voice chimed in. "In her past, she had her own spi—" Macaque is cut off by Kayla raising ice daggers to his head. Her face is shadowed.

"Dude! I told you not to mention that, like EVER!" She says, her demeanor shifting. She groans in embarrassment. 

"Mention what?" Monkey King says. Kayla glares at him, but he simply ignores it. "Oh, do tell, Macaque!" He hands the bowl of ramen to Kayla, who already starts eating it. 

"Don't say a WORD, Mac'n'Cheese." She goes back to eating.

"All I'll say is, don't tempt the demon inside. Especially not with food." 

"Mm, yeah, true! Uhh," She drinks up the broth. "I need more ramen." MK and Monkey King both look bewildered.

"What?!" They both say, as Kayla remains unfazed. 

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now