The First Chaos Emerald

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It was morning when a group of constructions workers were building a skyscraper, when one of the workers saw something glowing on the ground, and it made some kind of glow that caused some of the machines to go haywire, causing the workers to get away from the area for the time being. At the Thorndyke mansion, Cream was watching some TV with Tails while having some breakfast. Cream: "It was really nice of you to watch some TV with me." Tails: "Well I had nothing else to do for the moment, and uh... I thought you might like some company..." said Tails while blushing a little, as he secretly had a crush on the rabbit girl next to him. That was when the News came on, and the news reporter named Scarlet Garcia (voiced by Megan Hollingshead) appeared. Scarlet: "This is a report that another mysterious event has happened here since the last two days, it would seem that a mysterious emerald had been found on a construction site and emits some energy that made some of the machines there to go crazy, right now there are some scientists trying to research it and see if they can learn anything about it." Tails: "An emerald?" asked Tails, before Knuckles and Amy came to the scene and gasped by the sight of the emerald on the TV. Knuckles: "That's a Chaos emerald!" Cream: "You mean one of the gems that were inside the Master Emerald?" Amy: "Yeah, it's one of them alright... and if one of them is here... then that means so could the other emeralds." said Amy, before Sonic and Chris came to the scene. Chris: "So does that mean you might have a way to get home after all?" Tails: "I guess..." Sonic: "But something tells me that Eggman will surely go after it, if he hasn't already..." Knuckles: "You might be right... which means we better get it before he does." Chris: "But there are people there, if you get to where the emerald is now, they'll capture you." Amy: "He's got a point... we were lucky to get away the last time." Knuckles: "But if we stay here and do nothing, Robotnik will get the emerald." Sonic: "Don't worry, I'll just use my speed to get it without being noticed." Tails: "Good idea." Chris: "Just be careful..." Sonic: "I'll be fine." said Sonic, before he zooms away from the mansion and off to find the emerald. Cream: "Um... where is the emerald exactly?" Chris: "Oh no!, Sonic ran off before knowing where to find the emerald!" Knuckles: "That idiot!, he acts before he thinks too much!" Amy: "You're the last guy we wanna hear that from." Knuckles: "Huh?, what do you mean by that?" Amy: "Never mind, let's just go after him before he gets into trouble..." Cream: "But we're not as fast as Mr Sonic is." Tails: "She's right about that." Knuckles: "Well I might know a way to travel the city without being spotted." Amy: "Please no..." said Amy, realizing what her brother meant. Meanwhile, back at the construction site, the scientists continued to research the emerald, when Dr Robotnik in his air craft came to the scene, firing some missiles at the area, scaring everyone away. Dr Robotnik: "Ah, now that those Overlander wannabes are out of the way, I shall now take my Chaos emerald." said Robotnik, before a blue blur appeared and bashes into the air craft, and it soon revealed to be Sonic himself. Sonic: "Sorry Eggman, but there's no way I'm letting ya have that." Dr Robotnik: "You again?!" Sonic: "Yup, and that emerald is coming with me." Dr Robotnik: "Oh really?, what makes you think I'll let you have it?" Sonic: "Cause I'll kick your butt if you don't." Dr Robotnik: "The only one who's getting his butt kicked is gonna be you!, for I have my Eagle Bot with me!" said Robotnik, before a large bird like robot came to the scene, ready to attack it's target, which was currently the hedgehog Mobian himself. Sonic: "So you have a robot that looks like a bird?, can't be much of an improvement to the last robot I fought." Dr Robotnik: "Well unlike the last robot, this one not only can fly, but it's fast as well... and not to mention that you're alone this time... Eagle bot, attack!" ordered the mad doctor, before the robot starts shooting lasers from it's eyes, and Sonic had to dodge them quickly. Sonic: "Laser eyes?, okay that's cool, but it still can't catch me." Dr Robotnik: "Maybe not by itself... but when it gets a power up from a Chaos emerald..." said Robotnik, before he pushes a button that takes out a claw that picks up the Chaos emerald and puts it into the Eagle bot, which made the robot glowed for a second and got a big power boost, which made it much faster than before, and hits Sonic on the back, much to the hedgehog's surprise. Sonic: "Ow!, what the?!" Dr Robotnik: "Surprised?, as you can see, the Chaos emeralds alone can give my machines a real power up that can get them reach to their true potential, just imagine what would happen once I get all the emeralds and restore the Master Emerald... I'll be unstoppable!" Sonic: "Oh boy... this can't be good..." Dr Robotnik: "Well maybe not for you... but it's good for me, now time to meet your end!" shouted Dr Robotnik, while Sonic was looking nervous. Suddenly, a sewer lid opens up, revealing Amy, Tails and Knuckles coming out of the sewers. Amy: "Ugh... I hate traveling down there..." Knuckles: "Oh stop complaining, you didn't want to be seen and this is best way I could think of." Tails: "Look!, Sonic's in trouble!" shouted Tails, who sees Sonic facing the eagle like robot that's attacking him. Amy: "Sonic!" Knuckles: "That's one fast bird." Tails: "Hang on Sonic!" shouted Tails, before he flys to the robot, trying to dismantle it. Sonic: "Tails!, the Chaos emerald's inside that thing!, get it out!" Tails: "Got it!" said Tails, before he opens up the cover on the robot's back and removes the Chaos emerald, which got the robot returned to it's normal level of power. Dr Robotnik: "No!, you'll pay for that little fox!" shouted Robotnik, before he pushes a button that fires some missiles from his air craft, which of course were deflected by both Amy and Knuckles with either their hammer or fists, and the missiles were now heading towards Robotnik, who was forced to make a retreat in order to escape the missiles. Dr Robotnik: "I'll be back!, and I will get the Chaos emeralds!, one way or another!" shouted Robotnik, before he retreats from the scene while trying to get away from the missiles. Amy: "Yeah, you better fly away!" Sonic: "Thanks guys, I was in real trouble there for a sec." Knuckles: "Yeah, we noticed." Tails: "So this is a Chaos emerald?" asked Tails, holding the Chaos emerald in his hand. Amy: "Yeah, there's no doubt about it." Knuckles: "Now we just need to find the others and we can restore the Master Emerald." Sonic: "Easier said than done, not only is Eggman after them, but we need to do it without getting caught by the people in this city... speaking of which..." said Sonic, before he and the others see the military coming to the scene. Tails: "Quick!, to the sewers!" Amy: "Oh... not again..." said Amy in dismay, but she went into the sewers with the other Mobians to avoid getting caught by the military. Once the Mobians got back to the Thorndyke mansion, they showed Chris and the grown ups the Chaos emerald. Chris: "So that's a Chaos emerald?" Knuckles: "Yes, and with one down, 6 more to go before we can restore the Master Emerald." Cream: "And then we can go home?" Amy: "Yeah, I believe so, that is if we can get them before Robotnik does." Vanilla: "I doubt he's gonna make the search easy..." Chuck: "Not to mention that the military might show up to catch you all, which is why it's important to try doing your search in secret so you don't attract unwanted attention." Tails: "Well that won't be easy either as Robotnik will no doubt make a scene." Sonic: "Then we just need to get the other emeralds and leave the scene before anyone sees us." Tails: "That could work... I guess..." meanwhile, Robotnik was back in his island base, covered in smoke as it seems, and his two robots, Decoe and Bocoe were surprised to see their creator in such a state. Decoe: "Whoa... Dr Robotnik..." Bocoe: "What happened?" Dr Robotnik: "Don't ask... I lost a Chaos emerald... for now anyway, but the others will show up sooner or later I'm sure... in the meantime... how about we do a show for the people of this world?" said Robotnik with an evil smile on his face.

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