The Egg-moon

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After the incident with Robotnik's space station, Sonic and the others brought Chris back home safe and sound. As for Shadow, even though he helped Robotnik a little bit, Shadow has decided to protect the planet as he knows that's what Maria would have wanted, so the President decided to let him stay with the Thorndyke family like the other Mobians so that he can learn more about the planet from them and protect them from threats like Robotnik. Helen, who is really an alien called a Seedrian named Cosmo, has moved in with the others like Shadow as well, and she was happy to have a home again after a long time of being alone. Chris: "So Helen... I mean Cosmo... uh..." Cosmo: "You can still call me Helen if you like, I don't mind." Chris: "Okay... Helen... I've been wondering... uh... how long have you been on Earth?" Cosmo: "Well... I would say a while, a bit before Sonic and the others showed up here... and I managed to learn a lot of this planet through the plant here... I've been alive for 12 years... and yet I have not encountered plants like the ones here..." Chris: "You're around the same age as me..." Cosmo: "Yup, I'm sure that my planet was full of life like Earth... before it met it's end..." Chris: "You mean... you've never been there?" Cosmo: "No... my mother knew about it... and she was the last Seedrian until I came... and after she passed away through old age, I became the last of the Seedrians... and I've been on my own since then..." said Cosmo sadly, before Chris went over to her and gave her a hug for comfort. Chris: "It's okay Helen... you're not alone anymore... you got me, Sonic, Tails, Cream... everyone." Cosmo: "You're right... thank you Chris... you're a really nice boy..." said Cosmo, before she gives Chris a kiss on the cheek, which of course made him blush a little. Suddenly, the room got dark, much to everyone's confusion. Amy: "Hey, what happened to the lights?" Cream: "I'm scared of the dark..." Cheese: "Chao, Chao..." Vanilla: "It's okay, I'm right here." Knuckles: "It's not just the mansion... look at the sky... it's really dark too." Tails: "But it's morning, the sun should be up now." Sonic: "It is... but it's black now..." said Sonic, pointing at the sun, which was now black for some reason. Chuck: "It would seemed that we have a Solar Eclipse." Cream: "Is that bad?" Ella: "Not really, it's a rare natural event when the moon is at a certain spot in it's orbit that alines it in front of the sun, which causes the area to go dark." Mr Tanaka: "But there was no report of an eclipse happening here..." Shadow: "Not to mention that half of the moon is missing now, thanks to Robotnik." Chris: "Yeah... you're right... but look at it... the moon is whole again... how did that happen?" Sonic: "Wait... look closer..." said Sonic, pointing at the moon, which was somehow half metal. Tails: "The moon... it's half metal..." Cream: "Like... a machine?" Chuck: "But how could that be?, there's no technology that can rebuild the Moon like that..." Sonic: "I have a feeling that Eggman's behind this..." Cosmo: "I think you might be right... that kind of technology is way too advance for it to be of earth..." Tails: "Yeah... that looks like the kind of tech that only an Overlander like Robotnik would have..." Shadow: "You're right... I've seen this before through Professor Gerald Robotnik... Dr Ivo Robotnik's grandfather, he was the one who managed to invent something like this..." Knuckles: "Figures... a fiend that came from a family of fiends..." Shadow: "Hold on!, not everyone of the Robotnik was like Ivo!, I should know, the Professor and Maria were really good people, they took care of me and treated me like family... before the Overlanders took their lives away..." Knuckles: "Oh... I'm truly sorry to hear that... I didn't mean to..." Shadow: "It's alright... I can't really blame you... Ivo wasn't exactly someone I got along with either... even back in the old days..." Sonic: "Hey uh... I don't want to interrupt this moment of memory lane, but can we focus on the fact the moon is blocking the sun from Station Square and Eggman might be the one controlling it?" Shadow: "Yes of course... I wouldn't doubt that Robotnik is controlling it through the power of the Master emerald, as it has to be in order to block the sun's light from here." Sonic: "Then we need to get the Master Emerald back and free the moon from Eggman's control and fast." Shadow: "Well fast is my middle name." Knuckles: "I thought your middle name was The?" said Knuckles, which made Shadow put his hand on his face in annoyance. Shadow: "Is he really this dense?" Sonic: "Well he's not the sharpest Mobian, but he means well." Knuckles: "Um... I'm right here." Sonic: "Yeah, we know." said Sonic, before Chris saw something falling from the sky. Chris: "Watch out!" cried out Chris, before everyone jumped away from the spot that the object crashed landed, which turned out to be a big robot that gets up on it's feet and grabs Chris and puts him inside it. Sonic: "Chris!" shouted Sonic, before a TV monitor rose up from the top of the robot's head and it turns on to show Dr Robotnik's face on it. Dr Robotnik: "Greetings Sonic, as you might have figured out, I have rebuilt the other half of the moon and now have full control over it, allowing me to put the city into total darkness for as long as I want... I'm sure you'll try to stop me again... which is why I sent this robot to capture your human friend... if you want him back unharmed, you must come to me at my base on the moon and surrender yourselves... otherwise I will use the power of the Master Emerald to make the brat cease to exist." said Robotnik, before he lets out an evil laugh and the robot turns on it's jet pack and flies away from the scene with Chris inside, much to everyone's shock and horror. Sonic: "Chris!" Tails: "We gotta save him!" Cosmo: "Oh Chris... not him..." Cream: "This is terrible... that mean Dr Robotnik has Chris..." Vanilla: "Oh dear... the poor little boy..." Ella: "We gotta save him!" Chuck: "I agree." Mr Tanaka: "Yes, it is my duty to protect the Thorndyke family, which means no harm must come to Master Chris." Knuckles: "But he wants us to surrender, and if we do that... we'll be his prisoners and he'll take over the planet..." Amy: "But if we don't go... Chris will be a goner..." Cosmo: "We can't let that happen..." Shadow: "I agree... I have already failed to save a friend long ago... I won't let it happen again." Sonic: "Then let's go and get Chris back." Tails: "Yeah but... what about the Master Emerald?, Robotnik still has it and he'll no doubt use it to destroy us, Chris and the earth if we tried anything..." Sonic: "Yeah... that gem has been causing a lot of trouble whenever it falls into the wrong hands... in that case... there's only one thing to do..." Cosmo: "Hmm... if you're thinking what I think you're planning..." Sonic: "Yeah..." said Sonic while looking down on the ground and crossing his arms. An hour later, somewhere on the metal half of the moon, Chris was held in a cage, and Dr Robotnik was looking at him. Dr Robotnik: "Hmm... you know boy... you remind me of my cousin... Maria Robotnik... you're a boy yes... but one with the same eyes and kind soul as she once had... and it makes me sick!" Chris: "Only because you're a rotten Eggman!" Dr Robotnik: "For the last time!, my name is not Eggman!, it's Robotnik!, Dr Ivo Robotnik!, and I will show this world, no the universe that I am the greatest mind in history!, once Sonic and his friends arrive and surrender themselves to me." Chris: "You really think they would surrender themselves to someone like you?" Dr Robotnik: "They have no choice, for if they don't... you will be history." said Robotnik, which made Chris gulped in fear. That was when the computer alerted Robotnik that the X-Tornado was approaching, and the mad Overlander had an evil smile on his face. Soon, the Mobians came to the room, seeing both Robotnik and the cage that held Chris inside. Sonic: "Okay Eggman, we're here, now let Chris go." Dr Robotnik: "Ah, but remember, you have to surrender to me first, and then I might think about letting the boy go, otherwise I'll use the power of the Master Emerald to destroy him." said Robotnik, before the computer shows an image of what was going on at Station Square, which showed some glowing white egg shaped drones that were giving off some white light that was making the people be put in some kind of trance. Chris: "What's happening down there?" Dr Robotnik: "Simple, the darkness from the eclipse was only half of my plan, the darkness allows my hypnotic glow drones to make their light bright enough to hypnotize the people of Station Square to see me as their great leader in the next 2 hours forever, and that's only the beginning for I shall use the moon to do the rest of the planet, and I'll be much closer on creating my mighty robotic empire!" said Robotnik with an evil laugh, before Decoe, Bocoe and Bokkun came to the scene in a panic. Decoe: "Dr Robotnik!, we have a problem!" Bocoe: "A really big and bad one!" Dr Robotnik: "What is it already?" Bokkun: "The Master Emerald has been stolen!" Dr Robotnik: "What?!" shouted the Overlander in shock, before Shadow came to the scene, with the Master Emerald in his hands. Shadow: "Looking for this?" Dr Robotnik: "You traitor..." Shadow: "I'm not the real traitor here... it's you Ivo... for giving the Robotnik family a bad name... especially Maria!" Dr Robotnik: "I should have