Chaos Control Freaks

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It was late at night on the planet Mobius, when a group of robots were carrying two Mobians, which were Sonic (voiced by Jason Griffith) and Tails (voiced by Amy Palant), who were struggling to break free, before they see that they were being taken to what looked like a large fortress. Tails: "I'm sorry Sonic... this is all my fault... they wouldn't have captured you if ya didn't get distracted by my cry for help when they caught me..." Sonic: "Don't beat yourself up Tails... I was my fault for letting my guard down... besides... we'll get out of this soon enough..." Tails: "How?" Sonic: "I'll think of something..." said Sonic, before he and Tails were taken inside the fortress, where they meet the one controlling the robots, who was Dr Ivo Robotnik (voiced by Mike Pollock), the last of the Overlanders and mad genius. Dr Robotnik: "Ah... so it seems I have some new prisoners..." Tails: "An Overlander?, but I thought they were extinct." Dr Robotnik: "That is indeed true, for I am the last of the Overlanders, which means I... Dr Ivo Robotnik, shall get to have all of Mobius." Sonic: "Fat chance... Eggman." Dr Robotnik: "Eggman?!, why you little..." Tails: "Why did you call him that?" Sonic: "Cause he's a man with a lot of flying eggs." Dr Robotnik: "Huh? [noticing some of his robots that looked like flying eggs] oh now I see... well they're not eggs, they're robots, called Badniks... and another thing... you dare to make fun of me?!" Sonic: "Well it's not like I would be nice to the guy who sends robots to kidnap others." that was when a pair of robots, a taller yellow one named Decoe (voiced by Andrew Rannells) and a shorter gray colored one named Bocoe (voiced by Darren Dunstan) came to the scene with a large green emerald that had a green glow around it. Decoe: "Dr Robotnik sir, the emerald's ready." Bocoe: "We await your orders." Dr Robotnik: "Oh good, with the power of the Master Emerald, I shall rule all of Mobius!" Sonic: "Not on my watch!" shouted Sonic, before he rolls up into a ball and bounces around the room like a ball of a pinball machine of an arcade, until he hits the Master Emerald, which starts to crack. Dr Robotnik: "You fool!, what have you done?!" shouted Robotnik, before the emerald got shattered and a big explosion of light surrounds the whole fortress, and once the light was gone, the fortress was also gone. Sonic woke up to find himself in the middle of a street, and once he got up, the Mobian hedgehog sees that he was surrounded by what looked like Overlanders. Sonic: "Whoa... looks like Eggman's not the only Overlander around..." Tails: "Sonic!, help!" Sonic: "Tails?!" gasped Sonic, before seeing Tails being in a net that belonged to one of the seemed to be Overlanders, and Sonic uses his speed to help Tails escape from the man. It wasn't long before Sonic makes a run for it, with Tails hanging on to the hedgehog's hand. Tails: "Where are we?" Sonic: "I don't know... but we gotta get out of here." Tails: "Yeah, but what's with all these Overlanders?, where did they come from?" Sonic: "No clue, but something tells me that they want to capture us like Eggman." Tails: "Oh man..." Sonic: "Don't worry little buddy, nobody will harm ya as long as I'm around." Tails: "Sonic look out!" said Tails, before he and Tails made a quick stop, seeing what looked like a group of racers, lead by a man named Sam Speed (voiced by Greg Abby), who had a smirk on his face. Sam: "So... these are the so called freaky rodents that are too fast for the cops to catch?" Sonic: "Hey... you can call me a freak all you like... but don't call my friend a freak too..." said Sonic in a calm yet angry tone in his voice. Sam: "Whoa... it talks..." Sonic: "And a whole lot more buddy... who are you anyway?" Sam: "The name is Sam Speed, leader of a special police force that drive special formula cars to catch bad guys who are too fast for normal cops to catch." Tails: "But we're not bad guys... honest..." Sam: "Well either way, you're both coming with me and my team." Sonic: "You'll have to catch us first." Sam: "I was hoping you would say that, better give me a good chase." Sonic: "Funny... I was gonna say the same thing..." said Sonic, before he and Tails went off to make a run for it, while Sam and his team drove off after them. The cars were fast, but it seems Sonic and Tails were going a little bit faster, but the cars were still pretty close. Tails: "Sonic!, they're gaining on us!" Sonic: "Not for long, hang on tight." said Sonic, before he and Tails zoomed away so fast that a sonic boom was made. Sam: "A Sonic Boom?!, they're moving faster than the speed of sound!" shouted Sam, before he realizes that he was running out of road. He managed to stop just in the nick of time of course, but sees that the hedgehog and fox have gotten away. Back with Sonic and Tails, they were still in the air, before noticing that there was a swimming pool below them. Sonic: "Uh... oh..." said Sonic nervously, as it was a common fast that Mobian hedgehogs can't swim. Sonic fell into the pool, and Tails, who was flying due to his namesakes, was doing his best to pull him out. Unaware to the pair, the splash sound had woken up a human boy named Chris Thorndyke (voiced by Veronica Taylor), who ran out of mansion behind the pool, and sees the two Mobians that need help fast. Without having a second thought, the boy jumps into the pool and rescues both of the Mobians, bringing them back on land. Chris: "Hey... are you two okay?" Sonic: "Yeah... I think so... thanks..." Chris: "Whoa... you can talk..." Sonic: "Yeah, and we can do a lot more..." Tails: "Why did you saved us?" Chris: "Well I couldn't let you drown, it would be wrong." Tails: "I guess so... who are you?" Chris: "My name is Chris Thorndyke, and you two?, you got names?" Tails: "Yeah, my name is Tails." Sonic: "And my name is Sonic the Hedgehog, pleased to meet ya." said Sonic, unaware that the boy who saved him and Tails would be a big help to them in the future of this strange new world.

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