Launch of the X-Tornado

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It was noon when Amy was learning how to cook some cookies from Ella, who was happy to teach her. Amy: "I really hope Sonic will love these cookies." Ella: "You really like Sonic, don't ya?" Amy: "Well... I only knew him since yesterday... but he's a really nice hedgehog... and cute too." Ella: "How true." meanwhile, Sonic was running on a treadmill that Chuck set up to help the blue Mobian hedgehog burn off some energy without going outside so he doesn't get spotted by other people. Sonic: "This treadmill is great, but I wish to go faster." Chuck: "Just be careful on how fast you run, as I doubt it can handle your full speed." Tails: "You got that right, I've seen how fast he can run, which is like faster than the speed of sound." Sonic: "Yeah, that's how I got my name in the first place." that was when Amy came to the scene with a tray of cookies. Amy: "Hey Sonic, would you like some cookies that Ella help me make?" asked Amy, before Knuckles came to the scene. Knuckles: "Pinky, why are you wasting time on cooking when you should be focusing on finding the Chaos emeralds?" asked Knuckles in annoyance, before Amy had an angry tic mark on her head. Amy: "I'm sorry... did you just call me... pinky?!" asked Amy in anger, which made Knuckles cover his mouth in fear as he realized the mistake he just made, and begins to run away from angry Amy Rose, who swings her hammer at him. Knuckles managed to dodge the hammer, but it hits Tails instead, and the fox was sent flying right into the TV and lands on the ground. Cream: "Tails!, are you okay?!" gasped Cream, running over to Tails, unaware of the TV being in static now. Sonic: "Amy!, what did you hit him for?!" Amy: "Oh my gosh!, I'm so sorry!, I didn't mean to hit him!, it was an accident!" said Amy, trying to explain to Sonic when Vanilla came to the scene. Vanilla: "What happened?" Knuckles: "My sister accidentally hit the fox with her hammer when she lost her temper." Amy: "Well maybe I wouldn't have lost my temper if you didn't call me pinky!, you know how much I hate being called that!" Knuckles: "I forgot, okay?, give me a break." Vanilla: "Oh dear... is Tails okay?" Cream: "He will be... just give me a second..." said Cream, before she puts her hands on the fox's head, and it wasn't long before her hands started to glow white for a second, and once the glow faded, Tails felt a lot better. Tails: "Whoa... what happened?, my head doesn't hurt anymore..." Amy: "Well I did say Cream has healing powers." Cream: "Yes, feel better?" Tails: "Yeah, thanks Cream, [noticing the TV in static] oh no!, I think I broke the TV!" said Tails, before the TV screen showed an image of Dr Robotnik laughing in an evil way. Dr Robotnik: "Greetings Earthlings, this is Dr Robotnik speaking, and I am here to tell you that there is a new show coming on... which will be the only TV show that will be one from now on... The Robotnik Show!, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" Sonic: "Eggman!" shouted Sonic, before Chris came to the scene. Chris: "What's he up to this time?" Knuckles: "Nothing good I'll bet..." Dr Robotnik: "Today's show will be about me taking over every station by using one of my robots to capture every satellite in space, and if you want them back, you must surrender the Chaos Emeralds to me, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" Ella: "He really is a rotten egg..." Sonic: "We gotta stop that robot of his and get those satellites back." Tails: "How?, the robot is in space, and we don't have any way to fly up there." Cream: "Don't we have that air plane?" Tails: "I'm afraid that that plane isn't built for space travel, what we need is some kind of aircraft that can not only travel in the sky but space as well..." Chuck: "Well... there might be a way... I have a lot of parts in my lab that I never used and we can remodel the plane to make it fly in space as well as the sky." Tails: "Great, can you take me there?" Chuck: "Sure, we can build it together." Tails: "I like that, let's go." said Tails, before he and Chuck went to the lab and start working on remodeling the plane. Sonic then noticed that Amy was looking down and felt guilty and sad. Sonic: "Amy?, are you okay?" Amy: "Not really... I didn't mean to hurt Tails... it's just... I tend to lose my cool whenever someone calls my Pinky... it was a mean nickname that the other echidnas used to call me when I was little... they also made fun of me cause I was a hedgehog instead of an echidna like them..." Sonic: "Sorry to hear that... guess your brother calls you that too huh?" Amy: "Well he tends to forget about not calling me that... but he means well..." said Amy, before Knuckles came over to her. Knuckles: "I'm sorry Amy, I didn't mean to upset you, I'm just stressed out that the Chaos emeralds are out on this planet somewhere and noun of us are even looking for them at the moment." Amy: "I know... but we'll find them, after we stop Robotnik from stealing the satellites, so then Cream can watch her show again." Sonic: "First we gotta have a way to get up in space... I just hope it won't take too long..." said Sonic, while tapping his foot as he tries to wait. The Mobian fox and middle aged human have been working on the plane for hours, and when night came, they were still working on it, before Cream came over to the pair. Cream: "Tails, what are you and Mr Chuck still doing up?, it's late." Tails: "We know, but if we stop now, we won't have it ready by tomorrow." Cream: "But you'll be too tired to stop Dr Robotnik from messing with the TV." Chuck: "She has a point... we all need some sleep." Tails: "Well... okay... but we're getting back to work first thing in the morning." said Tails, before he and Chuck, along with Cream, went