Fast friends

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On a quiet night at the Thorndyke mansion, Sonic was looking at the stars, until he hears something coming that sounded like a rocket. Sonic: "What's that?" the object approaches the residence. It's actually a jet car, and the noise wakes up everyone. The vehicle arrives at the driveway. Ella and Mr Tanaka charge out, ready to defend the Mobians. Their strikes are easily blocked before seeing that it was in fact Sam Speed himself. Sam: "Back off!, relax, lighten up!, it's me!" Chuck: "Blast it, Sam, do you know what time it is?" Sam: "Sure I do. It's morning." Chuck: "It's 3:00 AM!" Sam: "So it's a little early." Ella: "You're lucky I was holding back or I would have battered you like a chicken cutlet." that was when Chris, Tails, Cream, Amy and Knuckles came out. Cream: "What's going on?" Tails: "Is it morning already?..." Chris: "Uncle Sam?, what are you doing here?" Chuck: "And is that a new car?" Sam: "You know it, it's got the SS3 Super Rocket Engine designed by top engineers at the office of Science and Technology, over a billion dollars went into its development." Chuck: "What possessed you to commission a car with a rocket engine?!" Sam: "My vow that I will beat Sonic the Hedgehog in a race! I'm going to prove once and for all I'm the fastest guy on the planet!" Chuck: "Seriously Sam?!, you're still mad at Sonic about taking the title of being the fastest on the planet?!" Sam: "I wouldn't say mad, I just want to prove my nephew's friend that I can beat him in a race." Tails: "You sure like to race." Sam: "I was once a professional race car driver." Tails: "That explains the design of your patrol car." Sam: "I got bored of winning races all the time, so I decided to start using my skills as a race car driver more constructively and enrolled in the police academy, after two years on the force, I was able to start the S-Team, and me and my team made arrests quicker than the normal cops, so, we were reserved for faster criminals, Sonic here is my only competition and he was able to beat me." Sonic: "And I always will, just face it, you'll never beat me in speed." Sam: "Well today's gonna be different, as this race is gonna be special." Mr Tanaka: "And what's so special about this race?" Sam begins outlining the race route. Sam: "The starting line will be in front of this house, from here, we'll speed downtown, straight through the heart of Station Square, after we blast across the bridge out of the city, the competition will really heat up as we zoom through the desert and navigate the twists and turns of the canyon, a hairpin turn will lead us back to the city, the winner will be the one who reaches the stadium first, there will be thousands of fans to cheer us on, including president Michael K., waiting at the finish line." Topaz: "The president?!" Knuckles: "These humans have questionable priorities." Sam: "Anyway, he's going to congratulate the winner on live TV." Mr Tanaka: "And I suspect the race will encourage taxpayer support." Sam: "Bingo." Chuck: "The SS3 is expensive." Ella: "It seems like a waste of money that could be used to make safer roads or finding cures for diseases." Sam: "This is still a good cause." Chris: "A rocket engine specifically made to keep up with my friend is hardly a worthy cause, it seems more like an excuse to preserve your pride." Chuck: "Besides, Station Square won't just shut down for the sake of your pride." Sam: "Wanna bet?" asked Sam, before he puts down a little TV monitor, turns it on and a news report comes on. Scarlett: "They're just about ready for the big race here at Station Square. The streets will soon be clear of traffic and an enormous crowd of fans have gathered waiting for the race to start." Knuckles: "Again, I question the priorities of these humans." Sam: "Well, Sonic?, you're not going to disappoint the crowd, are you?, they've been waiting for hours to see the race between Earth's alien hero and his human friend's uncle." Sonic: "I would, but that's his call." said the blue hedgehog, pointing at Chris. Sam: "Well Chris, what do you say?" Chris: "Well... if you can at least let us sleep until after we had breakfast, I'll think about it." Sam: "Well it better be yes." and with that, Sam left the mansion in his car. Chris: "Ugh... why couldn't I have a normal family...?" Chuck: "I know he can be a pain in the neck sometimes, but he means well." little did anyone know was that they were being watched by Bokkun, who was spying to collect info for his creator. Bokkun: "A race huh?, interesting, I better report this to Dr Robotnik right away." said the little robot, before he flies off and got back to his creator. Dr Robotnik: "Well, what news do you have?" Bokkun: "It seems that a human named Sam Speed, has challenged Sonic to have a race with him today." Dr Robotnik: "Really?, anything else that might be useful?" Bokkun: "Um... it seems that Sonic and the other Mobians are living with the Thorndyke family, and Sam Speed is the uncle of the Thorndyke boy that is a friend of the Mobians." Dr Robotnik: "Is that so?, hmm... this gives me an idea, Decoe!, Bocoe!, Bokkun!, I have a job for you three." a few hours later, Sonic and the others were finishing up their breakfast, which was when Bokkun shows up. Bokkun: "Dr Robotnik has a message for you, and relax, this