Time To Save The World, Part Two!

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MK and the others watch as the sky turns a dark-green and black color. Ne Zha creates a shield around the others as the Kukachii start to attack. Macaque launches his Shadow Monkeys, and MK his clones. 

"Defend the Dragon girl! LET NONE OF THEM PASS!!" Ne Zha screams, before charging off into battle. The Jade King lands on the ground, his eyes glowing a menacing green. 

"Unfortunate your friend couldn't stop me. She will enjoy her days in the Haunted Realm. As for you and your realm, it will just be a small step to my victory." Macaque attacks the Jade King in anger, who early tosses him aside. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Macaque yells. The Jade King chuckles. 

"She has cursed herself. Too weak to stop me." The Jade King walks past, but the others defend Mei. "Fools. You all shall perish by my hand then." He raises his spear.


Kayla sighs as the wind stops blowing. She looks at the portal, and huffs with determination. 

"Alright, just gotta punch that portal back open." She backs up, then gets a running start. She jumps out of the window and ice pillars to the cracks in the portal. She punches it with her claw arm enough times for it to crack, to which the others in the human realm can see. MK squints. 

"Uhh, what's that?" He says, as the others look over. The Jade King snarls. 

"Do NOT delay your destruction, peasants—" He gets tackles by a blue blur, which then sends him flying a few blocks away. Kayla appears next to her friends, then chuckles.

"Hey guys! I'll be right back, got a villain to beat. You all handle these monsters. Kay bye!" 

"W-Wait!" MK says, before looking at her arm. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!" 

"Eh, something cool, I dunno—"  She's attacked by the Jade King, punched in the gut. She tumbles on the ground, before backflipping to a fighting position. The Jade King attacks again, kicking her into the sky. "Hey, the king! Has anyone ever told you--you talk too much?" Kayla and the Jade King both attack, their powers becoming blurs in the sky. The Jade King chokes her, but she manages to kick him off, and punch him into the ground. The impact sends dust into the air.

She digs her fist into his chest, as ice appears from her fist. She snarls, as her eyes glow blue. The Jade King chuckles.

"There is the Bingxue I know." Kayla screams, and buries him deeper into the earth. 

"You know no one. I am not who I used to be." The Jade King scoffs, his smile disappearing. Kayla gets thrown off his body, as he roars with anger. 

"This is enough. You children shall NOT best me!!" The Jade King stands from the pit, as he pants heavily. He glares at Kayla. "I will have my power, even if I must KILL you ALL!" A pair of claws appears from his back, and he grows in size. Kayla groans as she stumbles back towards her friends. 

"Great. Now we have to deal with a giant angry crab-guy. Alright, this is the part where we wing it. Uhh, maybe MK, Mei and Red Son, weaken him so I can take him down! Everyone else, uhh, do something awesome!" Kayla says, as MK summons his Monkey Mech, holding Mei and Red Son inside. They take him on. Kayla backs up, and bites her lip in nervousness. 

"Okay Kayla. You've faced worse, and lived. Oh, Bingxue, please guide me." Kayla summons her power, and channels it into a ball of energy. Her scales pulse with a blue glow. Ne Zha and Macaque both create force barriers around her to keep her safe, and defend against any other enemies. MK, Mei, and Red Son are knocked to the ground, as the Jade King attempts to take Mei away, destroying the Mech in the process. Kayla strains against her power, then stops channeling it.

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