The Jade King's Realm!

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The group manages to make it into the realm, and are now all falling from the sky. Ne Zha, MK, Monkey King, Macaque and Ao Bing all stabilize themselves, but Red Son and Kayla have some trouble. They both fall further, before Macaque uses his shadow-teleportation to make sure everyone lands safely. Kayla stumbles up from the floor and rubs her head. 

"Woah. g-guys, we made it!" The others regain their composures and look around. They're in a city, one almost the same to Megapolis. Except the sky here is a dark, murky-green color. Green lights make up the atmosphere. 

"Well, this is certainly welcoming," Macaque mumbles. 

"Alright, we're in, so now we get Mei, and forget the rest of this happened." Kayla says, looking around. They all hide in an alleyway. 

"What do you mean by 'forget'? If we don't also stop the Jade King, what do you think will happen? The entire mortal plane could be destroyed!" Wukong retorts. Kayla snarls, her eyes turning the same blue color again. 

"You will follow my orders and do as I say. You are only here as my assistance." Wukong looks her up and down, then scoffs. 

"Sure thing, 'leader.'" Kayla shakes her head, and her brown eye color returns. She winces and holds her right arm in pain. 

"Okay, we need a plan," She whispers, and attempts to look around the city from the alley. "Somewhere to hide, so the Jade King can't find us." She turns around. They all ponder, except Wukong, who ignores her. 

"Sorry, we don't exactly know. But, maybe we stick to the original plan? Fighting the Jade King and getting Mei?" MK says, scratching his neck. Kayla grasps her arm again. 

"I didn't want to fight him, because, we're not ready. We're weak. If he can beat someone as strong as Ne Zha and Mei, then we can't take chances." She stands up straight. "Now we should head out. But stick close." The others all fan out from the area. MK sticks with Wukong, who are on the roofs. He notices his animosity. 

"Hey, uhh, Monkey King? Are you okay?" Monkey King scoffs.

"No. Who told KAYLA she was in charge?"

"Well, the others say she's the one to fight against the Jade King. So, I dunno, maybe that's why?"

"Whatever. I'm keeping an eye on her." 

Kayla and the others all search the ground level. They notice a strange looking green and black robot hovering around. It spots them, and starts shooting at the group. 

"WHY DID I DECIDE TO HELP YOU PEASANTS?!" Red Son screeches, dodging the bullets. Two other robots join in the chase. MK and Wukong land on the closest two, leaving one still chasing the others. Kayla turns around and creates an ice barrier to protect them from the blasts. MK and Wukong appear behind the shield. Kayla pants heavily, as she attempts to keep the ice barrier for another moment. A shadow appears behind the group, and motions for them to hide in a nearby alley. They do, and Kayla breaks the ice barrier. She leans on the wall, now gripping at her shoulder. The scales have spread up her arm. The mysterious person appears from the shadows, and the others all brace for any more fighting. 

They take off their mask, and reveal a pale green complexion. Black hair, being held up by a pair of inventors glasses, and four crab like spider legs jutting out from their back. They wear a large jacket and a green tank top. They wave. 

"S-SPIDER!" MK screeches, clambering on top of everyone. The person looks shocked, then chuckles warmly. 

"Oh, cutie, I'm not a spider, but it's nice to meet new people here!" They pat MK head with one of their claws, then get a closer look at the group. They cheer excitedly. 

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