known you would try following my cousin's footsteps... no matter, I will rule the earth, Mobius and the universe one way or another!, robots, catch that hedgehog and bring me back the Master Emerald!" Decoe/Bocoe/Bokkun: "Yes Dr Robotnik sir!" said the robot trio, before they try to attack Shadow, only for the black hedgehog to use his speed to dodge the robots with ease. Shadow: "Too slow." Sonic: "Funny, you took the words right out of my mouth." Cosmo: "Now Shadow!, hurry!" Shadow: "Yeah... here goes nothing..." said Shadow, before he closed his eyes and think of a certain thought that made the Master Emerald glow and then lost it's colors and got shattered into many pieces, much to the Overlander's shock and horror. Dr Robotnik: "No!, you fool!, what did you do?!" Shadow: "I had a thought of having the Master Emerald destroying itself so it can never be misused ever again... now you can never create your robotic empire." Dr Robotnik: "Fool!, do you realize this also means that we'll never get back to Mobius again either?!" Sonic: "Yeah... we know that already... but it's better than letting you use it to harm those we care about, especially Chris here!" said Sonic, before he does a spin dash that rams Robotnik in the stomach, and then Cosmo, Tails and Cream went to free Chris from his cage, and Cosmo went to give the boy a big hug. Cosmo: "Oh Chris... I was so worried... are you okay?!" Chris: "Yeah I'm fine... but the Master Emerald... now you're all stuck here..." Cream: "Yeah... but that's okay... as long as we have each other, and to keep that mean Mr Eggman from hurting anyone." Dr Robotnik: "I told you!, my name is not Eggman!, it's Robotnik!, how many times do I have to say that?!" Shadow: "Never!, for you don't deserve to be called a Robotnik after all what you done!" said Shadow, before he does a spin dash of his own to knock down both Decoe and Bocoe, while Sonic does the same with Bokkun. The hedgehogs were looking down at the defeated robots, when Dr Robotnik sneaks up behind the pair, ready to attack them, only for him to get knocked out when Chris bopped him on the head with a ranch he got from Tails. Chris: "I've been wanting to do that for a while now..." Tails: "Good one Chris." Sonic: "Now let's get the moon back to it's normal orbit." said Sonic, before he and Tails find the controls and set the moon to be back to it's original orbit. As the moon moves back to normal orbit, the sun begins to shine on Station Square once more, and the hypnotic glow drones were no longer able to make their light and were forced to retreat, while the people were either puzzled with why the drones left or happy to have the sun back. At the Thorndyke mansion, Chuck, Ella, Mr Tanaka, Vanilla and the Thorndyke couple looked up and the sky. Vanilla: "The sun is shinning again..." Ella: "That could only mean one thing..." Mr Tanaka: "Master Sonic and the others have stopped Dr Robotnik again." Chuck: "And they most likely have saved Chris as well and are on their way back." Nelson: "I had a feeling that they would pull it off." Lindsey: "I just hope our little boy's okay..." Chuck: "Don't worry, I'm sure he's on his way back right now." meanwhile, back on the moon, Sonic and the others were getting on a one of the ships that Robotnik had created, and puts the X-Tornado into it, along with themselves and Dr Robotnik, who along with his robots were locked up in a cage. Sonic: "Okay everyone, time to go home." Chris: "Why are we using this small ship instead of the X-Tornado?" Tails: "Because there's not enough room for everyone to ride on the X-Tornado." Chris: "Oh..." soon, the little ship arrived in Station Square, and once everyone got out, Sonic gives the soldiers of G.U.N. the cage that held Dr Robotnik and his robots, so that they can arrest them for their crimes against Earth and Mobius. Dr Robotnik: "You have not seen the last of me!, I will have my revenge!" shouted Robotnik, as he and his robots were driven away in a prison car away from the scene. Chris: "Oh boy..." Sonic: "Don't worry Chris, if Eggman does show his face again, we'll be ready for him." Tails: "Yeah, we're not scared of him anymore." Knuckles: "Hmm..." Amy: "You okay?" Knuckles: "Yeah... it's just... what are we supposed to do now?, the Master Emerald is gone... along with our tribe..." Amy: "Well that might be true, but we managed to get a new tribe... them." said Amy, pointing at Sonic and the others, which made Knuckles smile. Knuckles: "Yeah... you're right as always..." Amy: "Of course I am." Sonic: "Come on everyone, let's go home... our new home." said Sonic, before he and the others went off to return to the Thorndyke mansion, where the rest of their new family are waiting.

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