to bed to get some sleep. When morning came, Tails and Chuck went back to work after breakfast, and it wasn't long before the remodeled plane was completed, and soon the smart pair showed it to everyone. Sonic: "Wow, it sure looks super cool." Tails: "Yeah, I call it... the X-Tornado, catchy huh?" Amy: "Yeah, it has a nice ring to it." Knuckles: "I noticed that there are not many seats..." Tails: "Well we could only make it able to carry four people, but now it can travel in space and has some extra features that can help us battle Robotnik." Cream: "So it can stop the mean Dr Robotnik from taking over the TV?" Tails: "I think so, I just need to put the Chaos emerald into it and..." Knuckles: "The Chaos emerald?" Tails: "Yeah, if Robotnik could get his own machines a power up with one of the Chaos Emeralds, then maybe we could do the same, and it's nature friendly too." Knuckles: "Maybe, but the Chaos emeralds have very chaotic power, which is why they're called Chaos Emeralds to begin with, there's no telling what they'll do if used as a power source for any machine." Tails: "I'll try to think of a different power source for the X-Tornado later, right now we need to get up in space and stop Robotnik and that satellite stealing robot of his." Sonic: "He's right, let's go." Amy: "I'm right behind you." so with that, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy went into the X-Tornado and flew up into the air, flying up towards space, where they see the big robot that was stealing the satellites in the area. Knuckles: "That must be the satellite stealing robot..." Amy: "It's bigger than I thought it would be..." Tails: "Hang on everyone, this might get bumpy..." said Tails, before the robot starts firing a laser that heading for the X-Tornado. Tails: "Sonic, press the blue button!" called Tails, before Sonic pushes the button that he was told to push, as the missiles almost hits the X-Tornado, but the remodeled plan was able to dodge it with it's new quicker speed that was triggered from the button Sonic had pushed. Sonic: "Nice dodge there." Tails: "Thanks, but you were the one who pushed the button to make it dodge the attack, and you haven't seen anything yet." said Tails, before he pushes a button that made the X-Tornado fire a laser of it's own that hits the robot, putting enough damage to open it's mouth, allowing the satellites that it captured to escape. Suddenly, Robotnik's aircraft came to the scene, with Robotnik riding inside it. Robotnik: "I had a feeling you Mobians would show up... but no matter as this is where I end you once and for all!" Sonic: "Eggman!, hey Tails, I hope you got something that can help us now." Tails: "As a matter of fact... I do... X-Tornado, transform!" called out Tails, before he pushes another button, which causes the X-Tornado to transform into a robot, much to everyone else's surprise. Dr Robotnik: "What the?!" Knuckles: "The aircraft can change into a metal warrior?!" Tails: "Yeah, I thought having the X-Tornado the robot feature in case of a battle with large robots or places that we can't fight back by ourselves." Amy: "Tails, you are one amazing little fox." Sonic: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing." said Sonic, before the X-Tornado robot goes to battle Robotnik's aircraft, which continues to fire some missiles at the robot, but the robot managed to avoid every last one of them. Tails: "Knuckles, press the button with the image of a fist." Knuckles: "What for?" Tails: "Just do it!" Knuckles: "Alright." said Knuckles, before he pushes the button that Tails told him to push. With one mean punch that was triggered from the button, the X-Tornado robot sends Robotnik's aircraft, along with Dr Robotnik himself, down to Earth, which of course crashes into the sea. Tails: "Alright!, now to take down that robot." said Tails, before he and the X-Tornado fights the large robot, and in the end, with Tails telling Amy to push the button with an image of a hammer on it, which brings out a large hammer out of the X-Tornado's arm, and swings it to destroy the robot, and the Mobians cheered for their victory. Amy: "Alright!, we did it!" Knuckles: "Well we didn't do anything, it was the X-Tornado warrior that saved the day." Tails: "Yeah, but it was us that made it work in the first place." Sonic: "He's right about that, now let's get back to the mansion." said Sonic, before the team, riding in the X-Tornado, which transformed back into it's jet form, flew back to earth and back to the Thorndyke mansion, where they tell Chris and the grownups what happened in space. Chris: "Wow!, so we got our very own transformer." Tails: "Transformer?" Chris: "Oh uh... they're popular toys that are known to transform into vehicles or animals." Tails: "Really?, I like to see one myself." Sonic: "Me too, say has Cream got her TV show back?" Vanilla: "Of course, my little girl's watching it now." said Vanilla, as she point Sonic at Cream, who was watching her show at the moment. Cream: "Thanks for getting the show back." Sonic: "No problem, always happy to help out a friend." Knuckles: "Hey... where's Amy?" asked Knuckles, before Amy came to the scene, with a tray full of bowls of ice cream. Amy: "Hey everyone, I made some ice cream, want some." Cream: "Oh I love some." Tails: "Me too, especially the kind with mint." Knuckles: "But sis... we should be..." Amy: "Knuckles, we just stopped Robotnik from taking over the TV, we all deserve a little break." Knuckles: "Well... I suppose... um... did you made some ice cream with some grapes?" Amy: "You bet I did, for I know how much you love them." Knuckles: "Indeed I love grapes." said Knuckles, as he and the other Mobians and Chris went to try out the ice cream that Amy made for them.

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