Dr Robotnik's all-out base attack

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It was going to be a very eventful day in Station Square, perhaps to the whole world, as Scarlett Garcia makes a report. Scarlett: "This is Scarlett Garcia, and Presidential aide and press secretary, Christina Cooper, is going to make a statement before taking questions from the press corps." Christina: "The president has decided to take action to stop Dr Robotnik." Scarlett: "But is it really wise?, after all, Doctor Robotnik does have some very advance and powerful robots." Christina: "That's what makes him a real threat to the world, and after the mad doctor's recent attacks, the President had no choice but to take action... and we will not be doing this alone, for G.U.N. will get aid from the same heroes that defeated Dr Robotnik a few times before." Scarlett: "You mean those aliens?" Christina: "Yes, and I got word that they're on their way here." little do they know was that Dr Robotnik, Decoe, and Bocoe were watching the same report. Dr Robotnik: "Is that so?, well I hope they come up with a disaster management plan, because they're going to need it." meanwhile at the White house, Sonic and the others made it to see the President, Micheal K himself. Sonic: "Hey Mr President, nice to meet ya in person." Micheal K: "Yes, I could say the same thing to you." after that, the group were looking at some map that had Dr Robotnik's island base on it. Micheal K: "Thanks to the info we got from Mr Stewart, we know that the power generators from Robotnik's base are located under the tower." Chris: "You sneaked in Robotnik's base?" Mr Stewart: "What?, someone's got to get the info somehow." Micheal K: "Now let's review our battle strategy." Christina then placing figurines of jets and boats on the map. Christina: "It'll be a two pronged assault from both air and sea." Micheal K: "I see, but what if Robotnik's robots counterattack?" Christina: "These forces are merely a diversion, Robotnik will deploy his robots against this frontal assault, meanwhile, a special forces team will approach the island from the opposite side and sneak into the base from the rear, once they break into the generator room, they'll cut off Robotnik's power supply, they'll be back up by a team from G.U.N." All: "G.U.N.?" Christina: "Short for Guardians of United Nations... as I was saying, they'll be back up by a team of G.U.N., including it's leader Topaz and some other agents." Micheal: "And what about Sonic and the other Mobians?" Sonic: "I think we can make our own entrance, with the X-Tornado and all." Micheal K: "The X-Tornado?" Tails: "It's a special kind of jet that me and Chris' grandpa built." Christina: "You're kidding, right?" Chuck: "Nope, this special little fox boy and I really did build it." this made Tails blushed while rubbing the back of his head. Micheal K: "Alright then, let's get the job done." At a military base, jet pilots scramble to their jets, ready for the big battle. Out on the sea, a fleet of ships is making their way to Robotnik's lair. A small team of G.U.N. troopers with transmission equipment set up in a forest off the coast of Robotnik's island. Inside 's lair, the mad doctor is watching an infomercial on TV about some kind of stain remover. Bocoe "That stuff really works!, that'll really help clean my treads!" Decoe: "Let's call and order some!" suddenly, G.U.N. fires missiles at the building. Bocoe: Ah! Earthquake! Decoe: Take cover!" Dr Robotnik: "It's not an earthquake, you metallic morons!, we're under attack!" Decoe: "Those fighter planes are firing at us!, and there are battleships too!" Dr Robotnik: "Decoe! Bocoe!, prepare a counterattack!" Decoe and Bocoe: "Yes, sir!" said Decoe and Bocoe, before they went to work on the counterattack. Outside the lair, a robot is launched as well as jets to launch missiles at the ships and jets. A few jets are shot down. Meanwhile at the White House, The president uneasily adjusts his tie and clears his throat. At Station Square, the emergency address occurs. Scarlett: "We interrupt our regular broadcast to bring you this live emergency address from the President." Micheal K: "My fellow citizens, today, G.U.N. forces launched an all-out assault against the headquarters of Doctor Robotnik, despite repeated warnings, Dr Robotnik has continued to threaten the peace and well-being of our nation, this conflict is unfortunate, but, we can't allow Dr Robotnik get away after the crimes he committed, such as attacking the city of Station Square with his robots and all that, we must stop him now before it's too late!" Dr Robotnik's forces are still counterattacking. Soon, the X-Tornado came to the scene, with Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Cream & Cheese inside, while Sonic was riding the jet's nose. Sonic: "Alright, let's do this." soon they went to join the battle, while the G.U.N. leader named Topaz (voiced by Kayzie Rogers) was leading a group of G.U.N. soldiers to fight on the ground. One jet opens its missile bay, getting ready to fire. That was when Knuckles took off his seat belt and getting ready to jump off the X-Tornado. Amy: "Knuckles?!, what are you doing?!" Knuckles: "Something crazy, but if this works, it'll put a dent on Eggman's forces." once the jet lunches the missile, Knuckles jumps out of X-Tornado, and rides the missile to the building. When he reaches the lair, he jumps off of the missile and onto the surface of the wall. He then climbs up the wall. Inside, Topaz and the G.U.N. troops have a run-in with Bocoe. Topaz: "Hold it!" Bocoe: "Huh?, who are you guys?" One G.U.N. soldier begins firing his rifle at Bocoe. The bullets simply bounce off Bocoe, who doesn't even take damage. Bocoe: "I get the feeling you guys don't like me." suddenly, Knuckles came to the scene and punched Bocoe in the face, knocking the robot out cold. Topaz: "Nice work." Knuckles: "Just glad that I can help." else where in the battle, Sonic jumped off the X-Tornado before running off to take down some robots. Suddenly, a large robot appeared, with Dr Robotnik riding on the Egg-mobile, which lands on the robot which forms into the head for the robot. Dr Robotnik: "This is where your luck ends Sonic!, today's the day that I, Dr Robotnik, destroy you and your friends once and for all!" meanwhile in the generator room, Topaz and the G.U.N. soldiers have set up the demolition charges and were set to explode in 10 minutes. Topaz: "Let's move out before they set off." meanwhile, the mad doctor used his giant robot to pin Sonic against a wall. He was about to press a button when his phone rang. Dr Robotnik: "Ugh... never fails, I'm about to crush someone with a giant robot and there's someone at the phone!, who is it?" Decoe: "Sorry to bother you, Dr Robotnik, but we have a problem, a group of intruders went into the generator room and placed demolition charges there." Dr Robotnik: "What?!" while the mad doctor was busy on the phone, Sonic finally managed to free himself. Sonic: "Time to trash this tin can!" he then climb the robot and perform a Spin Dash on its chest, seriously damaging it. The Egg-mobile separates just in time while the robot explodes into a million pieces. Topaz: "Alright everyone, let's get out of here before this place gets blown sky-high!" So, everyone runs out of the lair as fast as they can. While the G.U.N. troops made it to their jets and ships, the Mobians make it aboard the X-Tornado just in time. The charges explode, destroying not only the generator room, but, Dr Robotnik's lair entirely. At Station Square, the crowd watching cheers. Sonic: "Yes!, we did it!, Eggman's base is down and out!" Tails: "Though I doubt the same could go for Eggman himself..." said the two-tailed fox, as he notices that Dr Robotnik was no where to be found.

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