Team Sonic at the beach

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It was a nice day when Chris was packing his swim trunks, for he was going the beach today. Sonic: "So you're going to the beach?" Chris: "Yup, the Emerald Coast resort to be exact, which is where my parents are gonna be for the weekend." Cream: "That sounds like fun... I wish we could go..." Amy: "Yeah, but we can't go there as there will be people there and we can't risk revealing ourselves." Sonic: "Well I'm cool with not going... for a beach means the ocean and... I can't swim..." Amy: "Yeah... same with me... as it's a common fact that Mobian hedgehogs can't swim. Chris: "There are other things to do there than just swimming, like building sandcastles, play some ball, and other things too... and not only that, maybe you guys can come, as it's a private resort for my family, meaning we'll be the only ones there." Tails: "Really?" Chris: "Yeah, I talked to my family and they agreed to let you guys come along as long as you don't make a scene." Knuckles: "What makes you think we'll make a scene?" Chris: "I don't... just make sure you don't try attract unwanted attention." Cream: "Okay." so with that, later in the day, at the Emerald Coast resort, the Thorndyke family and the Mobians arrived and they were amazed on how nice the beach looked. Amy and Cream were in their own swimsuits that Lindsey bought for them, while Vanilla wore a swimsuit of her own that has the same colors of her normal outfit. Most of the Mobians went to the beach right away, and Chris went to the water, while Sonic stayed behind, trying to stay away from the water as much as possible. Nelson: "Not a big fan of the water huh?" Sonic: "It's not that I don't like the water... it's just that I can't swim... I never got the hang of it and all that, not to mention that Mobian hedgehogs like myself and Amy can't swim." Nelson: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something to do here." said Nelson, before he goes over to his wife, who was laying on a lawn chair with Vanilla. The blue Mobian hedgehog sees Tails with Cream, building a sandcastle by the looks of it." Cream: "Wow Tails, this sandcastle is really nice." Tails: "Yeah, and it has a sweet little rabbit princess too." Cream: "You think I'm a princess?" Tails: "Uh... well... what I meant was..." Cream: "That's really sweet of you to say." said Cream, before she kisses the Mobian fox on the nose, which made him gasped in shock while blushing like crazy. Sonic: "Wow Tails, you certainly have a way with the ladies." said Sonic, which made Tails gasped in shock once more. Tails: "Sonic!, how long have you been there?!" Sonic: "Long enough to know you see Cream as a princess for your sandcastle and all that." said Sonic with a smirk, while Tails covered his blushing face with his hands in embarrassment. Tails: "Oh man..." Cream: "Tails?, are you okay?, I didn't mean to upset you or anything." Tails: "No... it's okay... hey Sonic... found anything to do yet?" Sonic: "Nah... just walking around this beach to see what the others are doing." Cream: "I think Amy's on a walk right now, and Knuckles is sleeping in the sand." Sonic: "Don't cha mean on the sand?" Cream: "Well... see for yourself..." said Cream, pointing Sonic at the certain Mobian echidna, who had his body buried under the sand and only his head was out. Sonic: "Uh... Knuckles, what..." Knuckles: "Don't ask... please... and don't go near Amy at the moment... she's in a bad mood..." Sonic: "Why?" Knuckles: "Uh... you know how she hates being called 'Pinky' right?" Sonic: "Yeah... wait... you didn't call her that again, did you?" Knuckles: "It just slipped... and she used her hammer to bury me here... man... I really gotta learn to remember not to call her that..." said Knuckles with a sigh. Meanwhile, Amy was walking on the beach, trying her best to calm down after losing her temper from being called by her nickname again from her brother. Amy: "Man... that idiot of an echidna... he can be a real pain in the neck sometimes..." said Amy, before she hears Nelson and Lindsey talking, and sees Nelson giving his wife some sort of bracelet made of seashells, and an idea came into her head. The pink hedgehog went to pick up some small seashells on the sand and starts making what looked like a seashell bracelet, and goes off to find Sonic. Speaking of the blue hedgehog, he was