one's not gonna blow up." Sonic: "Alright, what is it?" Bokkun: "He says that if you don't race, Decoe and Bocoe will trash Sam Speed's new car!, along with Sam Speed!" Chris: "What?!" Bokkun: "That's right, he knows about your relationship with Sam Speed and the Mobians, so unless you agree to let Sonic race, your uncle is gonna end up in the hospital... if you're lucky, oh and one more thing..." said Bokkun, before he pulls something out of his satchel, which was a robot with big goofy lips. The robot tries to kiss Sonic, but Amy grabs it by the neck. Amy: "Sonic, go take part in the race." said the pink hedgehog calmly, despite her obvious anger. Sonic: "Are you sure?" asked the blue hedgehog nervously. Amy: "Eggman's threatening to let Sam get killed, he'll likely use the Race Bots to level the city, but, the worst part, the ABSOLUTE worst part, is that he's using this stupid robot to try stealing your first kiss when it should be me!" yelled the pink hedgehog, before turning her attention back to the kissing robot. Amy: "Listen here, you piece of scrap!, there's a list of those allowed to kiss Sonic and you're... not... on it!" She tosses the robot at Bokkun, launching the two away, before seeing that Sonic was looking confused. Sonic: "Let me get this straight, you wanted to be my first kiss?" this made the pink hedgehog gasped before covering her mouth as he whole head turned red in embarrassment. Amy: "I didn't say that!, I was just uh... making an excuse of why that robot should not kiss you!, that's all!" Knuckles: "Uh, I think we have bigger concerns to worry about, like the fact that Chris' uncle is in danger!" Sonic: "Oh you're right!, let's go!" called out the blue hedgehog, as he dashes off to warn Chris' uncle before it's too late. Soon, he arrives to the starting line, where he finds Sam looking happy to see his nephew's alien friend. Sam: "Well Sonic, looks like you accepted my challenge after all." Sonic: "I didn't had a choice, Eggman's up to no good again, and this time he's after you!" Sam: "What are you talking about?" Sonic: "Eggman knows you're my friend's uncle, and has sent Decoe and Bocoe to trash your car and you with it!" suddenly, civilians are heard screaming in terror. Soon, a red motorcycle and a bulldozer-like car came to the scene, with Decoe and Bocoe riding them. Decoe: "Well, looks like Sonic didn't chicken out after." Bocoe: "Yeah, hey Sonic, I hope your friend's uncle made a will before entering this race, cause it's gonna be his last!" Sam: "We'll see about that." Sonic, Sam, Decoe and Bocoe lined up at the starting line while Chuck has a green flag ready. Chuck: "On your mark... get set... go!" the moment he waved the flag, the racers dashed off. During the race, Decoe and Bocoe's vehicles surrounded Sam's car, and starts bumping it. Sam: "Hey!, knock it off!" Decoe "Well Bocoe, he asked for it, should we knock it off?" Bocoe: "Yeah!" Sonic: "Oh no you don't!" yelled the blue hedgehog, as he spin dashes on the two vehicles, allowing Sam's car to be free again. Sam: "Thanks." Sonic: "No problem." soon, they reach the desert, where a large robot that looked like sumo wrestler popped out of the sand. Sam: "I'm guessing it's another of Robotnik's robots?" Sonic: "Yep." Sam presses a button and the wings of his rocket car allow it to stop. The sumo robot slams the ground with it's hand, but misses it's targets. Sam speed off behind him. Sam: "Sucker!" The sumo robot sees Sonic, who keeps running. Sumo Man slams his hand onto the ground, but, the action is too slow for Sonic as the hedgehog uses his spin dash to take down the robot. After that, Amy rushes to Sonic, carrying a lunchbox. Amy: "I know you're participating to protect Sam, but, I want to make sure you're able-bodied and well-fed." She gives him the lunchbox, which has pancakes and yogurt. Sonic: "Thanks Amy, you're a real lifesaver." He eats them quick before Sam can speed by. Sam: "Eat my sand, too!" Sonic jumps over the sand, carrying Amy with him. Amy: "Thank you." Sonic: "Right back at you, that meal you gave me really helped!" He dashes off and catches up to Sam's car. Sonic and Sam are racing into the stadium. The crowd cheers, while Sonic's friends and family watch on with anticipation. Sam: "It's rocket time!" He blasts off as Sonic begins moving his feet so fast, they look like the symbol for infinity. He then dashes ahead of the car. Sam: "What the!" Sonic crosses the finish line first and stops a good distance from it before putting Amy down. The crowd roars with cheers. Amy: "Wow!, that was amazing!" Sonic: "Yeah, but I can't use that speed move for too long or my shoes will overheat." that was when Sam came up to the Mobian hedgehogs. Sonic: "Great race, Sam Speed." Sam: "Same to you, Sonic." after that, the president came to congratulate Sonic for winning the race. Meanwhile, at the now trashed Egg fort 2, Bokkun was crying as the kissing robot kissed him after Amy sent him flying. Bokkun: "That robot kissed me!" Decoe: "It could be worse Bokkun, you could have be kissed by Dr Robotnik." Bocoe: "What a revolting thought." Dr Robotnik: "Ugh... unbelievable..." suddenly, his computer detected some type of energy signatures that caught the mad Overlander's attention, who started to have an evil grin on his face.

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