Team Sonic vs Dr Robotnik

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Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, there was an island that was really the land piece of Dr Robotnik's fortress, which has been teleported to Earth when the Master emerald got shattered. Now Dr Robotnik was watching a large monitor, which shows images of what his little drones were seeing, and it wasn't long before one of the drones spots a beach, which was the shores of the city of Station Square. Decoe: "Overlanders?, I thought they went extinct." Bocoe: "Me too." Dr Robotnik: "No... they're not Overlanders... but their appearance does look similar... it would seemed that the light of the Master Emerald has teleported us to another world... if that's the case, then I'll just have to built my Robotnik empire here, and with luck... Mobius will be next... and after that... the entire galaxy!" Decoe: "You sure aim big." Bocoe: "Well of course, everything about him is big, like his belly and mustache." Dr Robotnik: "Hey!, I work out... I just tend to eat a lot after a work out... and there's nothing wrong with my mustache!" Decoe: "Whatever you say." Bocoe: "So what now?" Dr Robotnik: "Easy, let this world know that it's new ruler has arrived." said Dr Robotnik, before he pushes a button that released a large robot with arms that can shoot missiles from the fortress, and the mad doctor himself went into his air craft (based on the air craft from the first Sonic live action movie), and flew off to follow the robot, which was heading for the mainland. On the beach of Station Square, the people were enjoying playing in the water or in the sand, until the large robot with missiles, followed by Dr Robotnik came to the scene and starts attacking the area, causing the people to panic and run away. In the Thorndyke mansion, Chris finally finished explaining to Tanaka and Ella about Sonic and the other Mobians. Chris: "Sorry I kept them a secret... I was worried that they'll end up in Area 99 or worse..." Ella: "That's alright Chris, we understand." Tanaka: "You were just trying to protect your friends, Master Chris, nothing wrong with that." Cream: "It's nice to meet you Miss Ella and Mr Tanaka, my name is Cream." Amy: "I'm Amy Rose, and the red echidna is Knuckles, my older brother." Knuckles: "Hey." Tails: "My name is Tails." Sonic: "And I'm Sonic, it's cool to meet ya." Ella: "Well it's nice to meet you all too, and it's good to see that Chris finally has friends." Tails: "What do you mean by that?" Ella: "Well..." before Ella could answer the little fox's question, the TV showed the news about the attack on the beach, and showed an image of a certain man that laughed evilly. Sonic: "It's Eggman!" Knuckles: "That rotten Overlander..." Tails: "Looks like he's making his move..." Chris: "That's him?" Amy: "Yeah... that's him alright." Knuckles: "I got a score to settle with that Overlander!" shouted Knuckles, before he runs off from the mansion and heads off to find Robotnik. Amy: "Knuckles wait!... oh man... he never uses his head as much as he uses his fists..." Chris: "Will he be okay?" Amy: "Well he won't get hurt easily, that much I am sure of... but I'm worried that he'll get outwitted... which is very likely as my brother is more muscle than brain." Ella: "Oh dear..." Sonic: "Then we better go after him." Tails: "Right." said Tails, before he and Sonic, along with Amy, ran off to go after Knuckles, leaving Chris and the other humans behind. Chris: "Oh man... I hope they'll be okay..." Chuck: "Well I'm sure they can handle this Robotnik person... but I got a feeling that the military will get involved..." Ella: "You're right, even if they stop that Robotnik person, the military will surly go after them..." Tanaka: "Then we must find and help them when the moment comes." Chris: "How?" Chuck: "Well... [looking at the plane from Area 99] I have an idea..." said Chuck with a smile on his face, as he begins to tell his plan to Chris and the others. Meanwhile, back at the beach, Dr Robotnik continues to attack the area with his robot, while laughing in an evil way. Dr Robotnik: "That's right people, you will all learn to fear me!, Dr Robotnik of the planet Mobius!, soon to be ruler of the future Robotnik empire!" said Robotnik, before he heard a voice that called out his name, and looked down to see Knuckles, who was glaring at him. Knuckles: "Robotnik!, I have a score to settle with you for tricking me and my sister!" Dr Robotnik: "Well how about that, you managed to figure it out... but no matter, you can't stop me from creating my future Robotnik empire all by yourself." Amy: "Well luckily for him, he's not alone." said Amy, before she, Sonic and Tails came to the scene. Dr Robotnik: "You again..." said Robotnik, glaring at the blue hedgehog, who glared back at him. Sonic: "Yeah it's me, and I'm here to stop you from attacking these innocent people." Tails: "Yeah, you