exploring the beach, when suddenly, a large dragon like robot came out of the sand, and Dr Robotnik, who was riding in his air craft, came to the scene. Dr Robotnik: "Well looky here... it's the annoying hedgehog again." Sonic: "Eggman!, what are you doing here?!" Dr Robotnik: "What?, can't an evil genius have a day at the beach too?, and this one seems like a nice beach for me to take over before I take over the rest of this planet." Sonic: "If you think I'm gonna let you take over this beach, you got another thing coming." Dr Robotnik: "And if you think you can beat me this time, then you're dead wrong, for I know that you Mobian hedgehogs can't swim." said the mad Overlander doctor with an evil grin on his face, which made Sonic gulped in a nervous way as he realized what he meant. The robot then grabs Sonic by the legs and was heading for the water. Suddenly, Amy came to the scene and uses her hammer to bash the robot's arm in order to free Sonic just in the nick of time. Amy: "Sonic!, are you okay?" Sonic: "Yeah, thanks for the save." Amy: "No problem... oh by the way... I made ya something... a good luck charm in a way." said Amy, before she tries to give Sonic the seashell bracelet, only to be caught by the robot and drops the bracelet, which gets stomped on by the robot. Sonic: "Amy!" Dr Robotnik: "If you want her back unharmed, then surrender to me!" called out the evil Overlander, before noticing Amy was glowing red and had fire in her eyes, as she breaks free from the robot and takes out her hammer in rage. Amy: "You rotten bucket of bolts!, you're gonna pay!" shouted Amy, before she jumps up and uses her hammer to smash the robot in pieces, much to Sonic's surprise and Robotnik's dismay and fear. Sonic: "Whoa..." Dr Robotnik: "Oh my... perhaps I better... go..." said Robotnik, before he takes off into the air and leaves the scene, knowing better than to stick around any longer. The robot fell into the water, and Amy fell with it, much to the blue hedgehog's shock. Sonic: "Amy!, hang on, I'm coming!" shouted Sonic, before jumping into the water in hopes to save her, only to realize too late that he couldn't swim either, so he begins to sink to the bottom with Amy. Of course it wasn't the end for either of the Mobian hedgehogs, as Knuckles came to the scene and grabbed them both and saved them just in the nick of time. When Sonic and Amy woke up, they see that the other Mobians and the Thorndyke family were looking at them. Chris: "Sonic, Amy, are you okay?" Sonic: "Uh... I think so... but what happened?, last thing I remember was that Amy and I were sinking to the bottom..." Cream: "Mr Knuckles found you two when ya fell into the water and saved ya both." Amy: "Really?" Knuckles: "Of course, you're my sister after all... but tell me Sonic, why did you jumped in while knowing you couldn't swim?" Sonic: "Well... it kinda slipped my mind when I saw that Amy was in trouble... I couldn't just let her drown after all..." Knuckles: "Well... thanks for trying at least, and Amy... sorry for calling ya... well you know... I just keep forgetting you hate being called that..." Amy: "Yeah... I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have lose my cool like that... and thanks for saving me and Sonic as well." Knuckles: "Sure." said Knuckles, before Vanilla noticed that Amy still looked pretty sad. Vanilla: "Something wrong Amy?, you look sad." Amy: "It's just... I made a seashell bracelet for Sonic earlier... but Robotnik showed up and destroyed it... I was able to get rid of his robot and sent him packing... but my gift for Sonic is ruined..." Sonic: "That's okay Amy, I rather lose the bracelet than losing one of my best friends." Amy: "Really?" Sonic: "Yeah, and you can always make another one too." Amy: "Yeah... that's true..." Cream: "I can help ya make the new one if you like." Amy: "Thanks Cream, that means a lot." so with that, the girls went to work on making a new seashell bracelet for Sonic, and once it was done, they gave it to the blue hedgehog, and Cream managed to make one for Tails too, which he really liked too. When the sun begins to go down, everyone was ready to go back to the mansion, when Cream noticed some rustling in the bushes and went over to investigate. One Cream takes a peak into the bushes, she found something she never thought to encounter on Earth.

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