The Green-Eyed King, Part Two.

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Kayla runs along the sidewalk of the city. She has to find the portal the Kukachii entered from. Suddenly, A large green portal opens in the sky, sending  an intense amount of wind blowing around the city. On Flower Fruit Mountain, the others all witness this event. The sky turns a dark green and murky black color. MK looks fearful. 

"She was right," Red Son says.

"Oh, and I SHRUGGED IT OFF?!" MK says, looking guilty. 

"There will be time to apologize to her. For now, we need to fight." The others nod, and Monkey King hides Bai He somewhere safe. 

In the city, the other Monkie Kids gear up for a fight. Kayla watches as more of the Kukachii warriors decend from the portal. A blinding light appears, and Kayla soon opens her eyes, to see a pair of green eyes glaring at her, then laughter. 

"Bingxue, wouldn't you be insulted to be in such a weak mortal form? I thought you were stronger than this!" Kayla scowls. 

"I don't know who you mean, but you're still going down!"

"I'd like to see you attempt to harm me." Kayla flies at him with her fist, but the Kukachii attack her instead, tossing her around like a doll. She lands on the ground. The Monkie Kids land behind her. She huffs angrily. 

"I told you, this is MY FIGHT!" She launches ice at them, then at the monsters. 

"Kayla, I'm sorry! I was wrong! I realize that even though you're meant to fight this ugly dude, I still have to have your back! Cause we're all in this together!" MK yells, as the others start to fight against the monsters. Macaque places his hand on her shoulder. 

"I won't leave you, and you're definitely not doing that, kid. Now come on, Like you learned." Kayla stands, and creates and ice dagger using her raw energy. They fight against the monsters, but end up outnumbered. Mei chuckles. 

"Guess the KING can't stand to fight us, huh?"

"Yeah, he's TOO WEAK! Give us a real challenge!" MK yells. Kayla creates an ice barrier to protect them.

"Guys! Don't provoke the great evil that's TRYING TO KILL US!" The ice cracks. The Jade King chuckles. 

"Poor warrior. When did you have friends? I remember you pushing them all away once. I doubt your cursed kin of the River Village would be able to keep them, without killing them all. You know your power, Bingxue." Memories, not from Kayla's mind, but Bingxue's. Kayla starts to sweat. "You could do better than this. You know it." Kayla launches ice dagger him, and goes to tackle him. He evades her attacks, and launches her into a wall. She collapses on the floor, and Mei and Macaque rush towards her. 

"Kayla! What did you do?!" Mei yells, as tears start to fall down her face. She glares at the Jade King, who looks into her eyes as well. 

"It is you. Hmm." He sends his warriors to attack Mei, but she conjures her dragon form to destroy them all. The king simply smiles, and sends one of his warriors behind Mei to grab her. MK look over from where he and the others are fighting. 

"No, no no no, MEI!" He spins his staff, but gets tackles to the ground by more of the monsters. Mei struggles in the monsters grasp. The others stop fighting.

"We have what we came for! Fall back. This land does not deserve my wrath just yet," The king commands. His warriors all retreat through the portal. Kayla opens her eyes, and sees Mei. She stands, as if she's not injured, and dashes towards the king. He scoffs, and blasts her with his staff, a concentrated amount of energy, which leaves her charred. She collapses to the floor. 

"NO! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY, YOU CREEP!" Mei screams. She is taken into the portal, and it closes behind her. The others huddle around Kayla, as Macaque holds her close. He sighs. 

"She's breathing. She's, okay, I hope." 

Kayla lays in her bed, as the other Mystic Monkeys, Ao Bing, and Red Son sit outside the room. She pants, tossing in the bed. Macaque places a cold cloth on her head. MK enters, and Macaque sighs. 

"She has a fever. Whatever she was hit with, it really disorented her." MK looks away. 

"This is my fault. I... I didn't want to help her. Because I'm already stressed out enough with the whole 'I have to save the world' all the time. But, I'm a hero. And I should have helped her, but, I messed up." Macaque sighs. 

"You did something, but you regret it. That's the thing that matters. Now, we've got to find a plan to get Mei back." MK looks at Kayla's bag. 

"Hey, you know, we went to Tang Sanzang's old library place, and we found..." He looks for the book. "THIS!" He holds it up. Macaque gasps. 

"I think I know someone that can help."


Ne Zha folds his arms and scoffs. "Why am I here?" 

"Because, we think you might know something about this," MK says, handing Ne Zha the book. He reads the page, and his eyes widen. He scoffs. 

"I can't help you all with that. This is Bingxue's fight." MK huffs.

"Okay, who is Bingxue?"

"She's some old goddess Kayla gets her power from." Red Son says. Ne Zha sighs. 

"She's not just some old goddess. She's a powerful warrior who can harness the power of ice. She was cast out of the Celestial Realm because of the Jade King himself. He purposely framed her for something. That and, well, the other information on what happened does not matter. But she soon made it to the River Village, but they found of her true reason why she was cast out, and they did the same . Now, Bingxue has a... temper, so of course she rioted and cursed them all. She then ran away, to hide for as long as possible, but was soon found and killed. Your friend Kayla is her direct re-incartination of the goddess, which means she has her powers, even the deadly ones. If Bingxue says she must fight the Jade King, then there is good reason. But the way  your friend fights now, I sense Her power is returning... I suppose, you and Ao Bing did a good job." Ne Zha scowls at Ao Bing, who rolls his eyes. 

"Wait, how do you know how well Bin-I mean, KAYLA, has been doing?" Macaque says, folding his arms. 

"I have been watching her." The others stare at him in disgust. "In a mentorship way, not any other." Ne Zha sighs. 

"So you KNEW the ice goddess? Then you can help by teaching us everything you know about her!" MK says. 

"He won't spill. Ol' flower boy here has secrets of his own," Monkey King says, nudging Ne Zha. Ne Zha bonks him on the head. 

"I do not know what he means, but I cannot help you. You must confront 'Kayla' yourself. Where is she?" They all look nervous. 

"Well, about that..." MK says.

Ne Zha looks at Kayla's tired body. He seems furious. 

"Who did this?!" He yells.

"Uhh, that Jade King guy. He, hit her with some sort of a blast." MK says. Ne Zha scowls. 

"He has been here?" Ne Zha regains his composure. "Then I will fight against him until I fall in battle. I will tell you how to open a portal to the Haunted Realm." MK smiles. The others leave the room, but Monkey King stays back. 

"I knew you'd still care." Ne Zha scowls at him as he exits the room. He sighs, and looks at Kayla. 

"Bingxue, once again, you weaken me. Why? I am not one for sentimentality. But I miss you." 

Kayla tosses in her bed, as she groans. Her hand forms into a white scaly claw with blue accents. 

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