The Parents are home

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Somewhere in the city of station square, there was a couple that were on their way home, and the so called couple were in fact Nelson (voiced by Ted Lewis) and Lindsey (voiced by Veronica Taylor) Thorndyke, Chris' parents. Lindsey: "Are you sure it was wise to trick Chris to think that we weren't coming home this evening?" Nelson: "I wouldn't say that, think of it as a way to surprise Chris when we get home, I hope he's doing okay..." Lindsey: "Me too... he must be feeling a bit lonely while we were away... at least your father is with him, along with Tanaka and Ella." Nelson: "How true." that was when they bumped into a figure that was hiding in a cloak, which was hiding the figure's face. When the figure got up, the hood went off and revealed the figure's face, which surprised the couple a lot. Meanwhile, at the Thorndyke mansion, Sonic and the other Mobians were telling Chris and the others about what happened during their battle against Robotnik. Cream: "Wow!, sounds like I missed a lot... but that's okay as I'm not sure if I could be any help..." Amy: "Don't say that Cream, you would have been a big help to us if we got injured." Tails: "What do you mean?" Amy: "Well you see, Cream here has the ability to heal others as well as herself, which she can do with her tears, her hands or a kiss." said Amy, while Tails blushed a little when the thought of a kiss from Cream came to his mind. Tails: "A... kiss?" Cream: "Yeah, I once did it on a Chao one time." Chris: "Chao?" Cream: "They're little fairy creatures with heads shaped like raindrops, they're like the pets for us Mobians in our world... though I never gotten one, which is a shame as I love Chao and other creatures..." suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, and the Mobians had to go and hide while Chris went to answer it, which revealed his parents. Nelson: "Hi son." Chris: "Dad?!, Mom?!, but I thought you weren't coming." Lindsey: "We only said that to surprise you, sweetie, anyway, how was your day?" Chris: "Uh... eventful..." Tanaka: "Well it's nice to have you back Master and Mistress Thorndyke." Chuck: "Say... who's that with you?" asked Chuck, who noticed the mysterious figure that the Thorndyke couple ran into earlier standing behind the pair. Nelson: "Oh this is Miss V, she's looking for a place to stay for a bit." Lindsey: "And we couldn't leave her out in the cold, so we brought her here." Ella: "Why is she wearing a cloak?, is she trying to hide her face or something?" Nelson: "Um... she had a little accident long ago that left her disfigured a little, and didn't want anyone to see it." Ella: "Oh dear... maybe she could go see a doctor." Lindsey: "Maybe, but we'll worry about that later, she needs a place to rest." said Lindsey, before she and Nelson guide Miss V to the family room, where she sits on a coach to rest and watches some TV. Chris went up to his room, where he finds the Mobians pretending to be stuff animals. Chris: "Oh man... what am I gonna do...?" Knuckles: "What do you mean?" Tails: "Aren't you happy that your parents are home?" Chris: "I am, but what's gonna happen if they discover ya?" Amy: "Oh yeah... you make a good point..." Knuckles: "But we can't just pretend to be toys in front of them forever." Cream: "Are you sure you can't trust them with us?" Chris: "It's not that... it's just... they have important jobs, and if people find out that you're living here with them, they could get in trouble with the government..." Sonic: "Oh I see... that would be a problem..." Chris: "Not only that, there is a stranger in the mansion, someone called Miss V, wearing a cloak to his her face." Amy: "Miss V?, huh... that name sounds familiar somehow... I just can't place it..." Cream: "Me too... I heard that name before... but where?" Tails: "Well it was nice of your parents to let her stay for a bit, I see where you get your kindness from." Chris: "Thanks Tails, but still... I wonder who that lady is..." said Chris, puzzled on who Miss V could really be and all that. Meanwhile downstairs, Nelson and Lindsey were looking concerned. Lindsey: "Nelson... what should we do?" Nelson: "What do you mean?" Lindsey: "Well... I mean about our guest... how will Chris and the others react if they find out what she is...?" Nelson: "Oh I see... I'm not sure really... but we couldn't leave her out there, not to mention that we have to help her find her child." Lindsey: "Yeah... you're right about that... the thought of a child being lost puts me feel uneasy... even if the child isn't human..." Chuck: "What are you two talking about?" asked Chuck, who came up to the couple, who gasped a little in surprise. Nelson: "Oh nothing, we were just talking about what we were doing at work." Chuck: "If you say so..." Lindsey: "So Chuck, can I ask you something?" Chuck: "Sure, what is it?" Lindsey: "Well... why was there an airplane in the garage?" Chuck: "Oh uh... just something I was working on... gotta do something to pass the time after all." Nelson: "I guess... say where's