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"You were disloyal. I had freed you, and you turned your back on me," Her voice rings out. "You defied your destiny."

"I had other matters to take care of," Macaque says, looking away from the 'Girl.'

"Hmm. I offer one more chance at redemption. Bring me the Monkey King and his protege, and perhaps you will be worthy of my mercy."

She gives him something, a silver compass. He looks at it curiously.

"This will find them."

"Okay. Seems like they've got a bit of a headway, so—" Chains rise, pulling Macaque down. 

"What is this?"

"A reminder. If you betray me again, one misstep, one failure in any way, I will erase the very memory of you. Now go."


Macaque continues to wander in the desert. He hears something, MK's voice. 

"Here comes Monkie Kid!"

"And here comes Macaque."

He locates them, hiding away in the T.E.A. He uses his shadow abilities to keep the car moving away from the west, towards Lady Bone Demon. He uses his powers to darken the interior, to the fright of the others. Mei's gone. What even happened to Sandy, no clue. 

"Looks like it's just you and me now." 

"Macaque! How did you—"

"Did you really think you could get away from me?"

MK attempts to punch Macaque's Shadow. Macaque simply looks at him as MK holds his hand in pain.

"Man, he's dumber than I thought." Macaque chuckles.

"Ohh, forgot you lost your powers? Careful, you might hurt yourself!" The shadows tackle MK, latching him into a car seat. MK struggles.

"What do you—"

"Want?" Macaque cut him off. "What are you DoInG?" He mocks MK. 

"Come on, kiddo, do I have to explain everything? I'm handing you over. To the Lady Bone Demon."

"Ugh, come on, fight back! Maybe I'm not giving you the right motivation. Should I bring your big blue friend in here and smack him around? How about the girl?" MK yells as he stands, activating one of his powers.

"Gold vision? Really? Enough with these 'baby powers'!" He's teasing. MK's had enough, as he breaks free from the binds.

"Stop. TALKING!" They collide. Macaque grins. He wanted the kid to snap. And it looks like it worked.

"That's more like it!" 

"Why are you helping her?" They continue to stand their ground. "Lady Bone Demon, like, look. I get you're a bad guy, but you know she wants to destroy everything, right?" He knows. He doesn't want to do this. But, it's better than facing the wrath of another demon.

"Yeah, see, I've had a taste of dying, and you know what? Not a big fan." Eluding to the time Monkey King killed him. "So, I'm choosing to be in the winning side." He pushes back, same with MK. 

"She's using you!" Macaque activates his powers, and punches MK. "We have a plan. You could help. We could stop her together." Macaque stops walking. 

"T-Toge--ther..." Memories flash in his mind. He shakes them away, clenching his fist. For a moment, he could almost see Kayla, weak and fragile, back at the mountain. "No. You can't even stop me. No, first I deliver you, then I'll come back for your 'has-been' master and finally, I'll have repaid my debt and be free of this nightmare. Anyway, I assume you won't be coming quietly, so —" He raises his hand to attempt to knock MK out, but is suddenly caught off guard by a green light behind him. A dragon. 

It bursts out of the T.E.A, causing it to explode. Macaque sticks the landing, while the others land in front. Mei rises, wielding her sword. Then—

"MEI! That was amazing!" MK yells, fawning over her abilities.

"Yeah. I might have picked up a little something from my great uncie, Dragon Of The East." Macaque dusts himself off. He's genuinely impressed.

"Okay. The girl's more powerful than I thought. Interesting." 

"And YOU! You kidnapped us in a copy of our OWN. VAN! That's SUPER GROSS!" 

"Heh. The Lady asked me to bring MK. But she didn't say anything about you two." Macaque starts to float, using his shadows to make himself a mech of the T.E.A's scrapped parts. He attempts to land a punch, but is surprised when he sees Sandy in the clearing, holding back the fist.

"I don't want to fight. But I can't let you hurt my friends!" Macaque grins.

"Oh, you can't, can you?" Macaque retorts. He grabs Sandy, pinning him to the ground. 

"Kids, run!" Mei looks ticked off, as she powers up. She blasts Macaque, who is a bit flustered. But this attack leads to no avail, since Macaque simply chuckles. Always the theatric one. He swiftly repairs his mech and attacks again, taking Mei down. 

"Oh-ho-ho! What a hero. Two friends about to be crushed, and you do nothing?" MK looks fearful. Macaque doesn't want to hurt them. He's bluffing. 

"Let them go! You can take me, I don't care, just, let them go."

"Or what? You aren't the Monkie Kid anymore!" Tempting him. He's useless without his powers. And Lady Bone Demon needs those. "Your powers are gonna. Your staff is gone. You. are. NOTHING!" 

"No. I am the Monkie Kid."

"What was that now? I couldn't quite hear you!" He applies more pressure on Sandy and Mei. 

"I said..." MK floats into the air. "I am the Monkie Kid!" He turns into a bird, to Macaque's surprise. He tries to swat MK, who is able to dodge each attack, and strike Macaque's eye. [of Evangelion—] 

Macaque screams in pain. "Get off!" 

MK and his friends fly away, as the mech deforms, leaving Macaque in the sand, gripping his eye. He chuckles. 

"Huh. He still has power. Good. Things just got a lot more interesting." 

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now