The New Mentor. Part Two.

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[It is early morning of the next day, and Kayla is inside of Macaque's training dojo. Kayla waits on Ao Bing to say something, as he simply stands there.]

"Uhh, dragon guy? is everything okay? You're all 'ehh, mr. Stoic Face' and stuff," Kayla says. He takes a deep breath.

"Kayla, look around you. What do you see?" Ao Bing says calmly.

"Uhh, Mac's gross old training dojo?" 

"No, observe. Use your senses. Focus on the world around you." Kayla sighs and stands straighter. "Hear my voice, the sounds of the outdoors, the indoors, yourself. Listen to your thoughts."

"My thoughts are telling me... this is a waste of time. Can't we just fight?" Ao Bing sighs, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Macaque may have taught you to always be the one to strike last, but I'm teaching you to KNOW when to strike. You lack focus, a middle ground. If you were to battle, you'd be struck down. You must have patience."

"Alright then, dragon boy. What's the first step?" Kayla sits on the floor.

"Focus on the world. Imagine it was your own power. How it's cold, frigid temperature feels on your hands. Imagine the energy of the world in your hands. Envision it. Take that energy and harness it into the raw, unfiltered version of what it normally is."

"I-I can't."

"It takes some time get used to. You're so used to quick bursts of your power, that you haven't gotten used to it outside of combat. You and your power must be like one." Kayla sighs and attempts again. A small sized ball of energy appears in her hands. She opens her eyes.

"I did it! Yeah!" Ao Bing smiles.

"Good. Now, try to maintain it while sparring," Ao Bing channels his ice, and so does Kayla.

Kayla strikes first, but Ao Bing dodges her attack. She comes back around again, and attacks, sending sharp ice towards him. 

"You are wasting your energy. You aren't even using the technique I told you to," Ao Bing says, dodging her ice attacks effortlessly. 

"I'm trying! It's hard to use!" She ends up kicked into the wall. "You're the one who makes beating me up look so easy!" 

"Hmm. Well then, try harder." He conjures his attack, and aims at Kayla. She clenches her fist, as snowflakes form around her. Ao Bing smiles. She's getting used to it. As she charges towards him, her fist becomes solid ice. On impact, she's able to knock Ao Bing over. 

"You did good." He stands. 

"Thank you. But uhh, now what?"

"More meditation, of course." Kayla groans, which makes Ao Bing chuckle.

Kayla enters Pigsy's Noodle shop, Bai He in tow and Ao Bing behind. She beams proudly.

"GUESS WHO'S GOT A SUPER COOL MENTOR BROS?!" She motions to Ao Bing. Tang, of course, fanboys over Ao Bing, who seems a bit taken aback. Mei perks up.

"Yo! Ya gots a dragon bestie!" She takes a selfie with her phone. 

"I'm amazed by all of this new technology, the world has gone far," Ao Bing says, looking around.

"Yeah, trust me, I know..." Kayla trails off. "I've, uhh, not kept up with the world." She scratches her neck. 

"Besides that, how is training with this dude?" Mei asks, guiding her friend away from the others. 

"Eh. He's weird, like some distant uncle, but... I don't mind." She looks at him, as he carries Bai He on his shoulders. Mei turns to Kayla.

"How are you on the whole, uhh, well, pressure of having to save the world?" Kayla folds her arms. 

"It sucks. I feel, stuck. I've wanted to be a hero, but now that I am, it's more than I can handle. It's a lot." Mei hugs Kayla, who reciprocates. 

"Listen, we've got you." Mei grabs her shoulders. "Now, you keep training, and we'll keep preparing for what comes our way. Just know we've got your back." Kayla smiles, staring at Mei. 

"Thanks Mei. I appreciate it." Kayla chuckles. "Now let's go to the ARCADE!"

—a week later— 

Kayla gets blasted into a wall. Early morning training. Macaque sits in the sidelines, sipping his tea. He's bitter about the whole 'not being able to train one of his own kids' stuff. Ao Bing sighs.

"Macaque was right about one thing, you are a weapon," He says, before slamming her into the ground. "But you're not sharpened, the best version of yourself." She's punched again. "You must perfect your mortal body before improving." Ao Bing regains his composure, and Kayla falls to the floor. Macaque chuckles. 

"Yeah, haha, funny, laugh it up Macmillian." Kayla snaps, standing up. She dusts herself off, then leaves the room. Macaque bursts out laughing. 

"Oh, man, I've never see her so embarrassed before. You really did a number on the kid," Macaque says, as Ao Bing takes a seat. "But hey, a little advice, stop being so soft."

"I... I don't understand?"

"I mean, be tough on her. Get her riled up. That's when she'll really fight. Get mean. Dirty."

"I do not fight in frivolous mannerisms as you do." 

"Yeah, but give it a try. Just be a mean guy. Like, go over there and kick over that trashcan."


"Do it."

Ao Bing stands, and nudges the trashcan over with his foot. He watches the trash pile out, then picks it up again. Macaque sighs. Kayla enters the room, and sits on a mat to do some meditation. Ao Bing sits back down again. 

"Why don't you try something simpler? Like... bother Kayla for a good few minutes."

"I must not disturb her in her meditation. She needs to—"

"Yeah, sure. Sheesh, you are boring. Maybe, challenge her to a race, or competition. Look at her, she's bored!" Kayla snores softly as she sits there.

"Well, I suppose I could try to. Thank you, Macaque." Macaque rolls his eyes. 

[Later on in the day, Kayla is hanging out with Mei and Bai He. They sit in Kayla's room.]

"So, week one of training How do you feel?" Bai He asks. Kayla groans in response.

"Tired. My bones hurt," Kayla says. She plops on her bed.

"Okay, but do admit Ao Bing is cool, yeah," Mei says, chuckling at her pun. Kayla giggles as well.

"Yeah, he is. He's so... stoic sometimes, but I have to admit, he's teaching me good things. I'm impressed with his ability to fight, especially with how strong he is. He doesn't look strong, but trust me, when you're rammed by a dragon, it hurts," Kayla says, as the girls laugh. Kayla sighs. "I just... guess I don't hate him. I don't like him, but I used to say the same about Macaque." 

"Plus, he has pretty decent fashion choices," Bai He says. Kayla laughs. Mei looks at a picture of Kayla, Macaque, and Bai He. She frowns. 

"Hey, Mei! No long faces! We're all happy here," Kayla says, before falling of the bed, making all three of them laugh. 

In a dark alley, a green glowing portal opens. it swirls, before something—a tentacle? A CLAW, makes its way out. A roar is heard, then many other beasts crawl out, all looking like strange crab like beings with green and black archaic markings. Their eyes glow. 

then black.

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