Chris?, dinner's ready and he's not down yet." Chuck: "Oh, I'll get him." Lindsey: "That's okay, I'll get him." said Lindsey, before she went upstairs, while Chuck looked worried as he knew that the Mobians were in the boy's room at the moment. It wasn't long before Lindsey knocked on Chris' door, and opened the door to see Chris with what looked like odd looking stuff animals, which were really the Mobians. Chris: "Oh hi mom." Lindsey: "Hello darling, I came to let you know that dinner is ready." Chris: "Okay." Lindsey: "Say... where did you get these stuff animals?, I never seen them before." Chris: "Oh... I sort of got them from Ella, they keep me company." Lindsey: "Well that's nice of her... say... this one looks like... no... it's probably just my imagination..." Chris: "What do you mean?" Lindsey: "Oh nothing, let's just go downstairs and eat." Chris: "Okay." said Chris, before he and his mother left the room and went down to have dinner, leaving the Mobians alone in the room. Knuckles: "Now what?" Amy: "Guess we'll have to wait until Chris comes back." Sonic: "Oh man... I hate waiting..." Tails: "Yeah... but we can't go downstairs now, not with Chris' parents and the visitor there." Sonic: "That's true... if I didn't run faster than the speed of sound." said Sonic, before he uses his speed to run down stairs, and tries to swipe some food for him and the others, only to bump into the mystery visitor, causing both of them to fall down on the ground, which caught the attention of everyone. Nelson: "What in the world?" Chris: "Uh oh..." Lindsey: "Another alien?" Chuck: "Did you say... another alien?" asked Chuck, before the mystery visitor removed her hoodie, revealing that she was a Mobian rabbit like Cream, but a grown up. Ella: "Oh my goodness..." Tanaka: "I take it this is the reason why she kept her face hidden?" Nelson: "Yes... this is Vanilla the Rabbit, and as you can tell... she's an alien..." said Nelson, before Miss V, or Vanilla the Rabbit (voiced by Rebecca Honig) spoke. Vanilla: "Oh my goodness, are you alright young man?" Sonic: "Yeah I'm fine... hey... you look a lot like Cream..." Vanilla: "Wait... you know my daughter?!" Sonic: "Your daughter?, you mean you're Cream's mother?" Vanilla: "Yes, so you seen Cream?, is she okay?" Sonic: "Yeah, in fact she's here, I can take you to her." Vanilla: "Oh thank you." said Vanilla, before she and Sonic went upstairs. Knuckles: "What took ya so long?" Sonic: "Well... I bumped into the visitor... and well... you won't believe who she is." said Sonic, before he opens the door and shows Vanilla to the Mobians, who were surprised to see her, especially Cream, who was happy to see her. Cream: "Mama!" Vanilla: "My baby!" said the rabbits, before they went to give each other a big hug. Amy: "Of course!, Miss V is the nickname Cream's mom uses sometimes!" Knuckles: "Miss Vanilla... it's good to see you again." Vanilla: "I'm happy to see you too Knuckles, thank you for taking care of Cream." Knuckles: "You're welcome, but it was Sonic and Tails who deserve the credit." Tails: "So you're Cream's mom, it's nice to meet you, my name is Tails." Vanilla: "Well it's nice to meet you Tails, and I thank you and Sonic for helping my little girl." Tails: "Oh it was nothing really..." meanwhile downstairs, Chris was talking to his parents about Sonic and the other Mobians. Chris: "So you see... I had to keep Sonic and the others a secret to keep them safe..." Nelson: "We understand son, you were just protecting your new friends." Lindsey: "And don't worry, your secret's safe with us." Chris: "Thanks... I never thought that the mystery guest be Cream's mom of all people... or the fact you would run into her." Nelson: "We could say the same thing about you and Vanilla's daughter, it's a small world after all..." Lindsey: "Or should we say, it's a small galaxy in this case due to having aliens around." Chris: "Yeah, you can say that again." Tanaka: "Yes, but we have a problem now, in the form of the one called Dr Robotnik." Chris: "Oh yeah, there's another alien out there, and if you seen the news, he was the one who attacked the beach earlier today." Nelson: "Yeah, we saw the news, and at first I thought he was a human due to his appearance." Lindsey: "Vanilla told us how she and her daughter were held prisoner by that awful person before getting ended up here on Earth." Chuck: "Poor thing, first a prisoner to that Robotnik person, and then become a prisoner in Area 99..." Nelson: "She was in Area 99?!" Lindsey: "Oh the poor child..." Chuck: "Poor thing indeed, we must make sure nobody knows that the Mobians are here, especially this Robotnik person." Chris: "Yeah... not to mention the government... they're surly go after them too..." Ella: "They'll have to get through me first." Tanaka: "And me too, it's my duty to protect the Thorndyke family and their friends from harm, which is a duty I am most proud of." Chris: "Thanks everyone." said Chris, feeling happy that his family is willing to protect his new friends from harm.

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