can't just attack people just because you feel like it!" Dr Robotnik: "Oh yes I can, I have an IQ of 300, a mind sharp enough to rule any world, and an army of robots that do my bidding, you don't stand a chance on stopping me." Sonic: "Oh really?, well I guess you forgotten how I beat you from using the Master Emerald." Dr Robotnik: "That was just a temporally set back, the emerald might have gotten shattered, but the Chaos emeralds still exist, and once I get them, I will use them to restore the Master Emerald, which I will use to fulfill my dream of creating my Robotnik empire!" Amy: "As if we would let that happen!" Knuckles: "As guardians of the emeralds, it's our duty to protect them from evil beings like you!" Dr Robotnik: "I like to see you try... Missile arm bot, attack!" ordered Robotnik, before the robot goes off to attack the Mobians. The robot fire a missile or two at Sonic and Tails, but they managed to dodge the attack in time, while Knuckles jumps up to punch the robot on one leg, while Amy uses her hammer to hit the other leg of the robot. Robotnik then pushes a button that fires some missiles from his aircraft to attack the Mobians, but they managed to dodge them in time. Knuckles: "Hey!, two against four isn't fair!... or is it the other way around?" said Knuckles while Amy just face palmed herself. Tails: "Is he always like this?" Amy: "Kid... I can tell you stories..." Sonic: "How about save us those stories until after we stop Eggman?" Amy: "Sure." Knuckles: "Who is this Eggman you speak of?" Amy: "Knuckles, Eggman is the nickname Sonic gave him!" Knuckles: "Huh?, I don't get it..." Dr Robotnik: "Don't call me Eggman!, my name is Dr Robotnik!, now hold still and let me and my Missile arm bot destroy you!" Sonic: "Yeah... that's not gonna happen." Tails: "Yeah!" Amy: "If you think we're gonna let you harm the people here, then you got another thing coming!" Knuckles: "Agreed, you're gonna pay for your crime of stealing the emerald!" Sonic: "Hey guys... I got an idea... let's use our Spin Dash attacks on the robot at the same time together." Knuckles: "Will that work?" Amy: "It's worth a try." Tails: "Let's do it!" so with that, the Mobians charge towards the robot and all did a Spin dash to hit the robot at the same time, which had enough force to destroy it into a million pieces, much to the mad Overlander's dismay. Dr Robotnik: "No!, this can't be!, how could a bunch of inferior Mobians beat my superior robot?!" Sonic: "Guess there's more to us than meets the eye, and you're not as smart as you claimed to be." Dr Robotnik: "Why you little... [noticing something coming to the area] as much as I want to finish you all right now... it would seemed that you got bigger problems... so long!" said Robotnik, before he flew away from the scene, while the Mobians noticing a group of tanks and soldiers coming towards them. Tails: "Uh oh... we got company!" Sonic: "We better get out of here." Amy: "Sonic... we're surrounded!" said Amy, as she noticed that more tanks and soldiers appeared in front of them and on the sides. Knuckles: "If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they're gonna get!" Sonic: "Oh man... this could be a problem..." Tails: "Hey... look up there!" said Tails, before he and the others noticed the plane from Area 99 flying above them, and a mystery pilot was flying it, which was really Chris wearing a pilot outfit to hide his face. Chris: "Sonic!, everyone!, jump on!" called out Chris, before the Mobians jumped onto the wings and the plane flew away from the scene, escaping from the military. Tails: "Wow... that was close..." Sonic: "Hey Chris, you never told me that you could fly a plane." Chris: "Well I'm not really flying it, grandpa was the original builder for this plane and designed it to have a remote control program into it, he's the one who's really flying it, I'm just on the seat to let you know your ride has come." Amy: "Well that we thank you, we were in big trouble back there for a sec." Knuckles: "Eh... we could have handled them... just like how we dealt with that rotten egg... oh... now I get it..." Tails: "Really?, you just figured that out now?" Amy: "Like I said before, he's uses his fists more than his head..." Sonic: "Well at least we took care of Eggman." Tails: "Well... for now at least... but I have a feeling that we have not seen the last of him..." Amy: "You might be right... and if he finds a way to restore the emerald... this planet... Mobius... and the whole galaxy will be in danger..." Knuckles: "Then we need to restore the emerald first and stop him." Sonic: "That's probably the smartest thing you said all day." Knuckles: "Thanks I... hey!" Chris: "Um... how are we gonna do that?" Sonic: "Hmm... good question... but I'm sure we'll figure that out sooner or later..." said Sonic, as he and the others flew off back to the Thorndyke mansion.

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